The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1200

Shen Zhao nodded, "I trust and admire Miss Chu, it has nothing to do with men and women. The misunderstanding of the Feng family owner made me deeply shocked. Since it's not convenient for Miss Chu to take me with me, I'll be with the wind master. Don't worry! I'm not going to make trouble for the Feng family

Cloud shallow month smiles to nod, "add trouble to him also nothing!"

"When will you go to Beijing?" Shen Zhao asked again.

"I don't know. I'll find you when I go." Cloud light moon road.

Shen Zhao nodded and stopped talking.

"Princess ye, Yun's son-in-law, uncle Guo, we're leaving!" Yunqianyue also feels that it is inconvenient to take Shen Zhao to Nanliang. Now that Fengjun is willing to send him to Tiansheng capital, she is willing to. She goes to Nanliang alone, light and simple, which can be a lot of convenience.

"Good!" Ye Qian, Yun Dushan and the uncle of Southern Xinjiang all nodded, "be careful on the way, madam Chu, master Feng, and Mr. Shen!"

Cloud shallow moon three people no longer speak, turn to leave the battlefield.

Soldiers are cleaning up the battlefield, countless broken arm debris has been removed.

Ye Qianmu took the three figures and walked away. He turned back to Yun Dushan and his uncle in southern Xinjiang and said, "dushanhan, uncle, let's go back to Beijing now! Let's see what kind of sky Qin Yuning can turn up when she sneaks into the capital. "

"Well!" Cloud evening cold, take back sight, nod.

The national uncle of Southern Xinjiang also took back his sight, naturally there was no objection. Ye Qian ordered that ye Xiao's body be loaded on the car and escorted back to Beijing to pay homage to the royal family in southern Xinjiang. In addition, he ordered General Chen and General Li to guard Fenshui city and stay to deal with the battlefield and pacify the people of Fenshui city. Then they took a team of men and horses to return to Beijing overnight with yunmuhan and the uncle of Southern Xinjiang.

There is a very short way from Nanjiang to Nanliang, but it needs to cross mountains and mountains. After entering Fenshui City, yunqianyue planned to take the shortest road, so she separated from Fengjin and Shen Zhao. She stepped on the snow to Fengjin and entered the deep mountain alone.

Shen Zhao looked anxiously at the cloud and the moon was gone, and said to Feng Jin, "master of the wind family, after all, Miss Chu is a woman. Although she is more capable, she can walk alone on the mountain road, and it is hard to guarantee that there will be no accident. We... "

Feng Jin looked at Shen Zhao and said coolly to him: "you have seen all her skills? It would be nice if she didn't eat tigers and snakes. Those things can't eat her

Shen Zhao frowned.

"What you'd better say is true. You can only trust and admire her, and there is no love between men and women. Otherwise, no matter how talented you are, you will die." Wind ashes warn Shen Zhao.

Shen Zhao looked at the bad face of the wind ember, and immediately became angry, "master of the wind family, you can walk by yourself if you don't like me. You don't have to remind me repeatedly that I know how many catties I have."

"Ah..." The wind ember suddenly laughed, "originally or a scholar with temper."

Shen Zhao turned his head and left, "different ways do not conspire with each other."

Feng Jin looked at Shen Zhao's back. After a moment, she walked up with him with a smile and patted his shoulder. The brothers said, "my words are not harmful to you. Don't mess with that woman. She is not a woman, but a poison. If you touch her, you will poison people unconsciously. Many people were poisoned by her, but she did not know it. I think it's a pity if you are poisoned by her? So it's a good idea. "

Shen Zhao stopped and said obstinately, "Miss Chu, you are good-natured. How can it be poison? Don't talk nonsense

"That's because you don't realize her essence. She's actually a selfish, cold-blooded and ruthless woman with a heart more poisonous than a snake." Wind ember chided a, way: "this world also is a person to be able to control her, others can't control."

"Nonsense! I think you have prejudice against Miss Chu. " Shen Zhao pushes away the wind.

The wind ember glared at him, "how can you not listen to good words? I have known that woman since I was a child. I know very well who she is. How can you be a boy who has only known her for a few days

Shen Zhao snorted coldly, "you all obey King Shizi's orders. I think you are fighting for credit with her in front of jingshizi. However, if you are jealous of Miss Chu's ability, you will speak ill of her behind her, and I will not be deceived by you."

"You..." Feng Jin was speechless and couldn't believe to look at him, "I argued with her in front of Jing Shizi, but only said bad things about her? How do you grow your head? "

"You don't care how my head grows. I won't believe you anyway." What do you say, Shen Zhao? All I see is her kindness and kindness

Feng Jin looked at Shen Zhao, half ring some angry way: "I see you are poisoned not light!"

Shen Zhao doesn't seem to want to get entangled with Feng Jin. He doesn't pay any more attention to him and leads his donkey to mount and leave.

Feng Jin was a little angry. After a while, he couldn't help laughing. He turned over and rode after Shen Zhao. He said to him, "Shen Zhao, I ask you, how much do you admire Jing Shizi?"

"To be highly respected and prepared." Shen Zhaodao.

"What about Mrs. Chu?" Wind ember asked again, "how about Madame Chu compare with King Shizi in your heart now?"

"How can it be compared?" Shen Zhao glanced at the wind, and said, "Jing Shizi is Jing Shizi, and Chu is Chu. Obviously, they are two different people. How can we compare them?"Wind ember slowly spit out a word, "as expected is poisoning is not light."

Shen Zhao ignored him again, and was obviously angry. He said: "Feng family master, why do you always look at Miss Chu? It's hard to make me wonder where Miss Chu has offended you

"She has offended me a lot." Wind ember hummed.

"Sure enough!" Shen Zhao vomited two words.

Feng Jin seems to have no words to Shen Zhao.

After they walked a long way in silence, Shen Zhao suddenly said, "no, the wind master, do you like Miss Chu?"

Wind ember hears speech and glances at Shen Zhao, "people who like her have abnormal brain. Do you think I look abnormal?"

"It looks like you." Shen Zhao looks at the wind.

The wind ember rolled a white eye, "since I was young, I can see the essence of that woman. I wish I could strangle her. What do you like about her? In my opinion, she is nothing at all. "

Shen Zhao looked at him suspiciously. Seeing his disgust, he turned his head and stopped talking.

The wind ashes no longer speak.

After a long walk, Shen Zhao suddenly asked, "master Feng, do you know the lady of the cloud mansion?"

"Nature!" Wind ember slants Shen Zhao one eye, "what do you ask her to do?"

"A little curious! Over the years, I grew up listening to her rumor. Some people said that she was dandy, others said she was gorgeous. It seems that in everyone's heart, she has a look. I think it would be wonderful for her to be loved so much by Jing Shizi? I don't know what about Mrs. beechu? " Shen Zhao went his own way.

Wind ember hummed, "it's just a disaster." , the fastest update of the webnovel!