The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1241

Rong Jing's face was a little white, tightly pursed his lips, and after a moment, his hands slowly relaxed.

Yunqianyue withdraws her hand and turns to get off.

Rongjing suddenly put out his hand and hugged her waist. She was imprisoned in her arms and whispered: "yunqianyue, you go to Nanjiang, Nanliang. I've been worried about you and I haven't slept all night."

Cloud shallow moon just want to be angry again open him, smell speech action a meal.

"I can be angry if you use your spiritual power to provoke Shen Zhao and Gu Shaoqing. But do you know what it's like to see you faint in front of me when I open the gate? The horse froth to death, and you are unconscious... "

Cloud light moon anger suddenly frozen.

"I don't want to surround you. I don't have pets. If I do, you can't go to Nanjiang and Nanliang. If it's a woman in front of me, you should not look for a woman in front of me Rongjing said in a low voice: "you have said clearly that you should cherish yourself and come back intact. But what about you? Why are you so disobedient? I know you want to see me and treat me well, but do you know that it hurts me most? "

Cloud shallow moon hangs down head, palm curls up.

"I'm so angry that I don't care about you. Let me watch you in front of the bed and watch you in a daze, high fever, pale and weak. I'm afraid that even touching a finger will never wake up again. I can't do it. My heart will hurt to death Rong Jing's voice was very low. It seemed that he was talking to the cloud and the moon. He seemed to murmur to himself, "can you feel that feeling?"

Cloud shallow moon purses lip petal, silent.

"Three days later, I heard you wake up and I went to see you. I wanted to hold you in my arms, but I saw you lying on the bed thin and thin, but your hands couldn't reach out." Rong Jing suddenly closed his eyes, "cloud shallow moon, if I am wrong, I love you too much. Do you really want to ignore me because I love you so much? "

Cloud shallow moon suddenly let go of strength, anger, anger, grievances.

"I'm angry with you. You've been angry with me. Now I've let others see it for nothing." Rongjing pulled yunqianyue's body and looked at her. She lowered her head and gently kissed her lips, and then kissed her eyes. Low and gentle, she said, "shall we stop fighting? You are angry with me, I am angry with you. Today, you and I are all attacked. It's fair, OK

Cloud shallow month raises some red Mou son to stare at him one eye, some unwilling, "I don't want to and you so calculate."

Rong Jing's eyes flashed, holding her and whispering, "what do you want?"

"I'm still angry!" Cloud shallow moon strained face way.

Rong Jing held her body tight, and asked in a low voice like coax a child, "then how can you not be angry?"

"Why did you destroy the sable cloak that night dyed to me?" The cloud is shallow and the moon is cold.

"I will accompany you." Rongjing immediately said.

"I like that one!" Yun Xiaoyue deliberately refused to step down for him.

Rongjing looked at her, tone more gentle, gently coax, "you put on other men's cloak, that is deliberately to make me unhappy. You think, who is he night light dye? How about playing a sable Cape to let the whole capital know? If he wants to keep it from being known, there are many ways he can do it. But now everyone knows, what kind of kindness do you think he is? "

"I'm stupid. I don't know what kind-hearted he is. Tell me." The cloud and the moon glanced at him.

"He just wanted to take advantage of it and use rumors to break us up." Rong Jing cold eyes, "I destroyed that cloak is light."

Yun Xiaoyue snorted, "yes, Mr. Rong, how capable you are to destroy your cloak and threaten your sister. You can do such a thing. Thanks to the little girl, you are also called by brother Jing. "

Rong Jing suddenly chuckled and looked down at Yun Qianyue. "I will spare no effort to prevent others from robbing my own people. No one can do it. Don't say she calls brother Jing or brother pro."

Cloud shallow month beat him with arm, hate hate way: "I am angry, a cape does not work."

"A dish of fried fish with hibiscus." Price increase.

"It doesn't work." Cloud shallow moon shakes her head with a straight face.

Rong Jing seems to be puzzled to think for a while, the voice is low and soft, with some warm meaning, "how about giving myself to you?"

"Not rare!" Cloud shallow moon body crisp numb for a while, push her away.

Rong Jing hugged her and put her whole body in his arms. He sighed softly, "cloud shallow moon, you have lived for two lives, right? Why do you torture people so much? "

Cloud shallow moon can't help rolling a white eye, who said that the emotional intelligence of people who have lived for two lives is high?

"Yu Zishu said that you are calm, restrained, decisive, not muddled, do not do things without principles, do not let people have opportunities, do not let people take advantage of the opportunity, wise and resourceful, this is the case with things, and the same with feelings, which is the most reassuring..." Rong Jing looked down at her and said, "but how can I find that you are most worrying?"Cloud shallow moon flat mouth, unwilling to say: "people can not live the same way, the things of the previous generation have been dust. Now I'm living my life. In my last life, I was an orphan. I had no family, no garden, no family. In this life, I had a family and relatives. In my last life, Xiao Qi contained me everywhere. The person I met in this life was you. I was not allowed to let me. In my last life, I firmly believe in justice, for the people and for the country. In this life, the Heavenly Emperor disappoints me. Where can I have the belief of justice? "

"So it is!" Rong Jing nodded in a serious way, "then I'll try my best to accept your worry!"

"I'm so sorry, Mr. Rong, how noble you are and how high-profile you are to be angry. How can I afford it? You don't have to be too hard. " Cloud shallow moon will come out from Rong Jing Huai.

Rong Jing chuckled and hugged her tightly, "I said wrong. I was not trying to be hard, but I was willing to. You can afford it. "

Cloud light moon snorted.

"I'll be angry? These days, I really suffer. I don't want to torture any more. Uncle yuan and aunt Qing said that I should punish you. Unfortunately, in the end, I found that I punished myself. They will not be cheated by them in the future. They must not be kind-hearted. " The scenery is a little gloomy.

Cloud shallow month remembers that day her father and mother's words, and listen to this person's words, half of the reason for the love affair also comes from those two people's body. She was grinding her teeth.

Rong Jing looked at her, lips showed a warm smile, lowered his head, gently contained her lips.

Cloud shallow moon push two times, be hugged by him, no longer resist. Emotional things, such as drinking water, people know how cold and warm they are. She blames Rongjing for her stupidity for three days and nights, and Rongjing blames her for not caring about her body and returning to see him in a daze. Who is right and wrong in this matter, and where can we distinguish? Both of them love each other so much that they have something they can't bear. Only if it is a lesson, learn from it next time. As for today Just make up! She has missed him so much, what else?

Without the previous storm, this kiss is tender and tender, and the scene seems to pour out the strong feelings suppressed in these days.

He can only rely on the soft breath of the moon. His mind, which had just recovered from his serious illness, was more and more weak.

The temperature in the car is rising.

For a long time, Rongjing let her go, reached out and touched the face of the cloud and the moon dyed with red clouds, and gasped in a low breath: "I said that the ice heart is like a jade lake, and the rouge color is sprinkled in the nine days. It turned out to be wrong. It's supposed to be a pretty face with ice flesh and jade bones, and a snowy complexion and flowery appearance and rouge. "

Yunqianyue's face was even redder, and her dense eyes raised a touch of shame and anger. She gasped and couldn't beat him, "are you talented enough to do this kind of children's love poetry? Are you ashamed? "

"No shame!" Rong Jing shook his head, and her eyes broke the tender ice and snow, "my greatest ambition is you. If you use the poems you have learned, you will not be able to bury them. "

"If you hear this, Shen Zhaoyun will not only regret to see you, but also be angry with him."

Rong Jing laughed, "the ancestors of the Rong Palace should be proud of the descendants like me. As for Shen Zhao, he sees me day by day these days. I'm haggard for you. I can't eat and sleep well. If the regret is also early regret, the words of Chang Zi Qing are also early green. Now people are still living in Lord Rong's residence, and I guess I've got used to it after today's events. "

Cloud shallow month rolled a white eye, reached out to push him, "roll down, sink dead."

Rongjing pecked at her lips again, turned over and lay down beside her, reaching out to clasp her hand. You are a woman with some conscience. You didn't betray me for two jars of green cinnamon wine

Cloud shallow moon hummed.

Rongjing's hand clasped with her fingers, closed her eyes and stopped talking.

Yunqianyue listens to the sound of wheels pressing on the ground and the regular rhythm of horse's hooves. Her anger and grievances have disappeared and her mood is brisk. In a low voice: "Shangxie! I want to know you well. I will live a long life. There are no Mausoleums in the mountains, the rivers are exhausted, the thunder and shock in winter, the rain and snow in summer, and the heaven and earth are united Words down, she gently sighed, his taste between the lips and teeth is still not scattered, let her soft down, "what poem can more appreciate me to you than this poem."

Rong Jing held her in his arms, closed his eyes and did not open his eyes. His voice was soft and spoiled, "heaven and earth are united, but dare to break away from you. From now on, I will take your heart and never let it cry again

Cloud shallow moon suddenly smile, "had better remember your words."

Rong Jing gently and heavily "um" a sound, the voice between the lips and teeth is like Wanjun.

As the carriage went on, the song almost fell out of my voice, and my heart was relieved again. , the fastest update of the webnovel!