The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1223

Yun Qianyue came out of Nanliang capital and took a mountain road with Gu Shaoqing all night. After that, she ran for more than 2000 Li to return to the capital city. She could not bear the horse, not to mention the person with good martial arts. She came back with a breath. Now, not only the horse died, but also the people fainted.

She wanted to open her eyes and tried hard to open them. She finally gave up and let herself fall into the darkness.

Before falling into the dark, there was a reassuring thought in my mind. It was good to see him. It was to fight or scold him. Anyway, she was here and let him.

Sink in the dark, no longer unconscious. Of course, I don't know that the person who caught her was staring at her after giving her pulse.

She woke up again, her whole body was aching, and her brain was conscious. After listening to the movement around her, she felt extremely quiet. She didn't even smell the wind. In a moment, she opened her eyes doubtfully.

It was dark all around. She barely adapted for a moment before she could see the things in the room in the dark. The familiar environment was not the room of Zizhuyuan in Rongwang mansion as she imagined, but her own room in the light moon Pavilion of Prince Yun's mansion. She was lying on her own bed, and there was no one else in the room except her. It looked like night. She reached out and rubbed her forehead and cried out in a hoarse voice, "who is there? Linglian? Yi Xue? "

"Miss, are you awake?" There was a sound coming from outside.

"Well!" The moon answered.

The door was pushed open from outside, Ling Lian and Yi Xue rushed in. A few steps to the bed, Ling Lian stretched out her hand to open the curtain, looked at the cloud shallow moon, and breathed a sigh of relief, "Miss, you have slept for three days, and finally wake up."

Cloud shallow month hears speech heart a ash, "how to sleep so long?"

"You said it! You rode back to Beijing, exhausted, fainted at the gate of King Rong's mansion. You were so tired that you were unconscious. At the same time, it was cold and hot, and the high fever did not subside. It scared us to death. " Yi snow immediately way.

Cloud shallow moon one Zheng, "so serious?"

"Isn't it? It is said that Jing Shizi's face was black at that time. Qingchang said that she had been around Jing Shizi for more than ten years, but she had never seen her face so black... " Ling Lian was afraid to say, "fortunately, Jing Shizi is highly skilled in medicine. The prescription he prescribed is extremely effective. Otherwise, you may not wake up like the exhausted horse."

"Bah, Ling Lian, what are you talking about? How can miss wake up? " Yi Xue beat Ling Lian.

Ling Lian also realized that she had said something unlucky and immediately shut down.

Yunqianyue frowned, thinking that she had left Tiansheng capital half a month ago and followed her mother to Nanliang. Later, she turned the road to Nanjiang, and then went to Nanliang without stopping. She didn't take a good rest. Later, she helped nanlingrui act, borrowed the river water and left Gu Shaoqing, and walked the mountain road all night. At that time, she was cold, but didn't pay attention to it. Then she fought all the way The horse kept running back and forth. He was tired and overdrawn. He could get it back. She sighed and asked carefully, "what about Rongjing? Where is it now? "

Ling Lian and Yi Xue take a look at each other, but do not make a sound.

"Well?" Cloud shallow month already budget to the worst result, "say it, it's OK, I can survive!"

Ling Lian immediately opened her mouth, a little depressed, "since that day you fainted in the Rong palace, King Shizi gave you pulse, and after feeding medicine, he sent someone to send you back, and it has never appeared again."

"Yes, at that time, you had just taken the medicine and was burning it." Yi snow road.

Yunqianyue is really angry to think of Rongjing! She clearly wanted to come back quickly and plead guilty. Who knows, she fainted in front of him. Not only did she not recover her favor, but now she is afraid that she will reduce her favoritism to a negative number. She had some regrets. She knew that she might as well walk slowly after sleeping for three days!

"King Shizi was really cruel. You were all like that at that time. You were burning like that, and you were still holding on to his sleeve. He even had the heart to break your hand off and let someone send you back with a black face." Ling Lian complained: "Miss waste, you read him, even the horse is tired to death, you are also tired into such, it is not worth it."

Yi Xue also said, "after you came back, it was still hot. We were scared to death. We went to Rong Wang's mansion and invited King Shizi for several times. He didn't see him and said you couldn't die. We can only come back. Fortunately, fengshizi came to see you, so we don't have to worry. We can give you medicine according to the prescription prescribed by Jing Shizi. We were relieved. "

"So he gave me pulse and prescription after I fainted that day, and sent me back in a coma? I haven't paid attention to me yet? " Yun Qianyue sums up their words.

They both nodded, saying that Jing Shizi was really cruel.

Cloud shallow moon sighed a tone, in the heart is gray, thought this kind of practice is really allows the scenery to be able to do! It's nothing strange. If the person is really angry with her, he can do more cruel things than the action of throwing her down the cliff.

Ling Lian and Yi Xue see that she doesn't speak, to have a look, Ling Lian said: "Miss, we'll give you a meal now! You didn't eat for three days, so you drank some water. "

Now, her legs hurt a little, but her legs hurt a little, and her legs hurt a littleLing Lian immediately went down.

Yi snow this just remembered that only spoke, did not have the lantern, quickly palm lamp, came to help cloud shallow moon to rise.

Yi Xue brings the food, and the moon sits at the table. Although she hasn't eaten for three days, she doesn't feel like she has any appetite. What she eats is bitter to her mouth. But she still reluctantly ate some, this pair of weak appearance, even dare not look at the mirror, don't want to know that the pale face is almost like a ghost.

Really can't eat, cloud shallow month just put down chopsticks, body soft ground lean on soft couch to sit.

"It's just three o'clock now, miss. Do you want to sleep for a while or..." Ling Lian looks at the moon.

"I've been sleeping for three days, and I'll be a fool if I sleep again." The moon shakes her head.

"Or, I'll go to the Rong palace and tell Jing Shizi that you're awake?" Yi snow looks at cloud shallow moon, tentatively asks, "or are you ready to go by yourself?"

Cloud shallow month reaches out to rub forehead, murmur in a low voice, "do not know if he is angry to disappear?"

Ling Lian and Yi Xue take a look at each other and don't speak.

"I don't think so! Let's wait till dawn. " Yun Xiaoyue shakes her head. At first, she wanted to see him, but now she's struggling like this. She doesn't want to faint in front of him just after waking up, so it's even worse.

They nodded, "let's talk with you for a while."

Cloud shallow moon smiles to nod, "good, I just want to ask you, I leave these days, what happened to the capital?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!