The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1224

When they sat down, Ling Lian said, "after you left that day, King Shizi sent someone to tell us that we knew you and the master had gone to Nanliang. King Shizi claimed that you were sick because you were cold outside the Council hall that day. You were admitted to the purple bamboo house of Prince Rong. The Regent did not care about it. Later, when the news came back from southern Xinjiang that Madame Chu appeared, we knew that you were going to southern Xinjiang by another route. "

"Wars in southern Xinjiang have been handed back frequently. It is said that there was a lot of trouble in the imperial court. Some people sent troops to support Princess ye and Yun's son-in-law in southern Xinjiang. Some people said that Prime Minister Qin had made a lot of contributions to Tiansheng. Now that he is the Royal family of Southern Xinjiang, the heavenly sage court should not sit idly by and support him to return to southern Xinjiang." Yi Xue took the words.

"The two sides held their own views and argued endlessly. Later, Jing Shizi argued against all opinions, saying that although the Prime Minister of Qin had made a lot of contributions to the neutrality of Tiansheng Dynasty, he had resigned from office and retired. He was no longer the Prime Minister of Qin, but ye Xiao, a legitimate branch of Nanliang royal family. There is no reason to interfere in his affairs. In addition, southern Xinjiang is a subordinate country of Tiansheng, which has not been separated. If we help Ye Xiao, would it not be in the face of the royal family and ye Qian in southern Xinjiang? Therefore, this is the civil strife in southern Xinjiang. We should not interfere in this matter in the Tiansheng pilgrimage. We can just watch from the wall. Just calmed down the war of words. " Ling Lian said again.

"Well, later the ministers thought it was reasonable, and the Regent also agreed with Jing Shizi, and they reached an agreement." Yi Xue then said, "but you appear in southern Xinjiang. Some people impeach you. They say that the top ten aristocratic families are involved in the southern Xinjiang Dynasty. They are afraid that they have some plan. I don't know what the intention is. They ask someone to go to southern Xinjiang to check. The Regent did not express his position. King Shizi said that he was not in a hurry. He could see the situation

"We all thought that this might be a long-term power struggle, and that people in southern Xinjiang might be suffering, but no one expected that the battle would end so quickly. However, two days later, ye Xiao died and ye Qian won a complete victory. After returning to Beijing, everything was in peace, but ye Lingge, ye Xiao's daughter, was still missing. Princess ye sent out a reward notice to search for the whereabouts of Ye Xiao's daughter. If she reported her hiding place, she would be rewarded with 10000 taels of gold, and those who presented with her head on her neck would be rewarded with 100000 taels of gold. " Ling Lian said again.

"The ministers in the court have a deep view on this matter. They say that the reason why the civil strife in southern Xinjiang can be quickly ended is attributed to the wife of the leader of the Chu family. If she had not helped in the battle at the gate of Fenshui city and shot Ye Lingge, if she had not led the troops and Princess ye to fall from the sky, they would have divided three routes with the soldiers of Fenshui city led by Yun's son-in-law to attack Ye Xiao's soldiers on both sides, if not for the south Shen Zhao, a descendant of the former king of the Xinjiang royal family, killed Ye Xiao with a trick. The battle did not end so quickly. Therefore, one after another on the table, said that this woman is really powerful, can not be underestimated, we must pay attention to it. " Yi Xue said again.

"Two days later, news came out from Nanliang that Madame Chu had gone to Nanliang and cured the king of Nanliang. The young general, who was in charge of 300000 troops and horses in Nanliang, fell in love with him at first sight. The prince of Nanliang was a sister protecting Yi, and the two people's congresses fought. The prince of Nanliang had a bad relationship with the young general. On the birthday of the tenth Prince of Nanliang, the young general smashed a boat and took away Madame Chu by water escape. In a rage, the prince of Nanliang rushed to the barracks with people. On the first day of the Second World War, the Prince of Nanliang was carried out of the barracks and returned to Beijing. " Ling Lian said again.

"On the day after Prince Nanliang was carried back to Beijing, the head of the Chu family, who is one of the top ten aristocratic families, is said to be unable to sit down and set out to visit the military aircraft camp in Mount melu. The young general clarified the fact that he and Mrs. Chu had already made love to his brother and sister, which was not caused by outside legend. He said that Mrs. Chu had left the military aircraft camp before the prince arrived, and did not know where she had gone. The 300000 soldiers in Nanliang saw her leave with their own eyes, but the prince didn't believe it. This is a fact. The master of the Chu family understood the justice, accepted the young general's words, and had a good drink with the young general. It is said that they became close friends at first sight. " Yi Xue said again.

"The ministers in the imperial court have admonished each other, saying that after the Chu family's accession to the WTO, because of the relationship between the wife of Chu, she was also the crown prince's sister and the young general's Yi elder sister, and saved the king of Nanliang. Clearly, the Chu family had a strong strength and a mysterious red Pavilion, which was not a good thing for Tiansheng. Maybe Nanliang had the intention to embezzle Tiansheng. After all, Nanliang has not paid tribute for three years, so it may not take long to get rid of Tiansheng. And the wind family and the Chu family are closely related at present. " Ling Lian said again.

"All the ministers said that this was not a trivial matter. The Regent asked King Shizi about the Chu family and his wife. King Shizi said that the close relationship between the ten aristocratic families and Nanliang was nothing more than a Chu family and a Feng family. Under the Regent, there were Cang and LAN families represented by Cang Shao and LAN. At present, there is no need to worry about it. All the officials believed in Jing Shizi's words, so they were at ease and there was no dispute. " Yi Xue said again.

"Six days ago, the Regent seemed to think of Miss Xiaoyue, who had been ill for a long time, and asked King Shizi, who said that it was rare for her to be quiet and reassuring only when she was ill. But now that she is better, she may not be able to sit still. As soon as this was said, the young lady went to the meeting hall to meet King Shizi. On a cold day, he sat outside the Council hall and sewed clothes for King Shizi. The Regent's face was black at that time. " Ling Lian couldn't help laughing at this.

Yunqianyue blinked her eyes. She slept for three days and rode back to Beijing for two days and nights. Six days ago, she just woke up and sat in the emperor's bedroom Hall of Nanliang to talk with her brother and uncle! She looked at Ling Lian and finally opened her mouth, "who is that person? Did ye Tianyi see that it wasn't me? "

"Miss, if you think about it, who else can disguise you so that no one can see it!" Yi Xue asked with a smile."Xiyanyue is learning how to govern the country in Xiyan. No matter how powerful his skill of Transfiguration is, he still can't hide Ye Tianyi's eyes. So my mother has become me?" Yunqianyue remembered that she had never seen her mother since she woke up. She had been sleeping in Nanliang for two days and nights. She should have left for home after the king of Nanliang woke up. In addition to illusory appearance, there is no seamless transfiguration.

"You're right. It's the master!" At that time, even miss Linglian thought it was you who nodded! Master son, you are so similar that no one can see it. Originally, some people thought that Madame Chu was you who changed your appearance and went to Nanjiang and Nanliang. Now Mrs. Chu is still in Nanliang. The rumor can't be broken. "

"Because it's just a serious illness, and I'm blowing cold wind outside the conference hall. I don't want to have a relapse and get sick again. Jing Shizi was angry this time. He said that the young lady didn't take good care of her body. She just tossed about like this and didn't have a good rest. In a rage, she sent you back to the shallow moon Pavilion and ignored it again. " Yi snow way: "the young lady was sent back, we just know that you are not back, but the master instead of you."

"People outside are now saying that the young lady did it on purpose for the regent to see the illness, because the Regent ordered to close the ronghua palace and the prison of the Ministry of punishment, so that you would not see the queen and the fourth prince. You had too many things to do. You were ill in a fit of anger, and you were depressed. It would not be better. The Regent did not say a word and did not show any attitude. The ronghua palace and the prison of the Ministry of punishment were closed as usual. Concubine Zhao of the fourth Prince's house was also ill, and the Regent asked the imperial physician to treat him Ling Lian Dao. , the fastest update of the webnovel!