The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1217

"You little girl, you usually don't talk so much." The sixth Prince laughed and knocked on Cui Wei's head. He said to her, "don't talk big. Shaoqing is on the boat now. You are so loud that he can hear you clearly."

Cui Wei opened her eyes. "Is he there?"

"It's not just him. Ten younger brothers have contracted two boats on their birthday. All the people who should come are men, but you and sister Chu are the women." The sixth Prince looked at Yun Qianyue and saw that her face was light. He had a bad smile on Cuiwei. "Cuiwei, you just said you didn't like her. Look at your expression now. No one believes you don't like it. "

"I just don't like him any more. Six brothers, don't dismantle my platform." Cuiwei stares at the sixth prince.

"Don't go in a moment and then join others!" The sixth Prince laughed.

Cuiwei snorted, but her eyes glanced at the boat.

Lingrui has already spoken.

Yun Qianyue looks at the people coming out of the boat one after another. In front of them are a group of princes, young or old, and behind them a group of men are all beautiful robes. Obviously, in addition to the prince, there are also noble princes from various official houses. Among them, Gu Shaoqing stands out in the crowd. What stands out is not only the outstanding atmosphere of the Sandplay, but also his beautiful appearance and the bruise on his forehead. It seems like nanlingrui said that he was beaten very hard. In this battle, she estimated that the young generation in Beijing had all the power and power. She looked at Nan Lingrui and frowned. She knew what was going on today and brought her with her. What kind of idea did she have in mind.

"Little girl, since you've come to Nanliang, how can my brother make the best use of you? You can't come here in vain!" Nanlingrui approached yunqianyue and pasted it in her ear and said, "I know that your heart is like an arrow. I'll let you go today when I play a play with my brother."

Cloud shallow moon picks eyebrow, "today?"

"What? Don't you want to sneak away today? " Nan Lingrui looks at her.

Cloud shallow month rolled a white eye, as expected can't conceal him. She couldn't get the letter from Rongjing. Now that there were rumors outside, she didn't know what the man was angry at home. Since she had seen her uncle, she couldn't stay any longer. Her heart was like an arrow. Of course. Even if she had a tooth mark in her hand, she couldn't care about it. Go home and raise it!

"If you're not promising, you'll be tied to him for the rest of your life! Be careful to go back. You can't even see a cold face. " Nan Lingrui's feeling of being invincible comes up again.

"If I can't see the land near him, I'm sure." Cloud shallow moon hums a, "play what play? My uncle calculated me that day, and now you come again. You are really my good uncle and brother. "

"Ah, because of my identity, I'm deeply hurt by it!" Nanlingrui pretends to be sad.

Cloud shallow moon dug him a look, with the southern Liang Wang when the installation of a virtue. Having been his son for ten years, he is more and more like him. If anyone said that nanlingrui was not the son of nanliangwang, few people believed it.

"You'll find out in a minute!" Nanlingrui handed her a secret look in his eyes and laughed at the people on the boat. "It's a complete day!"

"See your royal highness!" Seeing that he and Yun Qianyue look close to each other in the boat, they can't help but take a look at Gu Shaoqing. Seeing that he purses his lips and has no expression, they suspect that he is entangled, and they all give Nan Lingrui a salute.

"Today, I'm a birthday girl. I don't have so much etiquette. Please feel free to do it!" Nanlingrui waved his hand. Although he didn't look like the prince, he was incomparable. When he arrived, he was outstanding among all the princes.

Yun Qianyue finally understood his words. None of these princes could match him. One of them went to southern Xinjiang to be his son-in-law.

"Sister Chu and sister seven are here. It's my pleasure today." A prince about the same age as Gu Shaoqing laughed so hard that he couldn't see his eyes. "Brother Wang, please sit inside! Today, my younger brother invited Shanshan and pity

Cloud shallow moon looks past, think he is ten Prince son, some delicate.

"Good! I just came for Shanshan. The two sisters came for pity. " Nan Lingrui laughs. He goes inside first. After two steps, he suddenly thinks of something. He looks at Gu Shaoqing and says, "general Gu, can you get out of bed?"

"With the blessing of his Highness the prince!" Gu Shaoqing replied coldly.

"It's not so easy to fall in love with my sister at first sight. If there's another time, I'll beat you all over the place." Nanlingrui snorted and went in.

Gu Shaoqing was calm and did not speak.

The six princes came over, patted Gu Shaoqing on the shoulder and said with a smile: "general Gu, although sister Chu is good, she is also a married woman. No matter the Chu family of the top ten families or the Red Pavilion, these are nothing, but brother Wang protects her. It's not easy to rob people from him. Just keep your mind off! There is no grass in the world. Cuiwei has studied you for many years. "

"The sixth Prince is worried! I have no idea about Mrs. Chu. " Gu Shaoqing took off the six Prince's hand, firmly returned, and walked in.

The sixth Prince didn't mind that he didn't buy it, so he went in. Cuiwei looked at Gu Shaoqing's back, pursed her lips and walked in. People from the back came in one after another.The boat is very large. It is wide and gorgeous. It has more than ten tables.

Nan Lingrui takes his seat naturally. Yunqianyue sits next to him. Cuiwei comes over and sits next to yunqianyue. The rest of the people take their seats one after another. Gu Shaoqing's status is extraordinary. He is in charge of 300000 troops and horses. His seat is only under nanlingrui. Although it is said that outside, everything does not pay attention to etiquette, but the status is still obvious.

Everyone sat down, first to the birthday of the birthday, greetings, nanlingrui then called Shanshan.

The sixth Prince suggested, "Shanshan's music is good, and pitiful Qin is good. Why don't you let them both come up together! We also listen to Shanshan's music with pitiful Qin. How interesting it is. "

People naturally applauded the proposal.

The princes, princes and grandchildren would have enjoyed it, not to mention the fact that this is the Nanliang with its own soil and water customs, and even one soil and one tree is romantic. Even if cloud shallow moon and Cui Wei two women in, the public began to restrain, also soon did not have scruples.

After a while, Shanshan and Lianlian came on stage one after another.

A gauze like smoke, like a fairy, Pianpian Shan ran; a walk can pity, a eyebrow bone, I still pity. It's really the answer to these two names. The former is a woman Shanshan, and the latter is pitiful. As soon as they came out, they stood out.

Yunqianyue has not never seen a beauty, but she is still dazzled by the two beauties.

"How about it? Is it beautiful? " Nanling Rui asked the cloud and the moon on the other side of the head.

Yun Qianyue holds the jug and pours a glass of wine. She puts it on her lips to drink. She nods sincerely. Before she drinks the wine, she is stopped by a hand. She takes her eyes back and looks at the owner of the hand. It is Gu Shaoqing who picks her eyebrows. , the fastest update of the webnovel!