The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1221

"He passed the throne so early?" Cloud shallow moon surprised.

"Well, the king said that he had been on the throne for a long time, and his royal highness was worthy of the post." Gu Shaoqing said.

"Cloud shallow moon blinks an eye," yesterday such drama has what advantage? "

"My royal highness and I have a thorough feud with each other. If after the imperial edict of abdication is read out by the king, those who have a bad heart will certainly try to move me to rebel. I will seize the opportunity to seize it, so that all the princes will not be arrested and the Qing Dynasty will be eliminated." Gu Shaoqing said.

Cloud shallow moon nods, "elder brother this kind of practice is not bad!"

"Everyone else is OK. I'm afraid my aunt will change." Gu Shaoqing sighed, "after all, the prince is not his own son."

"Do you know that?" Cloud shallow moon one Zheng.

Gu Shaoqing looked at her and nodded, "the emperor believes me and wants me to protect the crown prince. Naturally, he will tell me."

Yunqianyue takes a look at Gu Shaoqing, a 15-year-old young general, galloping on the battlefield. Nanlingrui ascends the throne with his help. The southern Liang Dynasty is clear and bright. Why worry about the weakness of Nanliang? She laughed and stopped talking.

After the meal, cloud shallow moon out of the barracks. Gu Shaoqing brings a horse to her, and yunqianyue turns over and looks at him.

"Let's go!" Gu Shaoqing waved her hand, turned and walked back, giving her a figure of her back.

Cloud shallow moon raised eyebrows, suddenly a smile, also did not speak, hit the horse to dust away.

Not long after yunqianyue left, a group of light riders came to the moulu mountain camp. Nanlingrui took the lead, dismounted and rushed in angrily. After a while, there was a roar from the camp.

Yunqianyue naturally doesn't care about the drama that nanlingrui and Gu Shaoqing play together. It has nothing to do with her. She returned home like an arrow, galloping back and forth to the heavenly capital.

Out of the moulu mountain, it is the Cuixiang city in Nanliang, which is named after Cuixiang mountain. Cloud light moon naturally does not stay, but goes to the next city Wenqu county. When she arrived in Wenqu County, it was already noon. She bought two steamed stuffed buns and continued her horse riding trip.

The next city in Wenqu county is Anyang City. The next city in Anyang City is Laifeng village. After Laifeng village is jiuyinling, after jiuyinling is Bahuang mountain. After Bahuang mountain is Qianxi city. After Qianxi city is Tianshui cliff, and then Fenghuang pass.

Gu Shaoqing gives Yun Qianyue this horse, of course, is also a good horse with excellent foot distance. At night, she came to Bahuang mountain.

Bahuang mountain is also a mountain range with the same mountain path as the moulu mountain. However, the mountain is flat and the mountain is steep. There are eight wastelands on all sides, all of which are desolate weeds.

In the mountains of the eight moons, a man of great courage can cross the mountain.

In the middle of the journey, a group of people came riding horses from the other side of the mountain. All of them were wearing fur coats and felt hats. They were not even old and young. They came running to her, about 100 people.

Cloud shallow moon picked pick pick eyebrow, quietly continue to go forward.

Soon, a group of people came to her and stopped her. Cloud shallow month reinforces the bridle, looks at stops her person.

The first leader was a stout man with a big knife in his hand. After reining in his horse's reins, he looked up and down at Yun Qianyue, nodded with great satisfaction, and asked the hundred and ten people who followed him, "what do you think of this little lady?"

"Second brother, very good!" An equally stout man nodded.

"I look very well, brothers, what do you think?" The man who was called the second elder brother asked everyone again.

"Very well! The eldest brother is delicate and tender, and the little lady seems to be delicate and tender. It is a good match for the elder brother One of them coaxed.

"It's just like a big brother from the body." The second brother continued to study the cloud and the moon.

A crowd nodded in succession, "exactly, exactly!"

Yun Qianyue looks at these people and is obviously a bandit on the mountain nearby. If you listen to them, is this going to rob her? She picked her eyebrows and still did not speak. She continued to listen to the comments of the group.

About a time of incense sticks, the party studied her from head to toe, and felt that she was worthy of their elder brother. Then the second brother asked Yun Qianyue, "Hello, little lady, how about going up the mountain with us? To be our eldest brother's daughter-in-law. "

"Not so much!" Cloud shallow moon shakes his head, "my family has husband."

That two elder brothers a listen to immediately frown, "do you have husband?"

"The little lady has a husband. What should I do, second brother?" Asked a man.

"If you have a husband, can you have our elder brother? What else can I do? Don't want her husband As soon as the second brother's bold words were released, he came up and pulled the horse of the moon and said firmly: "follow us, make sure you are popular and drink spicy food. There are few people in the sky who are not on the earth. It's a blessing for us to marry my elder brother. "

Cloud shallow month suddenly smile, also do not resist, let him lead the reins of her horse head to drag to walk, ask: "listen to your elder brother praise your big brother, your elder brother's name?"

"You'll know when you get there!" The man didn't give his name.

"Is your brother really as good as you say?" Cloud shallow moon asks again."That's nature!" Seeing her cooperation, the man looked better and asked his brothers to follow.

"Better than the king's son of honor?" Cloud shallow moon pick eyebrows.

The man steps a meal, looking back at cloud shallow moon, "are you Jing Shizi's daughter-in-law?"

Cloud shallow moon blinks an eye, haven't answered, that man immediately shakes his head, "no, Jing Shizi hasn't got a wife yet. The person Jing Shizi likes is yunqianyue, my elder brother's sweetheart. "

"Oh?" Cloud shallow moon a Zheng, smile way: "cloud shallow moon of cloud mansion is your big brother's sweetheart? Then why did you come and catch me to be your eldest brother's daughter-in-law? "

"Our elder brother said that cloud shallow moon does not know good or bad, hurt his heart, and will not read her again." The man seemed to realize that he had too much to say. He stopped and said to Yun Qianyue, "you go with us first. Although you are not as good as the cloud moon in the cloud palace, you can still make it. If our elder brother wants to take a fancy to you, he will leave you. If our elder brother doesn't like you, you can rest assured. We will let you go home to find your husband."

Cloud shallow moon eye light flashed, looked at the front of the mountain, nodded with a smile, "good!"

"You little lady, who knows the current affairs, I will not bind you." The man is satisfied with the cooperation of Yun Qianyue.

"Second brother, no, this little lady was robbed by us. Shouldn't she cry? Why do you think she still laughs? " A stout man looked at the moon and said.

So the man looked back at the moon.

Yunqianyue thought that there was another one who was not stupid. He sucked his nose and wiped his eyes with his sleeve. "My husband married the concubine of the 18th house. I ran out in a rage, and now I'm worried about no place to settle down..." , the fastest update of the webnovel!