The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1215

The weather is fine today, although it is winter, the sun is setting and the sky is full of red clouds.

Xiaguang hits nanlingrui and yunqianyue. They are reflected in the Xiaguang from their hair roots to their heels, which makes their already beautiful and beautiful faces more colorful.

Yunqianyue had been sleeping for two days and her complexion had come to a rest. In addition, the uncle of Nanliang king was amiable, humorous and without the airs of a king of one country, which made her feel more comfortable.

"Little girl, if it's still early today, how about I take you out of the palace?" Nanling Rui asked yunqianyue, "the first prostitute in the Yunv River, Shanshan girl's ditty is incomparable in Nanliang. Do you want to listen to it?"

"Good!" Cloud light moon answer happily.

Nanlingrui takes her to the palace.

When they were not far away, an old mammy came quickly and stopped them from going. The old slave said to his Highness the prince

"Mother he! No gift. " Nan Lingrui waved his hand.

Mother he stood up, looked at the cloud and said respectfully, "is this miss Chu? The empress knew that it was Miss Chu who had cured the emperor's illness. She asked Miss Chu to sit down. "

"She and I have been talking with my father for a long time in my father's palace. Now it's getting late, so I'll take her to the Queen Mother's house tomorrow for fear of disturbing her mother's rest." Nanling Rui road.

Mother he was very polite. She did not insist on her words. She nodded, "that old slave told the empress in such a way that Her Highness the prince will take the girl there early tomorrow morning."

"Good!" Nan Lingrui answers.

Mother he went backward and retreated.

South Ling Rui continues to walk forward, cloud shallow moon follows him. When mammy ho walked away, she asked softly, "how does the queen treat you?"

"Good!" Nanlingrui spits out a word.

Cloud light moon blinks, "how good method?"

"Wonderful." Nan Lingrui smiles.

"Doesn't she know you're not her own son?" Cloud shallow moon pick eyebrows.

Nanling Rui according to cloud shallow month's head to knock, "little girl, have Niang not to recognize own own own son?"

"Yes Cloud shallow moon nods.

"Maybe, but not the queen." Nan Lingrui looked at the front. "The old man has three thousand people in the back palace, and the empress is sitting in the middle palace. Although she has been eating fast and chanting Buddha, she has been exempted from the morning and dusk ceremony of the concubines. However, no one dares not respect her, even a bad word behind her. What do you think this is? "

"Is personal charm above the favor of the king?" Cloud shallow moon pick eyebrows.

Nanlingrui put his arm on Yun Qianyue's shoulder. He didn't care that her thin shoulder was bent, and ignored the attention of the people in the palace. He said with a smile: "she is a really smart woman. If you want to throw your little girl into the back palace and make a pile of people, you can't do her."

Cloud shallow month rolled a white eye, push away south Ling Rui, "why should I do pile with people?"

Nanlingrui's long and narrow peach blossom eyes jumped, "ah" to a smile, "yes, my sister why to do pile with people!"

Cloud shallow moon no longer talks.

Nanling Rui walks on and on.

When they arrived at the gate of the palace, two carriages were parked there, one with the license plate of Prince's house and the other with the license plate of Princess mansion. In front of the prince's house, a bodyguard stood with the curtain closed. A small eunuch sat steadily in front of the car of the princess mansion. The curtain was carried. A little beauty like spring water leaned over and looked at the gate of the palace. Seeing nanlingrui and yunqianyue coming out, she called out, "brother Prince!"

"It's Cuiwei South Ling Rui smiles to raise eyebrow, "seven younger sister is more and more delicate and pretty!"

"The prince makes fun of me. The beauty around you is pretty." Princess Cuiwei's eyes fell on Yun Qianyue's body, looked up and down, and asked him, "is this miss Chu? The prince's sister? "

"Well!" Nanlingrui nods.

"The prince brother treats her better than our sisters. It is said that the sisters who broke through Lingxiu palace yesterday and the day before yesterday were blocked out by your orders and did not see her. The prince's brother hid people very tightly. The younger sister knew today that the prince brother was expected to take people out of the palace, so she specially waited here. Otherwise, she would not see her Cui Wei takes a look at Nanling Rui.

"Oh? The seven sisters were waiting here on purpose. " "South Ling Rui peach blossom eyes flashed," I thought seven sisters should be in general Gu's house to take care of him who was beaten by me. "

Cuiwei hummed, a little sour, "where does he need me to take care of him? I'd rather not go."

"There are many good men. What kind of man do you want with the talent of seven sisters? I can't be better than Gu Shaoqing. " Nanling Rui looks like a good brother and goes to his carriage.

"If brother Prince had said this before, I would not have heard it. Now I have understood that there are many good men. Why should I hang on him? Hum, after he wants to pay attention to me, I still ignore him. The prince's brother beat him well. " Cuiwei Du mouth, looking at the cloud shallow moon that follows nanlingrui to the carriage, "Prince brother, are you going back to the prince's house or where to go?"

"To the jade girl river!" Nanling Rui road.Cui Wei's eyes brightened, "take me with you, I haven't been out of the city for a long time. Although I live outside the palace, my mother is very strict with me. Other brothers don't take me with me when they go out of the city. I'm afraid I will make trouble. "

"Well, be good and don't run around. I'll take you." Nan Lingrui agreed happily.

Cui Wei's whole face was bright, and hastily assured, "we must not run around."

Nanling Rui gets on the car, and the cloud light moon gently jumps on the car. The curtain fell and the carriage started at once.

Princess Cuiwei didn't ask for a ride with nanlingrui, but ordered the eunuch to follow his carriage.

Two carriages left the palace gate.

Nanlingrui leaned lazily against the wall of the car, winked at the cloud and said in a soft voice, "little girl, is it very unexpected that Cuiwei didn't cry to death?"

Cloud shallow month smile, "pour is an interesting little girl, she lives outside the palace?"

"Well! She begged the old man to move out of the Palace last year. She was the only princess in Nanliang who had not married and set up a residence outside the palace. The residence is next to Gu Shaoqing's Nanling Rui road.

Yunqianyue nodded, and was not interested in exploring the love and love of such a little girl, and even less interested in Gu Shaoqing who bit her. "Many princesses, she is the old man's favorite one. She has no princess's airs, so she can treat servants well. Although she is young, and her talent is ahead of the princesses, it is a pity that she has fallen in love with Gu Shaoqing's hard bone. She has been laughed at in private in recent years, but she still stubbornly likes it Nan Ling Rui smiles.

"If you like a person, you should like it wholeheartedly. This Cuiwei is much better than the sixth Princess of Tiansheng." Cloud light moon evaluation. , the fastest update of the webnovel!