The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1218

"You are not fit to drink! Otherwise the wound will heal slowly. " Gu Shaoqing said.

"A cup is nothing!" Cloud shallow moon dodges his hand.

Gu Shaoqing stares at her, lips move, spew out two words silently, "Rong Jing!"

Cloud shallow month hand a meal, vent gas, stare at him one eye, obediently put the wine on the table.

Gu Shaoqing seemed to smile and withdraw his hand.

Although the action here is small, it is still seen by many people. Originally, they didn't believe that Gu Shaoqing fell in love with Yun Qianyue at first sight. Now, he can't help believing it. The sixth Prince blinked his eyes even more, and the other princes' looks all changed accordingly. Cuiwei did not seem to see, staring at pity.

For a moment, it was quiet.

Shanshan and Lianlian come on the stage, one holding the Pipa and the other holding the Qin. They salute to the public, and then sit down. A moment later, the music of the piano starts. It turned out to be a moonlit night on a spring river.

Cloud shallow moon listen to Leng for a while, but quickly recover look.

"Sister Chu, do you know? This song is called "moonlit night on the Spring River". It is said that the song was written by Miss Xiaoyue from the palace of heavenly Saint Cloud to the seventh Prince of heaven, who is now the Regent Cuiwei said to Yun Qianyue: "unfortunately, it is said that the young lady of the cloud palace fell in love with each other. Later, she fell in love with King Shizi. Originally it was a marriage made by heaven. Now, they split up. Miss Qianyue still disobeys the imperial edict and destroys the engagement."

Cloud shallow moon frown, look to Cui Wei, "is this so?"

Cuiwei nodded, "it's all spread like this outside."

The cloud shallow month thought she became the empathy does not love. Smile, light way: "but I listen to the version is not like this!" She said, "what I heard is that yunqianyue and Rongjing have been in love for ten years. It's a pity that the rongwangfu and the yunwangfu can't get married. The old emperor obstructs them. They strive for love. Unfortunately, they are still bound by an imperial edict."

"Is that so? What about the Regent? " Cuiwei was surprised.

"The Regent used to be the son of the seven princes. He valued the northern Xinjiang. Now he is the Regent, and he values the world." Cloud light moon road.

Cuiwei seemed to understand and nodded, "ah, so it is. In other words, Jing Shizi and Ms. shallow moon are the people of one mind. "

"Well, so the rumor is not credible." Cloud light moon means something.

Cui Wei's eyes flashed and glanced at Gu Shaoqing. She didn't speak again.

Yunqianyue had just finished her meal at Nanliang Wang's place earlier. Now she has no appetite, and she can't drink wine. She can only sit and listen to the music dry. However, the piano and the music are very interesting. Although it is a familiar song in "the night of flowers on the Spring River", she can sing and play the eyebrow bone tune of the two people, and it has a special taste.

At the banquet, a group of young men toasted and toasted. With the sound of piano music, it gradually became lively.

Although the tenth Prince is the birthday star, but here nanlingrui is the biggest, inevitably someone comes to propose a toast.

At first, everyone carefully looked at Yun Qianyue and secretly watched the famous lady of Chu and the leader of the red cabinet. Gradually, they found that she was indeed different from other women. She was not only beautiful in appearance, but also did not have the demeanor of ordinary women. Princess Cuiwei was already a special woman in the royal family and even in the capital city In appearance, or in temperament, especially in her body that kind of faint, after all kinds of things tempered out of the cool and calm, people can't help but be attracted to her. So gradually, some people bravely came to her to propose a toast.

Although the literati of Nanliang are not as good as the Donghai Kingdom, they have their own freedom, and they are more open than the children of Tiansheng.

Cloud light moon in Rome, do as the Romans do, can not drink, so tea instead of wine, one by one should be under.

For a while, the focus shifted from the status of the tenth prince, the noble status of the crown prince, and Gu Shaoqing, a military general. Some bolder people talked with her, naturally focusing on her identity and her love affair with Chu Rong, the head of the Chu family.

Cloud shallow moon can answer then answer two sentences, can not answer the light smile.

Nanlingrui has been sitting beside him. When he is almost done, he pats yunxiaoyue on the shoulder, gets up and says in a drunken way: "brother, I'll go to have a pee. I'll come back later."

Cloud shallow moon eye light is tiny twinkle, should a, "Hmmm!"

"Gu, are you going?" Nanlingrui asks Gu Shaoqing.

Gu Shaoqing firmly replied, "no!"

Nanlingrui said, "don't take advantage of me to my sister's mind." Then, the man staggered out.

Nanlingrui has just stepped out of the cabin. Yunqianyue feels the boat board moving. She sits quietly. Gu Shaoqing frowns. She seems not aware of it. A moment later, the bottom of the boat suddenly "bangs" and a big hole is being poked out from the place where yunqianyue is sitting. The water gushes up and seems to have made a huge wave. Yun Qianyue is shocked by the sudden change For a moment, it was too late to escape and fell into the hole.

"Ah, sister Chu!" Cui Wei exclaimed.

They were also shocked by the incident. They watched the moon fall. In a moment, they saw Gu Shaoqing flying up from the table and jumping down with the place where the moon fell."Gu Shaoqing!" Cui Wei's face changed and exclaimed, and she was about to jump down.

The sixth Prince seized Cuiwei with quick eyes and quick hands.

Nanlingrui heard the movement, but also did not urinate, ran in from the outside, drank, "what's going on?"

Everyone looked at him. The boat went into a lot of water for a moment, and the boat went down. Ten princes even said: "Prince Wang brother, the ship has been smashed into a hole, Chu Miss Chu and general Gu fell down... "

"No, it's sister Chu who fell, and Gu Shaoqing jumped down with her!" Cui Wei corrected with a white face and said in an urgent way: "brother crown prince, please tell people to save people!"

"The ship is sinking. Get out of the hold Nanlingrui seems to wake up from the wine, calm down, stride out, voice implied anger, "come on, give this prince into the water to save people, at the same time block the jade girl River, strictly investigate this matter, not a let go." , the fastest update of the webnovel!