The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1240

Night light warm words have not finished, night light dye flies out from the sleeve, a handkerchief blocked her mouth, cold face looking at her, angry forehead smoke, "just how don't let his hidden guard kill you."

Then he turned and strode to his carriage.

Yeqingnuan immediately took off her handkerchief and left the pavilion in a hurry. Her lightness skill was not fast and she didn't arrive slowly. She came to the carriage of night light dye. She just wanted to get on the bus. She hugged her and said, "good brother, I'm wrong. How could I know that brother Jing is so mean and blackmail you with me..."

"Get out of here Night light dye angrily shakes off the night light warm.

"Brother, I'm really wrong. Although I helped brother Jing in a muddle headed way, I also helped you. I know that elder sister Yun likes is elder brother Jing, so it's useless for you to be nice to sister Yun..." The night is warm and soft.

"You say it!" Night light dye stares at her.

Night Qingnuan shrunk his neck, just like a little rabbit, holding night light dye alive and dead. "Elder brother, I asked you to give me that cloak yesterday. You had to give it to me. Now, it's all right, brother Jing has destroyed it..."

"Shut up Night light dye looks at originally intact Cape scattered a ground purple fluff, the face turns blue.

"Brother, brother Jing, just now you are very powerful." The night light warm also saw that ground purple fluff, the tear stained small face is full of admiration, "I have never seen a man lose his temper so..."

"You want to die, don't you?" Night light dye Yin, measure the ground spit out a word.

The night was light and warm, and she immediately shut down. Her small body trembled and her neck shrank. In a moment, her eyes turned and suddenly said, "elder brother, I just saw that elder brother Jing was so angry. How terrible! Do you think sister Yun would have suffered from him?"

The night light dye urges the true spirit to open the night light warm hand, the iron green face does not say a word ground to get on the car.

Night light warm body back two steps, immediately forward, rabbit like to follow into the car.

"Get out of here! I don't have a sister like you Night light dye drinks.

"Good brother, it's very kind of you. Although I was blackened by elder brother Jing today, I feel shameless, but at the same time, I know that my brother loves me and I'm happy. Since sister Yun doesn't want those two jars of Qinggui wine, I'll give you those two jars of Qinggui wine after I go back to the mansion, OK?" The night is light and warm, holding the night light dye.

Night light dye pushes away night light warm, gloomy ground orders, "return to the mansion!"

The carriage of Prince Deqin's house immediately started.

Night light warm Octopus like lying on the night light dye body, curious way: "brother, you say cloud sister will suffer?"

Night light dye no longer pay attention to her.

When the carriage was far away, the people in the pavilion at the middle of the mountain could no longer hear their voices. For a time, their minds were different and their faces were worried.

Cang Pavilion broke the silence, laughing deep, "today is really interesting!"

The sixth princess is still immersed in the freezing cold that is allowed to take a sharp look at it. She can't calm down. Her face turns white and she doesn't answer.

Shen Zhao looked at the direction of the two carriages leaving, but did not speak.

When the four left, they felt that the place was a bit empty. In vain, they all lost interest in appreciating Mei, and they said they would leave. Soon, the lively poetry appreciation meeting also ended. Yunqianyue is dragged into the carriage by Rongjing. Seeing that he has thrown the sable cloak sent by night light dye out of the car and destroyed it, she is immediately furious. However, her anger is just on the face of the table. Rongjing pulls her into her arms. Then the sky turns around and presses her on the horse, followed by a storm of kisses.

Yunqianyue reached out to beat him, but he caught his wrist and kicked him with his foot. However, he pressed his foot. She bit her open mouth, but he avoided it. Then she kissed her fiercely. She glared at him. In addition to his martial arts being higher than her, the strength of men and women also saw the difference at this moment. Her eyes were red with anger.

Rong Jing seemed unwilling to look at her eyes and reached out to cover her. Her lips and teeth whirled back and forth between her lips and teeth, as if to devour her. Cloud shallow moon think of these days of grievances, finally can't stand the tears surging out.

Rongjing's hand felt a strong sense of dampness, and his body was stiff. His lips left her lips and looked down at her.

Seeing that he didn't move any more, yunxiaoyue opened her hand, pushed him aside, got up and sat up, threw the stove beside him, and said angrily, "Rongjing, you are good at it, aren't you? You are so powerful today! Don't you want to see me? Didn't you leave me alone? If you have the ability, don't worry about it all your life. What's the matter with you coming here and holding me

The stove hit Rong Jing's body, he didn't hide or not, he really suffered, slightly pursed his lips and looked at the cloud shallow moon.

"I was so cheap that I went all the way to help Ye Qian in southern Xinjiang. I used my spiritual strength to save this and that. I ran back to see you day and night. I was tired and tired not only of my horse, but also of myself. I'm a bitch. You don't like me being mean, right? If we don't like it, we'll go our separate ways. I won't be mean to you. This time I've got a memory boost! You love to fight with Ye Tianyi. It has nothing to do with me. I'm just a woman. How can I manage all these things in the world? I think I'm a saint, and I can save everyone. Can I walk far away from you, out of sight and out of mind? " Cloud shallow moon roars out a word, a pick drive curtain, want to get off.Rongjing reached out and took her hand and clasped it.

"What do you want? Will you make me your slave? I'm a man, not your pet. You let me go east. I dare not go west. You let me go west. I dare not go east. Don't dare to laugh at others, dare not have friendship with others, and be careful to be governed by you when you go out. Are you not satisfied with your anger? What can I do to satisfy you? " Yun Xiaoyue waves to hit his hand.

Rongjing is still.

"Do you want me to set your hand on fire to make you happy?" Cloud shallow moon stares at him dead.

"If you burn my hand, you can relieve your breath, just burn it!" Rong Jing's earlier coldness and anger disappeared, some helplessly whispered.

Yunqianyue looked at his appearance, but was not angry. She gathered a group of spiritual power in the palm of her hand. The ice blue flame like a lotus flower wrapped Rongjing from inside to outside, holding her hand.

Rong Jing looks at him quietly, but the strength in his hand is tight, not loose at all.

Yunqianyue flicked his hand out with his spiritual force, but she couldn't move it. Her face was cold. If she really burned his hand, she couldn't burn it. She was so angry that her eyes were red again. Suddenly, another hand that was not clamped by him broke down on her wrist.

Rong Jing's face changed and stopped her hand.

"Will you let go? Or force me to break my muscles? " Cloud shallow moon hair, ruthlessly looking at the scene. , the fastest update of the webnovel!