The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1216

South Ling Rui suddenly a happy, "she is really stronger than six princesses, strong is not a little bit." The words fall, he nods cloud shallow moon's head, "little girl, wait a moment to let you see the bustle of Nanliang."

Cloud shallow month picked pick eyebrow, "still have program to wait for me?"

Nanlingrui glanced at her, which was self-evident.

"I'm not interested in dealing with intrigues. I come to Nanliang to visit my relatives and live comfortably for two days. Nanlingrui, I warn you that you can help me to prevent all kinds of mischief. Do you hear me? " Cloud light moon frowns.

"Little girl, call brother!" Nanling Rui knocked cloud shallow month first, "play just, happy ha. It's no fun just two of us? "

Cloud shallow moon hummed.

Nanlingrui body to the carriage to lie down, close his eyes, hum a tune, even mildly mildly eyebrows.

Cloud shallow moon raised a foot to kick him, "this what song son? A big man's! It's very nice of you to sing women's songs

"After a while, Shanshan sings better than this, so you can have a preparation first." Nanlingrui's words fell and continued to hum.

Cloud shallow moon crisp bones, goose bumps, bear to listen to up.

The capital city of Nanliang is naturally lighter than the clouds. When the moon came half night, it was bustling and bustling. Nanlingrui's Xiaoqu is drowned in the voice of the people.

The carriage went all the way to the gate of the city and went out of the city unimpeded.

The outside of the city is more lively than inside. From a distance, you can hear the singing and dancing voices from the jade girl River, a piece of bamboo string sound.

Yunqianyue lifted the curtain and looked out of the car. She saw a large number of painted boats in the jade river, which was a hundred times more lively than when she came that day. About the news that the king of Nanliang woke up had already spread. People who had been repressed for more than ten days came out to relax. Not only were there men, but also women. Many people even put on their lanterns, which was extremely beautiful and lively.

Yunqianyue thinks that it is a place where the four seasons are like spring. If the mouth of this day is in Tiansheng, people will have closed the door and nestled by the heater before it is dark. Where can I see such a lively scene.

"Nanliang hasn't changed for a few years." The moon sighed.

"Little girl, don't go. How about that? Stay in Nanliang! " Nan Lingrui sat up, reached out and hugged Yun Qianyue, doting and saying: "beside my brother, I love you and protect you. It's not as comfortable as going back to see Xiaojing's cold face?"

Cloud light moon glanced at him, "do you think it is possible?"

Nanling Rui snorted, pushed her away, mumbled: "I don't know what poison you got from that boy!"

Cloud shallow month reaches out to rub forehead, smile, she also does not know what poison. Now I've been out for more than ten days, and I miss him deeply. I don't feel much about some letters in the early days, but now I don't have any letters anymore. My heart is very empty.

The carriage stopped and stood steadily by the river.

Nanlingrui knocked on the head of yunqianyue and said: "get out of the car!"

Yunqianyue watched nanlingrui jump out of the car, she also jumped out of the car, has been following the carriage stop, Cuiwei by a small maid support also got off the car.

"Elder brother Prince, the jade girl river is so busy today!" Cuiwei came forward and looked at the jade girl river. "Eh," said, "isn't that six and ten brothers over there

"Well, it's them!" Nan Lingrui nods with a smile.

Today, I'm a little surprised

"Well, my father is sick in bed these days. When he wakes up, he says that the house of the interior will hold his birthday, but he is pushed away. He says that it is no use doing it in the palace all the time. It's OK to do this year's birthday when he and his brothers go out of the palace to have a good time. Now they have been chosen on the largest boat in the river, and they seem to have arrived. " Nan Ling Rui smiles.

Cui Wei was immediately happy and reached out to hold Yun Xiaoyue's hand and said, "sister Chu, you haven't seen your brothers and brothers, have you?"? Since it's the birthday of ten brothers today, they'll come all the way. " Words down, she complained to see south Ling Rui one eye, "I almost forgot, the prince brother certainly did not say with you is ten elder brother's birthday?"? I said how he took you out of the city to play. It was for this. If I didn't wait at the gate of the palace to see you, I would have missed it. "

Cloud shallow month looks to hold her small hand, scallion is tender, she smiles, did not speak.

"To give you ten brothers birthday is one of them, the other is naturally to listen to Shanshan song." Nanlingrui walks to the wooden bridge.

"In my opinion, Shanshan's song is less than pitiful." Cui Wei holds the hand of cloud shallow moon excitedly follows him.

"Well, men look at women, and women naturally want to see men." Nanlingrui agreed: "today, the two boats side by side, presumably in addition to the first Nanliang prostitute Shanshan, there are also Nanliang's No.1 qingrenren. You have good eyes and ears."

"My brother doesn't let his sisters pollute their eyes and ears, for fear that they will be damaged by the famous prostitute and the young shepherd. Your brother is in favor of me and sister Chu. It's not up to standard! " Cui Wei took a look at Nanling Rui and said to the cloud, "sister Chu, how do you know the prince brother?"

Yunqianyue smiles at her. Just about to speak, a man's voice comes from the boat, "the prince, brother Wang, finally comes!" "Eh," he said, "sister Chu and sister seven are here"Six brothers, listen to your tone, don't you welcome us?" Cuiwei tooted her lips.

"Where! How happy you are to be here, brothers! Sister Chu, in particular, was taken away by the prince and brother Wang when she saw her in a hurry today without talking to her. Just ten younger brother this birthday star is still guessing whether the crown prince and brother Wang will bring her The man laughed.

Cloud shallow month looks, see is a young man of two years old with the younger brother of south Ling Rui. Nanlingrui, born to the queen, ranks fourth, nanlingche sixth and nanlingzhuo tenth. Now this Cuiwei calls six elder brothers, naturally is the sixth prince. Today, I saw a group of princes in the imperial palace. It seems that they are brothers and sisters. I can't see that the brothers of Nanliang have their own swords and swords. They are all used in the back.

"Six brothers, you call sister Chu very affectionate. I don't know how familiar you are with sister Chu!" Cuiwei winked playfully at the sixth prince, "sister Chu is a married woman! She's the wife of the Chu family leader. You can't have anything wrong with her. "

"The righteous sister of brother Wang is naturally the righteous sister of our brothers." The sixth Prince looked at Yun Qianyue and saw her smile. His eyes flashed. "Cuiwei, everyone in the Palace said that general Gu fell in love with sister Chu at first sight. They all said that you should cry. Now how can you look like you don't look like you've cried before. When is it so generous?"

Cuiwei face a red, immediately angry, "six brother, you deliberately see my joke. I will not like Gu Shaoqing's wood from now on. " After that, she said, "brother Wang, the prince, treats elder sister Chu like treasure. Even sister Luoyao of Donghai state is so angry that she runs away! Don't say that she is Mrs. Chu. I dare not be magnanimous even if she is not married! If I don't like her, brother Wang will not like me. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!