The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1247

Cloud shallow moon frown, if not don't want to be separated from Rong Jing day by day and wait for him, she just don't bother to see these old faces here.

Cloud Wang Ye looked at them and nodded slowly, "that's the truth!"

Prince De quickly answered, "so, King Shizi, this matter..."

Rongjing reached out and rubbed his forehead, interrupted Prince De's words, and suddenly sighed, "Prince De, Prince Xiao and all the adults are right, but what should we do? Without her around, I didn't want to do anything. Should Jing resign? Back to the field

Everyone was surprised.

"She is very ill these days, and I am worried day and night. I am always in a state of mind, but my heart is beside her." Rongjing was somewhat powerless to say: "these days, the adults must have seen the king's state, which is really not very good. After thinking about it, I have to break the rules and take her with me

People have a look at the situation of Rongjing in these days. No one dares to offend King Shizi these days. Even the Regent avoids touching King Shizi. Although he came to the Council hall yesterday, he seemed to be in a good mood, but his mind was not in his mind. It was very obvious that he asked what was the matter after talking to him three times. For a moment, all kinds of voices of opposition were silenced.

"In my opinion, there's nothing wrong with it. As Jing Shizi just said, miss Qianyue opened the mountain to drink water five years ago to relieve the drought in Northern Xinjiang, and solved the disaster of Northern Xinjiang five years ago by means of planning. Terraced fields, irrigation and development have turned tens of thousands of hectares of barren land into rich soil. This is a great talent. The country has a talent, tens of thousands of soldiers. Although there is no precedent for women to enter the Council hall since the founding of Tiansheng Dynasty, many things have set a precedent, which is not bad. What's more, Jing Shizi also said that she didn't come to participate in politics, she was just a companion. " Leng Shao Zhuo opened his mouth slowly in a calm voice.

Another person immediately said, "although miss Qianyue came with Jing Shizi, she was not regulated. However, Jing Shizi was isolated from the ministers in the room of warm Pavilion when she was dealing with her official business, which did not have a great influence on the ministers. So it can be. "

Several young courtiers also said that they were in good condition.

For a moment, the voice of approval overtook the voice of opposition.

Prince de and Prince Xiao took a look at it. Although they were dissatisfied, King Shizi threatened to resign and they did not dare to speak again. After all, the world is not peaceful now. Although the Regent oversees the Kingdom, most of the affairs are handled by King Shizi. Moreover, Jing Shizi was highly praised by the world, and his reputation led the people's mood. There is even a popular saying that as long as "King's son is here, heaven can be safe." The reason why the people did not have too much panic about the death of the former Emperor was that Rongjing was in charge of the imperial court. If he really resigns to retire, it will be troublesome.

After considering the pros and cons, several old ministers no longer opposed it, and almost no one spoke up again.

"Go to court!" The voice of night Tianyi suddenly came from the door, some faint.

All of them were startled. They all looked at the door. They found that the Regent was standing at the door. He had no expression on his face. After saying a word, he turned and walked out.

People looked at Rong Jing and cloud shallow moon one eye, hurriedly followed the tail to go out.

When night Tianyi came, Yun Qianyue naturally knew that now he did not comment on this matter, which should be regarded as tacit. She looked at Rongjing. Today, the most worrying thing is Ye Tianyi. She doesn't give up and let the scenery disappear day by day. But I'm afraid that night Tianyi will be in trouble. Have you figured it out now to see him like this?

"I can't think of it. The men of Yeshi are persistent. However, if you know that there are times when you can't help something, you won't do useless work any more. " "The warm Pavilion in the west is mine. You can wait for me inside and come back to me later."

"Well!" The moon nods.

Rong Jing flicked the brocade robe lightly, turned and walked out.

All of them left in an instant, and there was no one in the conference hall except a few eunuchs.

Yunqianyue glances at the conference hall. The hall is divided into two warm pavilions. Since the West warm Pavilion is for the scenery, then the East warm Pavilion should be the night nature leisure, one west and one east, separated by a screen. Although she is here, if she doesn't get out of the xinuang Pavilion, she should not see the night Tianyi, so she immediately breathes a sigh of relief. Turn around and enter the West warm Pavilion.

The room of xinuang Pavilion is bright. There is a soft couch, a jade case, a row of clothes hangers, on which are placed files, memorials, documents and ancient books. There is a window in front of the window where a basin of Magnolia is placed.

Yunqianyue came to the window and looked out, aiming at the direction of royal garden. These days, there is no snow any more. The snow in the earlier days has already melted. The flowers in the imperial garden are withered. The rockery stone pavilions are clear and cold. Occasionally, there are three or two palace maids and eunuchs in a hurry. Everywhere shows not only the cold winter, but also the quiet atmosphere of the palace. She remembered that in addition to the queen and princess, there were no concubines and women in the palace, who were sent out of the palace by night Tianyi. This is where the palace is now quiet.

Taking back her sight, she looks down at the basin of Magnolia in front of her. She doesn't know that Rongjing likes Magnolia besides Zizhu forest. This pot of Magnolia is also about to bloom, with a faint fragrance of Magnolia.

Standing still for a moment, yunqianyue turned back to sit on the soft couch and picked up a book to read.

The small eunuchs on duty outside were silent, and the whole Council hall was silent.After about an hour, they heard the faint footsteps coming to the conference hall. After a while, they came back to the conference hall. Yetianyi seemed to have explained something to Prince De, and Rongjing walked in slowly.

Yun Qianyue raised her head from the book and looked at him.

With a gentle smile, Rongjing came to her, sat beside her, hugged her, and whispered to her, "today's morning's deliberation goes to congratulate the jade crown prince on his accession to the throne. We'll see who will go."

Cloud shallow month picked pick pick eyebrow, "who to discuss finally? It's not you, is it

"Of course I can't walk away." "The Regent suggested you."

Cloud shallow moon frowns, "how could he propose me? Is there a woman on a mission to another country? "

Rong Jing said with a smile: "women can enter the conference hall. It's nothing strange to send envoys to other countries."

Cloud shallow moon narrowed her eyes, thinking about what idea night Tianyi made? Is it because she and Rong Jing came here today and wanted to take this to support her? Is that simple? She frowned and asked, "what happened later?"

"I gave up on the ground that you were not well. Uncle Yun and his important officials also felt that it was not appropriate. The Regent did not insist on it. Instead, he took the fact that the accession of Prince Rui of Nanliang to the throne was an important matter. After all, he was the first affiliated state of Tiansheng. He had to pay attention to it when someone with a decent status went there. Finally, he was selected as uncle Yun. " Rong Jing Wen Sheng Dao.

Cloud shallow moon looks at Rong Jing, "already settled?"

"Well, it's settled. Uncle Yun will leave for Nanliang tomorrow. " Rong Jing said in a low voice: "he didn't mean to be in you. You are just a cover. He intended to send an envoy to Uncle Yun Wang. I refuted him once and left you, so I couldn't refute him a second time and stop uncle Yun. He is the king of the Ministry of rites, and his mission is not out of the box. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!