The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1203

Cloud shallow month ear a pain, "Oh" a, open eyes, see nanlingrui fierce eyes, she frowned, put her arm around his neck, soft and soft called out, "brother!"

Nanlingrui's hand suddenly loosened, and his face was soft, but soon he became stiff and cold. He said, "how can I come here at this time? And sleeping in someone's car? You're not afraid to die. "

"I've been climbing mountains and mountains all night, which is the fastest progress. The young master was afraid that I would not be able to enter the city gate, so he gave me a good ride. " Cloud shallow month embraces his neck not to let go, act coquettishly way: "sleepy dead, hold me quickly to find a place to sleep."

Nan Lingrui hears the speech and holds Yun Qianyue out of the car, but he doesn't enter the mansion immediately. Instead, he looks askance at the young man. "When has the general been so kind? Do you like my little sister

The young man looked at nanlingrui without expression. He glanced at yunqianyue and saw that she was nestled in nanlingrui's arms and closed his eyes comfortably. He was very relieved. He raised his eyebrows coldly, "there are many princesses in the emperor, and Shaoqing also know them. I don't know that the prince's highness has such a sister? From what point of view? "

"Can't a just marriage be achieved?" Nanling Rui also picks eyebrows, tone is stiff.

"It turns out that it's just a golden orchid. The prince's highness is full of red and pink all over the world. There is no reason to blame for the fact that one more woman is a sister." The young man sneered and put down the curtain. He said, "Ling Mo, drive!"

"This prince's red powder is better than you, a little devil who depends on human blood." Nanling Rui snorted coldly, and his mouth was poisonous.

Young suddenly open the curtain, eyes cold Li, "south Ling Rui!"

"Good to go, no send!" South Ling Rui throws out a word, holding cloud shallow moon to go to the house.

The young man stares at nanlingrui's back. After a moment, he puts down the curtain and says angrily, "catch the bus!"

Ling Mo shrunk his neck, did not dare to delay, and immediately left the prince's house.

Cloud shallow month from the south Ling Rui bosom opens an eye, doubt ground asks: "rely on the small devil that sucks human blood? Is he Gu Shaoqing? "

"Dead girl, when you look at the beautiful people, you climb on the rickshaw, don't you?" South Ling Rui has reached out to twist cloud shallow month ear, "how didn't let him suck your blood? I've scratched your tendons and skinned you? "

Cloud shallow month reaches out to beat his hand, not good angry way: "I see others are very good, not so bad as you said."

South Ling Rui stares at cloud shallow month, "you dead wench see which man is not good? Whatever is good-looking in people's eyes will give you a good look

Cloud shallow moon white his one eye, "are you sure you say this is me?"

"Not who are you? Didn't you offend a Shen Zhao two days ago? Now what about that kid? Why didn't you bring it? " Nanlingrui asked.

Cloud shallow moon eyelid turned, "follow the wind to the holy capital, people worship is Rong Jing."

Nanling Rui hummed, "Rong Jing that fool, sent so many people can't see you, let you mess with peach blossom."

Cloud shallow month stretched out his hand to beat South Ling Rui a fist, anger way: "nonsense what? In my heart, he is just in my heart. How did you mess with peach blossom? Shen Zhao is a scholar and a gentleman. Gu Shaoqing gave me a ride just now. What kind of brain are you? What ideas? It's a mess. "

"Stinky girl! What's more? " South Ling RUIZHAO cloud shallow month head knocked, "you don't provoke peach blossom, who provokes peach blossom? What a coincidence that they didn't meet other women, but they met you? "

"Where do I know that? If you meet them, you'll meet them. " Cloud shallow moon white eye, retort: "you return red pink confidant all over the world!"

Nanling Rui suddenly happy, "your brother, I've changed my ways and turned right!"

"I think you are too good for evil to be controlled?" Cloud shallow moon hummed.

"The man who controls me has not been born yet." Nanlingrui doesn't think so. Seeing that yunqianyue just wants to refute, he first stops her mouth. "I heard that you used the spirit skill, and you only have the ability to speak hard here. Wait for me to see Xiaojing and clean you up!"

Cloud shallow moon flat mouth, no sound.

Nanling Rui won her on the mouth, but she was uncomfortable again, "dead girl, look at your little success. Are you my sister? Rongjing that boy makes you so afraid? It's a disgrace. "

"I can remember the days when you were stuck in the acupoints by him and were stiff for several days." Cloud shallow moon glimpses the south Ling Rui one eye.

Nanling Rui suddenly lost his voice and grinded his teeth for a moment. He said angrily, "you are the one who came here to annoy me, didn't you? If I had known that I would not have stood at the gate waiting for you in the middle of the night with the cold wind blowing, you heartless dead girl

Cloud shallow month also feel not very kind, quickly scratched his neck twice, flattering smile way: "good brother, hard, had known you so hard to wait for my sister, I still go what road ah, turn what mountain, more what ridge, should fly over."

Nan Lingrui "Puff Chi" a vocal music, a little cloud shallow moon forehead, anger suddenly disappear.

"Where's your mother?" Cloud shallow moon also does not plan to come down, let him hold to ask.

"Being a eunuch in the palace and guarding her brother." Nanling Rui road.

"What's uncle like? Haven't you woken up yet Cloud shallow moon asks again."Well, I didn't wake up." Nanling Rui sank his face. "Mother said that the father planted a kind of hypnosis. She couldn't get rid of it. This kind of hypnotism can only wake up in 77-49 days."

"Have you found out who hypnotized him?" Asked the moon.

"No!" Nan Lingrui shakes his head.

"I'm a hypnotist. I don't know if I can wake him up." Cloud light moon road.

South Ling Rui eyes a bright, suddenly holding cloud shallow moon turned around, "go, I'll take you to the palace."

Cloud shallow moon nods, anyway also came, the more is solves the matter of Xiliang as soon as possible, the better. Rongjing also said that the king of Nanliang was in a coma for a short period of time, but a long time was not conducive to the government of Nanliang. Although the Prime Minister of Qin died, Qin Yuning was still alive, and southern Xinjiang was not stable. Nanliang had always been the support of Nanjiang, and Nanliang king was the support of nanlingrui, the crown prince.

South Ling Rui holds cloud shallow month to come to the gate again, order to bodyguard, "prepare car to enter palace!"

A bodyguard rushed to prepare the car.

Cloud shallow moon thinks of Gu Shaoqing again, and says to Nanling Rui: "you and Gu Shaoqing are not Mao?"

Nanlingrui snorted.

"He was made a general when he was ten years old. Now he has 300000 military power in Nanliang. Shouldn't you defend him?" Cloud shallow month looks at south Ling Rui, "how many people flatter him? You don't talk to him? Do you want to do well? Isn't he the one who bit a woman in your prince's mansion? How can you hold a grudge like this

"It's different." South Ling Rui facial expression stink tunnel, "man's face problem."

Cloud shallow month chided a, "Rui prince, you really want face!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!