The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1220

"A message came back from Fenshui city in Nanliang, saying that you saved the uncle of Nanjiang by using magic, which was even better than that of Southern Xinjiang." Gu Shaoqing said thoughtfully.

Cloud shallow month hums a, "I have great ability, otherwise also won't drag you out from the hell five years ago."

"Boast and don't blush." Gu Shaoqing slowly spit out a word, gently down the tree, fell on the ground, said to her: "go, I'll give you a ride."

The cloud shallow month raises the body to sit up, curiously asks, "you want to send me?"

"You have to be a good actor, aren't you? Now I go back by myself, and your good brother's play will collapse. " Gu Shaoqing said.

Cloud shallow month speechless, "I go by myself, you hide well, do not send."

"Two hundred miles away, there is my camp in moulu mountain, which is your way out of Nanliang to Tiansheng. Go around the camp and leave again! " Gu Shaoqing said: "since I have taken you with me, of course, I want to look like this, so as not to waste his time in vain."

Yunqianyue thinks about it, nods, "OK! Go to your camp for tea. "

Gu Shaoqing seemed to smile and walked into the deep mountain.

Cloud shallow moon thought her life how so bitter, back and forth, always take the mountain road.

The two kept a close distance. Gu Shaoqing occasionally looked back at her and saw that she had a piece of grass in her mouth and murmured: "it's not like a woman!"

Cloud light moon in the back roll eyes, when did not hear.

The mountains of Nanliang are full of vegetation, insects and animals. The whole body breath of the moon gradually becomes soft and soft.

Gu Shaoqing also felt it. He looked back at her strangely for a moment, and her eyes were thoughtful. Cloud shallow month can't bear to see, raised a foot to kick him a foot, "little child does not learn well, learn what old scholar to behave?"

Gu Shaoqing really got a kick. Without a word, he turned his head and went on walking.

Cloud shallow month think of this pair of Ren hit Ren scold how some lovely? His bitten hand was also depressed. He said to him, "Gu Shaoqing, sing a folk song!"


"That's a piece of music!" Cloud light moon requirements.


"What do you know?" Cloud shallow moon stares at his back, young thin, straight back.


Cloud shallow moon flat mouth, "boring!"

"Are you interested in going back to heaven? You should be careful. It is estimated that the back of your hand is not well after returning to heaven. If you have this leisure time, you'd better think about how to deal with Jing Shizi's interrogation! " Gu Shaoqing does not look back, reminds a way.

"It's really a pot that can't be opened. Be careful that I will tie you to Tiansheng and give it to him to dispose of you." The cloud is shallow and the moon is glaring.

Gu Shaoqing seemed to think about it and nodded, "it's OK!"

Cloud shallow month rolled a white eye, "that word Cui Wei small beauty still can't cry to death."

Gu Shaoqing suddenly did not speak and fell silent.

Yun Xiaoyue thinks it's wrong to kill people's scars. Gu Shaoqing killed her scars. She killed her back, and now she's done well, she doesn't speak any more. If it is possible, she really wants to tie Gu Shaoqing back to Rongjing for disposal, but her identity is a general who is in charge of 300000 soldiers and horses. It is more troublesome, so let it go.

After walking a long way in silence, Gu Shaoqing suddenly asked, "what do you like about jingshizi, yunqianyue?"

Cloud light moon blinked eyes, immediately said: "black heart!"

Gu Shaoqing suddenly laughed, "what else?"

Cloud shallow moon seems to think for a while, suddenly a sigh, "who knows! I fell in love with you in a muddle headed way. There was a man who broke into your heart and began to occupy a position unconsciously. It may be a small sapling. You can't even find it. Gradually, you find that it has grown into a towering tree, and you can't pull it out if you want to pull it out. "

Gu Shaoqing did not speak.

"Sometimes there is no reason to like someone, and sometimes there are too many reasons to count. Rongjing is the one who makes me amaze the time, and always amazes me to my heart. The whole heart is occupied, and there is no more room left. "

Gu Shaoqing seemed to nod, still did not speak.

Cloud shallow month no longer speak, feel more like that person, wish to fly back now.

After a long time, Gu Shaoqing said in a low voice: "I can't find the feeling you said in Princess Cuiwei. It's about the reason why I don't like her! I used to think that it is best for a man to live a lifetime and make contributions and achievements. Now listen to you, I envy King Shizi. I can be so beautiful in love. "

Cloud shallow moon Leng Leng Leng, suddenly joked: "Gu Shaoqing, you don't say you like me next!"

Gu Shaoqing turned back and looked at Yun Qianyue with a fool's eyes. "I see you are worthless. What do you like to do?"

Cloud shallow moon pretends to be relieved, "that's good, I'm afraid of being liked by people!"

Gu Shaoqing gave her a white look. It is rare that she is no longer young and mature. She shows a childish expression, "you are such a restless master, where is it suitable to marry home to be a wife? From Nanjiang to Nanliang for more than ten days, Jing Shizi was worried about his youth. "Yunqianyue thought of the appearance of Rongjing's long white hair, but she couldn't help sobbing, "it's not! Long white hair is not beautiful! "

Gu Shaoqing looked at her sad appearance, but she couldn't help laughing and walked forward.

The two of them talked with each other all the way, and without the previous separation and boredom, they came to the moulu mountain barracks 200 miles away at dawn.

The moulu mountain range is suitable for barracks. The mountain range stretches, with Liangtian river winding along the mountain range. When there is no war, the soldiers Farm and work, and when there is a war, they go to battle in armor. It is said that this was the suggestion of Nanliang Guoshi 15 years ago. As a result, the national strength and strength of Nanliang have been increasing over the past 15 years.

Gu Shaoqing did not shy away and went straight into the camp with the cloud.

The soldiers in Nanliang cheered as soon as the general came back. Several vice generals looked at Gu Shaoqing and Yun Qianyue with warm eyes. Without waiting for the vice generals to make a joke, Gu Shaoqing glanced at them and said, "this is the prince Yimei, the wife of the Chu family leader of the top ten aristocratic families, and the small master of the Red Pavilion."

The deputy general's eyes widened and he was silent.

Yunqianyue thinks that her identity can be killed wherever she goes. She doesn't have to use a knife to move her sword. She can kill people by reporting her name directly.

When he came to the main account, Gu Shaoqing ordered people to prepare meals.

Cloud shallow moon impolitely sat down, thinking that full good strength to go.

"The king is ready to pass on to his royal highness to prevent other princes from making trouble. Originally, he ordered his highness to seize and control other princes in one fell swoop and ban other princes. But his highness read that those are the emperor's flesh and blood, so he asked me to play a play together Gu Shaoqing sat down and explained to the moon. , the fastest update of the webnovel!