The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1219

The biggest boat in the Yunv river had an accident. The water was about to submerge and the boat sank. Everyone was in a mess.

Nanlingrui ordered people to abandon the ship and go ashore. He also ordered people to go into the water to save people. At the same time, he blocked the Yunv river. After a thorough investigation, the prince's hidden guards appeared one after another and immediately blocked the river.

Today's bustle, the shore is full of people, suddenly such a big change, everyone look panic.

At this time, the sky is dark, even if the lights are lit, but the crowd is moving, it is difficult to illuminate each place clearly. Nanliang is like spring all the year round, and the yunu river has never frozen in winter. The hidden guards of the prince's house have been launched into the water, but the current is especially turbulent tonight. The river is dark and can not see five fingers. It is more difficult to find a person.

After a cup of tea, the river was controlled and no one left.

Half an hour later, the hidden guards of the prince's house came ashore one after another. Everyone's face was blue and white with cold. Even if they had internal power to protect their bodies, the water was still too cold, and their bodies were shivering, and they had nothing to gain.

Not only miss Chu is missing, but also general Gu Shaoqing.

Nanlingrui's face is gloomy, like ten layers of frost and snow in the cold winter. He stares at the jade girl River and listens to the fruitless search. The hidden guards who come up to him report without saying a word. The cold air around him can be frozen for ten miles.

All the princes and princes looked worried, but their eyes were different.

Princess Cuiwei anxiously looked at the water, her face turned white, and kept saying, "how can this happen? Can sister Chu and Gu Shaoqing have an accident?" Words down, she reached out to pull nanlingrui sleeve, "Prince brother, another group of people into the water, we must find them."

Nanlingrui calmly looked at Princess Cuiwei, and suddenly became angry, "Gu Shaoqing bullied me!"

Cui Wei small face a change, "Prince brother?"

"I saw that he had a bad heart for her, but now it is, I took the opportunity to take him from the bottom of the boat. What a shame Nanlingrui's forehead is full of green tendons, and his anger can't stop.

Cui Wei's body trembled and quickly rejected it. "Elder brother Prince, Gu Shaoqing won't do it. Someone else must have secretly hurt him. He is trying to save sister Chu..."

Nanling Rui shook off her hand and said angrily, "how can you not? Have you ever seen him treat any woman well these years? To which woman have you spoken in a low voice? "

Princess Cuiwei suddenly lost her voice.

"I think it's possible to hear that. Gu Shaoqing is so ungrateful that she even starts to attack the righteous sister of brother Wang of the crown prince. What's more, she is the wife of the head of the Chu family. Even if she has not been treated as husband and wife, she can't be robbed. " The sixth Prince spoke at this time.

"Yes, during the dinner, I could see that he looked wrong. I must have looked at Miss Chu. It turned out that he was like this." Ten Prince suddenly realized.

"That is, with his skill, if you go into the water to save people, you can't save them. Naturally, you take people away." Another Prince looked at nanlingrui's gloomy face and said, "Prince and brother, as dark as today, Gu Shaoqing is good at martial arts, and he took people away by water. I don't think it's necessary to look for someone else to go to his camp. "

"He's gone so long now!"

Everyone agreed with nanlingrui's idea. They thought it was Gu Shaoqing who took Miss Chu away.

Princess Cuiwei didn't believe it at first, but they were adamant. After analyzing all kinds of Gu Shaoqing's abnormal visits these two days, she couldn't refute the people's words. She stamped her feet and cried and got into the carriage and went back to the city.

Nanlingrui is a good prince. He listens to people's advice very much. Although his face is gloomy, he no longer asks people to search for him in the water. Instead, he instructs people to search downstream along the river. At the same time, he said angrily, "I want to go back to the palace to report the matter to my father. I asked a token to go to the barracks. Gu Shaoqing should not bully my sister." After that, he got on his horse and went back to the city.

All the princes took a look at it, and then they went back to the city.

The prince and Gu Shaoqing had a bad relationship. Many people secretly gloated at the incident. Many people also thought that today's incident was strange. All the hidden guards of the prince's house were mobilized, and even one person who smashed the boat was not caught. It was really incredible. Although it is possible for Gu Shaoqing to do it, and he does have the ability to do so, will the general not succeed? How dare you offend the prince openly? Who doesn't know that the prince is favored by the emperor? Miss Chu saved the emperor, and she was valued by the emperor. It's really strange to come out like this now.

After nanlingrui and a number of princes left, the curfew on the jade girl river was lifted, and only the hidden guards of the prince's house investigated along the river.

Yunqianyue sits on an ancient wood branch on the hillside on the other side of the river. She looks at Nanling Rui and brings people back to the city. She blinks and thinks that nanlingrui is really simple and naive, but sometimes the simplest and most naive method is the most effective. There is no doubt that from today, or not tomorrow, it will be reported that Prince Rui of Nanliang and general Gu Shaoqing are fighting for a woman, who is still the wife of the Chu family and the little master of the Red Pavilion. Give her already mysterious identity, add a dry firewood. She looked at Gu Shaoqing, who was sitting on another tree, and raised her eyebrows. "Do you know what he is playing?"

"Yes!" Gu Shaoqing takes back her sight and looks at the cloud and the moon.

"You know, jump down? Is this a deal you've reached with him long ago? Or are you trying to help him? Don't say you jumped down to save me. I don't need you to save me. " Yunqianyue looks at him.Gu Shaoqing looked at the face of cloud shallow moon, "the last time you threw me away, don't you tell me this time? If I don't chase you down, will you just leave like this

Yunqianyue rolled her eyes, "how do you know I'm going to leave?"

"You want to see the scenery. It's all written on your face." Gu Shaoqing spits out a word.

Cloud shallow moon suddenly happy, body back a tilt, lean on the tree trunk, "yes, I miss him! If I don't go back, I guess I can't even step into the threshold of King Rong's residence. I have to go back early and plead guilty. "

Gu Shaoqing glanced at her, "there is no woman like. King Rong's mansion, King Shizi, respected by the world, how did you fall in love with you? For you do not hesitate to resist the imperial power, do how much is the curse of beauty disaster

"Does anyone in the world scold him? Why don't I know? " A pale cloud of surprise.

Gu Shaoqing micro hum a, "now have not been scolded, I see is not far from being scolded."

Cloud shallow moon sneer, wave hand, slow leisurely way: "you don't worry! Everyone in the world scolded me, and would not scold him. The man was born to be the cloud on the cloud, and I was the mud in the earth. The difference between the cloud and the mud gave me all the curse. "

Gu Shaoqing stares at her face, suddenly the voice turns, "cloud shallow moon, I half silk also can't see you change face appearance, but your portrait comes to Nanliang, is not so. Where do you have such a wonderful transfiguration

Cloud shallow moon blinks an eye, do not buy a bill, "I change face skill good, why should tell you." , the fastest update of the webnovel!