The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1239

Their eyes met, and the moment was still.

At this moment, Rong Jing seems to be unable to see others in his eyes. He only looks at the cloud and the moon gently.

Yunqianyue's eyes are still warm and quiet, and there is no emotional change in a pale and weak face. A moment later, she quietly moved away from her eyes and said to the night, "two jars of green cinnamon wine can't buy me off."

The night is light and warm.

"I'm tired, you play, I'll go back to the house first!" Cloud shallow moon ignores the night light warm startled small face, rises to stand up.

"I knew you were tired. Let's go and send you back!" Night light dye also follows to stand up.

Cloud shallow moon nodded and walked out of the pavilion. The breeze was blowing, and her dress brushed the crescent white robe of Rongjing without stopping.

Night light dye immediately followed up.

The night is light and warm lenglengleng to see cloud shallow moon and night light dye two people leave, some reaction can not come over, in a moment, she turned to look at Rong Jing, Rong Jing slightly lowered her head, looked at the water bag on the table top in front of her, could not see what she thought. She opened her mouth and made no noise.

"I'll tell you that Miss Xiaoyue seems to be empathetic. Don't fall in love with him. It's true!" The sixth Princess snorted coldly.

They were all in the same mood for what she said.

Rong Jing suddenly raised his head and took a sharp look at the six princesses.

The six Princesses' body trembled, only felt the whole body suddenly cold, never thought that such a gentle jade person would have such sharp and sharp eyes, and her words of instigation and instigation were immediately frozen clean.

Rongjing just looked at the sixth princess, then withdrew his sight, took the water bag and stood up. Everyone felt a flash of white light and shadow in front of them, and others had disappeared in the same place.

The night is light and warm again.

All of them were surprised. When they looked again, they saw that Rongjing was already in front of yunxiaoyue. They reached out and clasped her hand and took her to his carriage.

"Rongjing, what do you do?" Night light dye angrily drinks.

Rong Jing stopped his pace, and his eyes were warm and cool at night. He said, "dye little prince, I should ask you, what are you doing?"

"I'll take the little girl out to relax, lest she suffocate in the shallow moon Pavilion." Night light dye way, "now that she is distracted, naturally want to send him back. Since you left her in the shallow moon Pavilion on May 6th, what are you doing now

"Who said I didn't care about her?" Rong Jing picked eyebrows and narrowed his eyes, "even if I don't care about her, I can't turn anyone else to ask her."

Night light dye suddenly sneers, "what are you on? You are Rongjing

"Just because I like her, she likes me. Dye little prince, is that enough? If it's not enough, I can tell you again. We have been in love for ten years, she started the Phoenix robbery for me, and I won't let others get close to her. I told her that this is the only wife in my life, not a wife. She told me that one is the most important and the world is the least. No matter how much we torture each other now, we can't allow others to interfere in our feelings The tone of Rongjing is cold.

Night light dye lost words for a while.

Rongjing no longer watched the night light dye, but pulled Yun Qianyue away. He changed his pace, which was as gentle and elegant as before. At this time, he came to his carriage within a moment. Xiange immediately lifted the curtain of the car. He got on the car first, and then pulled Yun Qianyue on the bus.

Yunqianyue stands in front of the car and looks at Rongjing quietly.

"Come up!" Let Jing cold face looking at the cloud shallow moon.

"Why do you say yes?" Cloud shallow moon body does not move, from his hand to withdraw hand.

Rong Jing's hands were tight, motionless, squinting eyes, cold face looking at her, "you want to take his car back?"

"I won't take your car when I walk back." Cloud shallow moon urges the power to shake off his hand.

However, Rongjing first restrained her skill and lifted her wrist suddenly. Yun Xiaoyue was pulled into the car by him. Before the curtain fell, a cloud of purple flew out of the carriage and turned into purple flowers all over the sky. It was the sable cloak of the cloud and the moon.

"Rongjing, what do you do?" From the car came the roar of cloud and moon.

If you don't answer the words of cloud shallow moon, the voice of ice cold rings out, "night light dye, if you dare not put away your mind again, you are like this cloak!" The words fall, he orders string song, "drive a car!"

String song was startled, quickly waved the whip, and the carriage started.

Night light dye looks at the sable Cape to smash, he is furious, "Rong Jing!" After that, I will stop Rong Jing's carriage.

A group of black fog floated and fell, the green shadow stopped in front of the night light dye, voice cold wood, "dye little prince, please stay!"

"Get out of here Night light dye waves a hand to the green shadow.

Green shadow dodges, sees night light dye and splits a palm, he looks at the arbor not to be sick to remind a way: "the light month Miss likes is my family son, you don't want today small princess injured words, don't hand."

The night light dye palm wind can stop, turned to look at the mid mountain Pavilion, saw a black clothes hidden guard is using the sword to prop up the night light warm neck, as if if only he hands again, the sword will not hesitate to cut off the night light warm neck, his face gloomy turn back, looking at the scene of the carriage away."Only if you can understand it! I hope that this will not happen again. Except for Miss shallow moon, my son of the world can handle any woman in the world. " Green shadow left a word, the figure disappeared in situ.

The hidden guard with a warm neck at night also withdrew his sword and disappeared in an instant.

Night light dye the fist in the sleeve clenchs tightly, the blue muscle of forehead jumps, the vision is dead to see that carriage leaves.

All the people in the pavilion looked at this scene in horror. For the first time, they saw the hardness and coldness of Jing Shizi's gentle jade appearance. No one had ever seen such a scene, or even thought about it. Almost all of them were shocked. For a while, they were shocked and frightened, but they couldn't come back to God for a long time.

The night was light and warm, and suddenly a cry broke the silence.

"Why cry? Didn't you learn kung fu for a few years? Why is it so useless? " Night light dye turns back to drink the night light warm angrily. If it was not for her today, he would not easily let Rongjing take away the cloud and the moon.

"How can my skilful Kung Fu match brother Jing's Secret guard?" Night light warm cry way: "I said how the king brother let me today with him, originally is to use me to exchange for cloud elder sister."

When they heard the words, they suddenly fell into a daze.

"No brains! Are you bewildered by her words? " Night light dye is full of anger to see the night light warm.

"Where? Although I like brother Jing, it's not like men and women. I come to see good plays. I hear that they are fighting. I want to see how brother Jing and sister Yun make up. It turns out that Well... " , the fastest update of the webnovel!