The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1201

"Why are women in your mouth Shen Zhao stares at the wind.

"These two women are the bane." Wind ember road.

"What about Princess ye? What about the blue master? And the women of the world? None of them is a curse? " Shen Zhao looks at him.

Wind ember disdains a way: "those in my eyes are not women, are just a grass, so many in charge of my family?"

Shen Zhao looked at the wind and saw a hole in his nose and eyes. Then he spat out a sentence: "master Feng, I think your brain is abnormal. You need to see a doctor."

The wind turned her eyes.

Shen Zhao didn't speak any more. They were one after the other, a donkey and a horse, kicking and trampling, and their steps were surprisingly consistent.

Yun Qianyue naturally didn't know what Feng Jin and Shen Zhao had said after she left. At this time, she had already entered the deep mountains and was still the boundary of Southern Xinjiang. There were many poisonous snakes and insects, but she still kept away from her. She walked through the mountains and forests with the Pearl of the night and left for Nanliang.

After walking for a while, she suddenly remembered Qingying and asked him to follow the three young masters of the Yi family, Hua family and Ling family. Today, those three people did not appear, and Qingying had never been on the road. She stopped and tried to shout, "Qingying."

"Miss moon, you finally think of your subordinates!" The voice of the green shadow came from the rear, and there was some bitterness.

Cloud shallow moon immediately smile, look back, "let you stare at those three people, now where are those three people? What's up? "

"The original purpose of those three people should be to kill the commander-in-chief of Fenshui City, cause trouble to the people in Fenshui City, make the people panic, cooperate with the Prime Minister of Qin and Qin Yuning inside and outside, and take down Fenshui city. However, after they killed the commander-in-chief of Fenshui City, I sent someone to stop them and led them to a courtyard where the array handed down to me by the son of heaven was arranged in the courtyard. They can't crack it. Now I think they are still trapped in the yard. " Green shadow voice implied a trace of smile, "only three waste."

Cloud shallow moon is funny, "originally is such, no wonder did not see them."

"Well," said the green shadow, "if it wasn't for the son of heaven who was going to take them in, I would have killed them."

"The ten aristocratic families have always been in the same breath. Now, because of your family's son and Regent, they have been divided into two groups. It may be easy for you to kill the three of them now, but there are three families behind them. If you can win them over, you can fight for them. If you can't win them, you can do it again. After all, the top ten families may not have to fight a bloody river. " Cloud light moon road.

Qingying said, "well," and agreed.

"Since you are following me, what about moju?" Cloud light moon think of ink chrysanthemum.

"He is now on his way back from the capital. He should soon arrive at Fenshui city. He takes over the yard from me and persuades the three people." Green shadow words fall, added: "this is the son of the world just flying pigeon to deliver a letter of command!"

"Your son of the family has come to pass the letter again? No mine? " Clouds and moon raise eyebrows.

Green shadow shook his head, "no!"

"What did that say to me?" Asked the moon.

"No!" The green shadow still shakes her head.

Cloud shallow month reaches out to rub forehead, "seem to be angry, letter also did not write to me."

Qingying has no voice, and obviously agrees with this.

Yunqianyue put down her hand and went on walking, thinking that she would not return to Tiansheng capital, but go to Nanliang again. After she went back, he would be able to calm down and hope to be relieved.

It's about a day and night's journey from Fenshui city to Nanliang.

Taking the mountain road at night, even in winter, the climate in southern Xinjiang is warm and humid, and the vegetation is verdant. By dawn the next day, two mountains have been crossed. Yunqianyue not only doesn't feel tired, but also feels light, soft and soft. She can clearly feel the abundance of spirituality.

"Miss moon, have you noticed any changes in your body?" The green shadow spoke behind her.

"Well!" The moon nods.

"This spirit is really fantastic. I feel that you are in the mountain, and your breath seems to revolve around you automatically." Green shadow is also some strange way: "even under the light, walk so long, do not feel tired, but refreshing."

"When I asked my mother in southern Xinjiang, I knew nothing about the spirit." Cloud light moon road.

"I don't like you to know this all the time, and Mo Ju and I won't hide the story of you in Fenshui city. After you go back, you must explain it to the son of the world. " Green shadow road.

Cloud shallow moon "Er" a, some headache.

"Shizi said that spirituality is harmful, but I don't think it's harmful to the body! On the contrary, it seems that you are not only good at martial arts, but also more and more mysterious. Especially as soon as you enter the mountain, your body will automatically absorb the aura of heaven and earth. The plants, plants, insects and animals in the mountains are not dispirited, but they are in high spirits. I don't understand. " The green shadow is puzzled.

Cloud shallow moon smile, "I don't understand, it seems to be harmless. But Dad also said that the cause and effect cycle, let me use less. But I am not used to harm people, but to save people. There is kindness in my heart. Maybe all things can feel my kindness. Because of this, I can be kind, and my spiritual power will be increased. "Green shadow agreed to nod, and sighed: "about yes, you saved tens of thousands of people by building levees this time."

Since she was able to control other things in the mountain at the end of the month, she could also control the sound of other things? She replied ambiguously that maybe, later, when she saw the Prime Minister of Qin destroying the dam by water, she used the spirit to stop the water in a hurry. It worked. Not only Shen Zhao was shocked, but also she was shocked at the time.

"It's terrible!" Green shadow road.

Cloud shallow moon sighed: "yes, it's so amazing! When I went to my father to study, I didn't expect this. "

"However, the incantation in southern Xinjiang is also fantastic, and it has been recognized by people. In this way, your spirit is not so terrible. According to Shizi, Lingshu is the art of God, and the magic is the art of sorcery. It is only because the cloud clan disappeared two thousand years ago, and it is no longer followed by the world of mortals. The emperor destroyed all the records about the cloud clan in his dossier, which led to the absence of the theory of cloud clan and spirituality. Now you have a history to look at, and it's not out of the sky. " Green shadow road.

Cloud shallow month smiles to nod, "say also, that I don't have to be afraid to fly to ascend to become an immortal one day."

"Green shadow facial expression a change," the son of the world is afraid of this? "

Cloud shallow moon smiles to shake head, "where to have so God? There are many strange things in this world. Since the cloud clan has grown up in the world of mortals and then disappeared in the world of mortals, they all have their established principles. In my opinion, there is only one more protection skill, which is more powerful than martial arts. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!