The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1238

Cloud shallow moon low eyebrow eye, cannot see her mood.

"What about me! You just explained sister Yun, and you also explained me. " The night is light and warm, looking at Rongjing.

Rong Jing smiles and shakes his head, "I can only solve her, others can not."

The night is light and warm, slightly hum a, "king elder brother likes cloud elder sister, just so eccentric. It's not that you can't explain me, but you don't want to explain it. "

"Well, I only like her." Rong Jing nodded and confessed.

"We all know that you like sister Yun!" Night Qingnuan moved his buttocks, stretched his voice, turned to the low eyebrow to gather the cloud and the moon, and said curiously: "sister cloud, I heard about you and brother Jing in warm city! How did you get him? Warm city people talk about you every day after dinner. I've heard it not eight hundred times, but a thousand times. "

Yun Qianyue raised her head, her eyes were light, and she could not see any joy or other emotions. She laughed faintly and avoided answering. She asked, "Mr. Shen's poem is finished. It's time for the next one."

"No, no, how can you just muddle through?" The night is light and warm, holding the arm of yunqianyue, "since you can't say this, you should write a poem to brother Jing instead. Let me hear what brother Jing is like in your heart. "

"Dead girl, what's up?" Night light dye picks open night light warm hand, shouts: "next."

"A night of curiosity, a warm look at me She looked at Rongjing. "Brother Jing, do you want to hear sister Yun give you a poem?"

Rong Jing's long eyelashes trembled a little, such as jade's hand touching the water bag in front of her, without making a sound.

People all look at Rong Jing. This appearance, as well as his two poems just now, undoubtedly arouse a thousand waves in many people's hearts. In the past, many people were puzzled by the love between him and yunqianyue, thinking that he was confused by what means yunqianyue used. Obviously, he is gentle and elegant, full of talent, arrogant, unruly, and has a bad reputation. He is not the same kind of person, but he loves it very much. But now he and others are sitting together, surrounded by several people. There is a common thing in his body, which is invisible but strong Yes. In particular, Rongjing has been so candid that she likes it, but yunqianyue doesn't make a statement, so she is still confused about their current state.

"Brother Jing, talk to me!" The light and warm night hastens the scene.

Let Jingwei low head raised, looked at the cloud shallow moon one eye, spit out a word, "want!"

"Sister Yun, you see, brother Jing has thought about it. Tell me quickly!" The night was light and warm, and excited to see the clouds and the moon.

"I think Jing Shizi still don't listen to it. Yun Qianyue is wearing a sable cloak, so she can't write poems!" At this time, the six princesses put in a word, meaning something. Originally, she thought that the night light and warm with Rong Jing would have a mind for him, but now how can you see her mind, and also so close to cloud shallow moon, think she does not like Rongjing? Who is Rongjing? As long as it is a woman to see one, they all like it. There is a saying in people's evaluation of the man in Rong Wang's mansion that he is attracted to at first sight. She's just a little girl. Can she avoid the glory of Rongjing?

"Six elder sister, this sable cape is warm, how can't you make a poem?" Night light warm refutes six princesses, looks at cloud shallow moon, "cloud elder sister, everybody is waiting for you!"

"Miss shallow moon has been sitting here for a long time. She can't just listen to other people's poems, but she won't do it herself." Shen Zhao took a look at Rongjing. It seemed that he was not full of clouds and the moon was silent. He seldom spoke.

"Is it that Miss shallow moon has nothing to say to Jing Shizi?" Cang Pavilion words fall, turned to Rong Jing and said: "Jing Shizi, it's a pity that your clouds break the moon to make shadows. The water, the sky and the sea are clean. The heart of the ice is like a jade lake, and the rouge color is sprinkled in the nine days. " That's what I mean

Rong Jing does not answer, just looking at the cloud shallow moon, what is the eye light in a little precipitation.

Cloud shallow moon smile, some weak, some lazy, "I am to appreciate plum today, did not want to write poetry."

"It's fun to enjoy plum blossom, and it's also fun to write poetry! I didn't think about it earlier. I can think about it now. " At the foot of the mountain, I told elder brother Jing that she saw sister Yue. Guess what brother Jing said to me

The moon does not answer.

They all pricked up their ears.

"Brother Jing looked at you and said to me that he was not with a woman, but with a little rabbit. You should not be angry with him." Night light warm words down, some hate the way: "he said I am not a human, is a rabbit, too hateful."

Everyone looked at Rongjing.

Rong Jing looks at the cloud and the moon, as if he didn't hear the words of light and warm night.

"Sister Yue, do you have a good idea?" Night light warm continues to shake cloud light moon's arm, to her way: "I brought back two jars of green cinnamon wine from warm city! Would you like to drink it

Cloud shallow moon slant head to look at night light warm, funny way: "if I write a poem, you will give me those two jars of wine?"

"Well!" The night is light and warm and nods hard.

Cloud shallow moon shallow smile, turn head, come from Rong Jing come up to now, she is on his eye for the first , the fastest update of the webnovel!