The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1202

Green shadow slightly relieved, but still some uneasy, "you go back to southern Xinjiang, you must ask Princess Yun about Lingshu and cloud clan, so as not to worry about the son of heaven."

"Well!" Cloud shallow moon nods, it is time to ask.

Green shadow no longer talks.

They went on.

The mountain road, which was originally difficult to walk, was extraordinarily beneficial in the cloud light moon. It became more and more soft and light. And the green shadow follows behind her, is also benefited greatly.

After walking for a day, they arrived at Nanliang in the middle of the night.

Although Nanliang is close to Nanjiang, it has two styles. There are many mountains and forests in southern Xinjiang, but the climate is warm and the scenery is pleasant. As soon as I stepped into the boundary of the capital city in southern Xinjiang, I felt that even the air had changed.

If Southern Xinjiang is wet and foggy, then Nanliang is like the daughter of Jiangnan.

Although it was at night, the Jade Maiden river outside Nanliang city was full of sparkles, and the gefanghuafang was standing on the river. Although it was not as lively as it was three years ago when the clouds were shallow and the moon came, there was also a trace of Sheng Ge man dance atmosphere.

Yunqianyue thought about it was related to the sudden coma of King Nanliang and his illness in bed. Otherwise, on such a bright night, the jade girl river would be a lively place. Talented scholars and beautiful women, reciting poems and writing poems, are romantic in Nanliang.

Green shadow hidden body shape, cloud shallow moon to the city gate.

She just walked not far, behind came a car roller, she walked to the side, give way. Unexpectedly, the car ran over behind her but stopped. The curtain of the car was lifted. A man leaned out of her head and asked her, "do you want to go to the city, girl?"

Yun Xiaoyue turned to look at the carriage and saw that it was a gorgeous carriage. The men in the carriage were very young, and they could not be called men. They looked like a teenager about the same age as her. According to the age of 18 and the crown of a man in this era, he was certainly not weak. However, his good looks were covered up by his heroic eyes, which made him look young but mature. His eyes were clear and there was a trace of hard-working muscles and bones. She had not seen him, did not know, but can determine the identity of this person should be not simple, quietly said: "yes!"

"Now at night, the gate of the city has been closed for a long time. You can't enter the city without a special identity. I think the girl is alone, with a hint of dust on her body. Did she just come to Nanliang from other places? If the girl doesn't mind, show me your papers. If you don't have a suspicious identity, I can take you to the city. " Youth road.

"Is this gentleman always so kind?" Cloud shallow moon looks at the youth.

"Are you going to enter the city or not? Where does my general usually take care of such affairs? Today, I saw you as a woman on the way back to the city late at night. I was afraid that you would stay outside the city. It is not peaceful inside and outside the capital now. In case something happens to you, I want to take you into the city. If you go in, you'll get in, and if you don't, you'll talk less. " A driver in front of the car immediately stares at the moon.

"Ling Mo!" The boy stopped the schoolboy with a deep voice.

The schoolboy hushed up.

Cloud shallow moon suddenly smile, looking at the youth way: "I don't know who you are, what if you are a bad person? You need to read my papers, but you have to let me know who you are before I can decide whether to go to town with you or not

"It seems that I have done more than that. Since the girl is so bold, she is not afraid to sleep outside the city." The young man put down the curtain and said, "drive

Ling Mo child dug cloud light moon hard, the carriage slowly walked up.

Cloud light moon blinks an eye, suddenly reaches out a hand to pull the car handrail, gently a longitudinal, open the curtain, jump on the car.

"Bold, who called you..." The child immediately gave a drink.

"Catch your car." The young man stopped the child and held out his hand to the cloud and the moon

Yun Qianyue reached into her arms and threw a piece of paper to him. She began to look at the carriage. The inside of the carriage was not as gorgeous as the outside, but very simple and tidy. There was nothing else except bedding. She took back her sight and leaned against the wall of the car and yawned. I didn't sleep for a few days. I began to feel sleepy when I got out of the mountain.

"Girl, come to Beijing to visit relatives?" The young man raised his eyebrows at the paper.

"Well!" Cloud light moon closed her eyes and answered.

"Where do you live?" The boy asked again.

Cloud shallow moon languidly sleepy idea thick way: "Prince Mansion!"

The young man was stunned, looked at her and narrowed his eyes, "girl, are you serious? It's no joke. Nobody can go to the prince's house. "

Cloud shallow moon suddenly happy, open eyes to look at the youth, "how? It's strange that I know his highness? "

The young man looked at the cloud again, did not speak, but handed the document back to her.

Yun Xiaoyue took the document and casually put it into his arms and said to him, "if you don't have any more questions, I'll sleep. Do you know the way to the prince's house? Since you are a good man, do it to the end. Please send me to the gate of the prince's house. "

The boy looked at him in silence.

Cloud shallow moon when he acquiesced, then really went to sleep.

When the carriage came to the gate of the city, the soldiers at the gate didn't have to speak when they saw the people. They opened the door and let them enter the city.After the carriage entered the city, the young man said to the public, "Ling Mo, go to the prince's house."

"General, do you really believe her? It's late at night The child reminds the youth.

"Just go!" The boy said in a deep voice.

The boy did not seem to dare to refute again, and the carriage went to the prince's house.

After about three incense sticks, the carriage stopped at the door of a mansion. The child was surprised to see the man standing lazily against the door frame and said, "Your Highness, prince?"

It's amazing to stand at the gate without sleeping at night.

"Oh? What brings our general back? Or did you come to my prince's house Nanlingrui's voice rings, or as always, romantic publicity.

The young man picked up the curtain and took a look at nanlingrui, but his face was expressionless. "A woman in my car said that he was a relative of the prince's highness. His highness might as well come and recognize his relatives."

Nanlingrui picked his eyebrows and walked slowly to the front of the car. He took a look at the curtain opened by the young man and stretched out his hand to twist cloud's ear. "Dead girl, who dare you get on the car? How dare you sleep? Get the hell out of here , the fastest update of the webnovel!