The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1222

Suddenly, the man clapped his chest and said, "don't worry, my elder brother is infatuated with the moon. Absolutely a man of one mind. If you can really be valued by our big brother, you can't afford to lose. "

Cloud shallow moon pretends to draw two times, nods.

"Stinky wax gourd, what are you doing with people?" At this time, a light drink came from the hill ahead.

The voice was so familiar that yunqianyue squinted at the front of Fangshan Mountain. He saw a young man in brocade, one foot on a large rock, the other on the ground, supporting his whole body into a romantic and beautiful appearance. Although the sky is dark, but tonight there is a light moonlight, vaguely see familiar eyebrows, who is not Luo Yu?

Yunqianyue thought that no wonder there was no news of Luoyao for such a long time. Her feelings came here to occupy the mountain. He also became a big brother and robbed a good woman. She is a little funny, no wonder she is infatuated with cloud shallow moon! It's no surprise that this remark was put on her a few months ago.

"Brother, don't you sleep? How did you come out? " The man immediately with a smile.

"What are you doing?" I asked Luo Yuwen stood on the top of the mountain and looked at the man.

"What do you think of this little lady? Is it enough to be your daughter-in-law? " The man asked in a hurry.

"Come down the mountain with you to rob people? Didn't you tell you not to rob good women? Hurry up and let her go. " Luo Yu immediately angrily drank.

"Big brother, the little lady is willing to." The man kept busy.

"Stinky wax gourd, you're skinny, aren't you? If I say let people go, let them go. If you don't let people go, you'll be beaten by my whip so that you don't even know you. " Luo Yu was angry.

"Big brother, my mother died early." The man immediately.

"Beat your daughter-in-law not to know you." Luo Yu changed her mouth.

The man said bitterly, "this little lady looks very good. Although she is not as good as yunqianyue in the palace of Prince Yun, she is also as beautiful as a flower. You can't beat jingshizi, and if you can't grab yunqianyue, you can't make it."

Cloud shallow moon holds a smile to listen to, this saying says.

"Who said I couldn't beat him? A sick seedling, a weak beauty, I was preparing to go to Tiansheng capital to rob people. Don't make trouble for me. Let people go. If you dare to bring people back, I want you to look good. " Luo Yu seemed to be annoyed. He threw down a word and went back down the hill.

The man and the people looked at him, and in a moment, they looked at each other. After half a ring, the man loosened the reins of Yun Qianyue and said to her, "little lady, you go! Our big brother doesn't like you. "

"But I like him, what shall I do?" Cloud light moon soft tunnel.

The man was pleased and then angry, "that's not good. Our elder brother doesn't like you. It doesn't work if you look on him. Let's go He shook his sleeve and waved, "brothers, let's go back! Since elder brother wants to rob people with Jing Shizi, we can go back and make plans for him. Maybe we can do it. "

The crowd hears the speech hula, all of a sudden follow him always go up.

Cloud shallow moon was left alone in a twinkling of an eye, some speechless, some funny, suddenly, she had an idea, called the man, "Hey, you wait."

"Little lady, we all said that our elder brother does not like you, you still do not go?" The man stopped.

"I'm leaving, but I want to give you a suggestion." Yunqianyue looked at the man and said in a soft voice, "my sister is behind me, much better than me, and much longer than yunqianyue in the cloud palace. Your elder brother doesn't like me. I guess I don't look good. You can wait here to stop my sister. Maybe your brother will

The man's eyes brightened, "do you have a sister?"

"Well, my sister is so beautiful that she is afraid of trouble. Therefore, she likes to change her face. If you see a single person stop her. Let her give her name. If she says Yao Luo. That's her. " Cloud light moon road.

"Why would you like us to stop your sister?" At this time, the man also had his brains and asked, "don't you know we are bandits?"

"You are all strong men. If you don't seek wealth or kill, where are the bandits? I think it's a hero. " Yun Xiaoyue looked at the man sincerely and said in a low voice: "I see that childe is very good. I don't have the good fortune to serve him. Naturally, I give it to my sister. We are deeply in love with each other! Because my sister is too beautiful, has not married, now is worried about me, chasing me out. If you can help your elder brother, I'll have a handsome brother-in-law, isn't it a good thing? "

"Yes! It's a good thing. Well, we'll listen to you and wait here. " The man didn't know whether he was flattered by a hero named Yun Qianyue, or was attracted by her saying that her sister was more beautiful than yunqianyue in the palace of Prince Yun. Make the decision immediately.

"I can only go to my relatives! Farewell, heroes The cloud is shallow and the moon is arched.

"The little lady is very rich! Go ahead! Go ahead! Maybe we'll be relatives The man immediately clasped his fist.

Everyone should be good, one by one to change Luo Yugang just reprimanded drooping head brain, excited.Cloud shallow moon smiles to turn the reins, the horse four hooves raises, continues to move forward. She thought that Luoyao was the Nanliang capital city that left yesterday morning. In order to avoid nanlingrui's pursuit of her, she naturally hid her whereabouts and took every precaution. Although she set out late one night, she was still on the road all night, so she should not be as fast as her. So now she must have been left behind. Bahuangshan is a must pass place from Nanliang to Tiansheng. If she went to Tiansheng, it was just right to have a nest with Luo Yu.

Out of the Bahuang mountain, yunqianyue was on her way all night. The next morning, she arrived at Fenghuang pass. After a short rest at Fenghuang pass, she set off again. At noon the next day, she came to Lancheng and ate two steamed stuffed buns. She continued on her way. She arrived at Yuncheng at dusk. Yuncheng is only one step away from the heavenly capital. Naturally, she doesn't want to rest. Although she is tired and sees stars, she keeps on going.

At midnight, I finally came to the gate of Tiansheng city. Today, I don't know why, the gate is not closed. She dashed into the gate of the city, went straight to the house of Lord Rong, turned several streets and came to the gate of the house.

Yunqianyue looked at the three big characters hot gold medal plaque in Prince Rong's mansion. She couldn't help but smile. She turned over and got off the horse and fell to the ground. She was stunned and thought that she was really tired. Looking at the tightly closed door, she was too tired to use her lightness skills to cross the wall and buckle the knocker. Before her hand reached the knocker, the door opened from inside and a man stood at the door. As soon as she was happy, she just wanted to go forward. She fell to the ground in the dark. , the fastest update of the webnovel!