The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1237

Cloud shallow month just want to smile to speak, a gust of wind blows, she immediately covers mouth light cough.

Night light dye hurriedly to pat her back, the hand just touched her body, cloud shallow month then did not cough, shook his head, "I am OK."

Night light dye hands, asked: "was blown by the wind? I'll get you a water bag

"I just watched. Brother Jing came up with a bag of water in his hand." Light and warm night immediately turned to Rong Jing, "brother Jing, give your water bag to sister Yun quickly."

Rong Jing took out the water bag and handed it to Yun Qianyue without saying anything.

Cloud shallow moon shakes head, light voice way: "I am not thirsty, is choked by the wind, also nothing."

Rong Jing withdraws the bag and puts it in front of his desk, which is natural.

Night light and warm blink eyes, eyes light patrol on two people, then happy way: "is not poetry? Has it already started? Or was it disturbed by my brother Jing and I coming here? Then go on

"Mr. Shen, go on!" Seeing that the night was light and warm, and the moon was light and warm, and Rongjing and yunqianyue looked calm, she turned her mind and looked at Shen Zhao.

Shen Zhao nodded and was about to open his mouth when he suddenly said, "Mr. Shen, wait a minute. Yesterday I heard seven elder brothers say that you are the guest of elder brother Jing. If you can make him look at you differently, you must have extraordinary literary talent. I'll give you a question. How about you do it?"

"Little princess, please!" Shen Zhao nodded.

"To heaven and earth benevolence and cloud sister and I two people compose a poem The night was warm and my eyes turned.

"Don't embarrass Mr. Shen!" Night light dye glared at night light warm one eye.

"Brother, this is not fun! How to play, not play! Brother Jing and I came late. I don't know your rules, but I think since it's playing, where are so many rules? Mr. Shen agreed. You must not object. " "Otherwise, I will go back to tell my grandfather that you bullied me and let him scold you to death."

Night light dye mouth.

Night light warm complacent to Shen Zhao way: "Shen childe, how?"

People all look at Shen Zhao. Although this question looks simple, it is actually extremely difficult. The benevolence of heaven and earth covers too much. From all things in heaven and earth, to the goodness of human nature, and then to the idea of kingcraft, it is not enough to say what one can say. Moreover, with the addition of two women, it is most difficult to analyze human nature. If one does not do well, it will not only lose face, but also lose inner son.

Shen Zhao nodded, "the princess has a question, don't dare not follow."

Night Qingnuan laughed happily and said to him, "well, I'll write a poem with the title first. How about you come again? In addition to my health, I have also learned Chinese and ink in recent years. You can't underestimate me as a little girl. But if you can't even compare me to a little girl, you can't be brother Jing. You can't be more green eyed. "

"Shen Zhao didn't dare to belittle the princess." Shen Zhao nodded his head and obeyed kindness like a stream

The night light warm thought for a while, solemnly way: "the day opens four in eight square soil, the wind blows the remnant cloud a grain of sand, the prosperous age article eternal matter, the vulgar son discusses the poem to smile warm clothes."

"Good!" Cangting clapped his hands and called out.

"The little princess has the power to keep women out of men." Shen Zhao praised.

Night light warm slant head asks to cloud shallow moon, "cloud elder sister, I do good?"

Cloud shallow month smiles to nod, "can bluff a person."

"Sister Yun, you are not praising me." The night light warm discontented, pushed her for a while, turned to look at Rong Jing, "brother Jing, do you think I did well?"

Rong Jing Wen run a smile, "wind swept clouds, a grain of sand is not right."

"Well? What's wrong? Sister Yun is the cloud shallow moon. The cloud has hidden in the moon. It's still a grain of sand left in the wind and broken clouds! " The night is light and warm, looking at Rongjing.

Rong Jing shook his head and said in a warm voice: "no, she should be a cloud breaking the moon to make a shadow. There is no dust in the water, sky and sea."

Cloud light moon droops eyelashes, across the sleeve of the hand gently back and forth to rub the stove.

The night was light and warm, and suddenly realized. He drew a long voice. He looked at Rong Jing with a teasing voice and said with a smile, "it turns out that sister Yue is so good in brother Jing's heart."

Rong Jing laughed and stopped talking.

"Brother, do you think I did well?" The night is light and warm, and the night is light.

Night light dye hums, "you compare oneself to vulgarity, pour have self-knowledge."

"I know you can't spit good words out of your mouth!" Night light warm a angry, look to Shen Zhao, "Shen childe, it's your turn!"

Shen Zhao nodded his head and said in a clear voice: "the shadow of the moon is moving, the spring is warm and long, and the color of Fangfei is all over the world. The sky is clear and clear, the sun and the moon are shining, and the Kyushu of heaven and earth compose the classics. The light and shadow of the jade lake should be purple clouds, the red plum blossom is burning, the snow clothes are covered, the common people's fame and fame are dust and soil, and the rivers and mountains have been discussing Huazhang for thousands of years. "

"Good!" Night light dye big praise, "good vulgar son, fame dust and soil, the river and mountain thousands of years on Huazhang."

"What a clear day, clear and bright, the sun and moon, the heaven and earth Kyushu spectrum of meridians." Cang Pavilion also praised.

"Mr. Shen, you are really talented! It's no wonder that Mrs. Chu's eyes can be discerned, and now Brother Jing sees each other with green eyes. " Night light warm eyes, bright eyes at Shen Zhao, clapped his hands and said, "it's much better than the little poem I just wrote."People have raised their eyes on Shen Zhao again. Although he is famous in the world these days, he has to be treated with green eyes. However, some people still have some reservations about him and don't think so. Now such a poem naturally takes him seriously.

Shen Zhao was not arrogant and impetuous and said, "the little princess praised me wrongly!"

"Where is false praise? It's really wonderful! " Looking at the moon, she asked, "sister Yun, isn't it good?"

Shen Zhaowen Yan looked up at the moon and seemed to be waiting for her evaluation.

Yun Qianyue holds the stove and looks at Shen Zhao slightly. Her eyes are warm and quiet. She says with a smile, "Mr. Shen has economic skills in his abdomen. Naturally, I can hear that it is excellent."

Shen Zhao takes back his sight and looks at Rongjing.

"I knew sister Yun would say yes!" Light and warm night asked Rong Jing, "brother Jing, what do you say?"

Rong Jing took a look at Shen Zhao. In a moment, he looked at Xiangyun and Xiaoyue. No one knew the color of his eyes. He laughed and shook his head, "the light and shadow of the jade lake should be purple clouds, and the red plum blossom should be covered in snow clothes. That's not true. "

"Brother Jing, I think this sentence is very good. Sister Yun wears purple clothes, just like purple clouds, while I wear white clothes like a group of snow. The jade lake should be purple clouds, and red plum trees should be covered with white snow. What a coincidence The night is light and warm.

Rong Jing looked at the cloud and the moon, and his eyes seemed to have a brush, melting his light eyebrows. He shook his head and said, "it's just that the scene doesn't work. She should be like a jade lake in the heart of ice, and she will be Rouge colored in nine days. "

The night is light and warm, smell the speech and immediately shout out, "brother Jing, you will cloud elder sister boast little in the sky and no on the ground. What a pity for the women we are sitting in

"She was the only one." Rong Jing takes back his sight and smiles. , the fastest update of the webnovel!