The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1199

After the battlefield, the broken arm remains, the whole Fenshui bend is filled with a thick smell of blood, ye Qian's voice is sonorous and cold.

All of them did not speak and looked at the direction of the southern capital.

Ye Qian took back her sight, looked at Shen Zhao, looked him up and down, changed him coldly, and said with a smile, "so you are Shen Zhao, the descendant of the emperor's grandfather's incantation."

"Princess Ye!" Shen Zhao arched Ye Qian's hand, but did not pay a big ceremony.

"You are a good-looking man indeed! From today on, you are famous all over the world Ye Qian glanced at the cloud, and suddenly said, "Madam Chu, I said I would not dig your corner. If I don't want to count, what should I do? Shen Zhao is really a talent. After seeing him, I don't want to let go! Can you cut love and leave him in southern Xinjiang

Cloud shallow month picked pick pick eyebrow, "Shen Zhao belongs to oneself, if ye princess can let him agree to stay in southern Xinjiang, my wife can't help it."

"Oh? Is Mrs. Chu so generous? " Ye Qian suddenly a happy, asked to Shen Zhao, "Shen childe, how to stay in southern Xinjiang?"

Shen Zhao looks at the moon.

Yun Xiaoyue gently smiles at him, "Princess ye must be a high official. Shen Zhao, do you want to stay in southern Xinjiang? You belong to yourself. If you want to stay in southern Xinjiang, you can rest assured. "

Shen Zhao shook his head, looked at Ye Qian and said firmly, "Shen Zhao admires King Shizi and is determined to go to heaven."

Ye Qian winked at the words, and made a circle on Yun Qianyue and Shen Zhao, smiling and nodding, "it turns out that the man Mr. Shen admires is Jing Shizi. Southern Xinjiang is indeed a small country, which can not be compared with a big country. Since Mr. Shen is determined to be a saint of heaven and has lofty aspirations, I am not in a dilemma."

Shen Zhao stopped talking.

"Qin Yuning must have taken the opportunity to sneak to the capital city of Southern Xinjiang. I must go back immediately. Madam Chu, go to the capital again? You have saved your uncle's life, protected tens of thousands of people in Fenshui City, blocked the Cang Shao Lord and the blue family leader, and helped Shen Zhao kill the anti thief Ye Xiao, which is a great contribution to southern Xinjiang. I must treat you well. I can't kill you with a glass of wine in a hurry, can't I? " Ye Qian looks at the moon.

Cloud shallow moon light smile, "Qin Yuning is a piece of cake, ye princess, cloud son-in-law, uncle can easily deal with her. My wife has other things to do, so I don't want to go to the capital to join in the fun. As for the good entertainment, there is no need. According to our earlier agreement, Princess ye should not forget to prepare a generous gift and send it to the Chu family. "

"Madame Chu is good at collecting money for the Chu family leader." Ye Qian burst out laughing, "since Mrs. Chu has something else to do, the princess will not force her to stay. She will surely prepare a generous gift to the Chu family to thank her." She arched her hand and said, "Madam Chu, I'll see you soon."

"See you later!" Cloud shallow moon also arched hand.

"Mrs. Chu said something else. Where are you going Have not spoken of the cloud evening cold at this time sound.

Cloud shallow month saw cloud evening cold one eye, these two days he obviously did not have a good rest, look a little haggard, she restrained the mood, a light smile, "my brother handed me a letter, let me go back to Nanliang."

Cloud dusk cold eyes slightly narrowed, "Chu Fu population of the brother is the South Liang Rui crown prince?"

Yun Qianyue knew that the cloud was cold, which was a sign of suspicions about her identity, because he was the prince of Nanliang. Naturally, he knew about Nanliang. She said quietly with a smile: "yes, he is my brother-in-law. My parents have no parents. He is alone. He has long been a family brother. What's your advice? "

Cloud evening cold eye ground a trace of doubt to forget, shake head, "teach dare not be! It's said that the king of Nanliang is in a coma and hasn't woken up yet. But Mrs. Chu is going to save the king of Nanliang? "

"If you can wake up, you have to try." Cloud light moon road.

"In this case, we won't leave Mrs. Chu any more! Mrs. Chu, go Cloud evening cold also arch hand.

Cloud shallow moon nods.

"Mrs. Chu, I will also go to Nanliang. Can you pick up an old man of mine for the journey? It's easy to take care of. " The uncle of South Xinjiang suddenly said.

After that, you can go back to the south of the country to see the princess mourn? Doesn't uncle Guo give the king of Southern Xinjiang a ride? "

"Yes, uncle, you must go! My father mentioned you on his deathbed Ye Qian immediately said.

The uncle of Southern Xinjiang waved his hand freely and freely, "people are all dead. What else can we see. No more! "

"No, uncle. What if Qin Yuning can't beat her? You must go with me to the capital of Southern Xinjiang. I can't stop Mrs. Chu. I can't let you go. " Ye Qian took the hand of the national uncle of Southern Xinjiang, "my relatives and elders can leave you!"

"You little girl, forget it, I'll go to Nanjiang with you!" Nanjiang's uncle compromised, patted Ye Qian on the head, and said with a smile to Yun Qianyue, "how many days will Madame Chu stay in Nanliang?"

"Not sure!" The moon shakes her head.

The national uncle of Southern Xinjiang seemed to sigh, "originally, I wanted to make friends with Madame Chu. It seems that I can only see you later."

The cloud shallow moon thought slightly turns, smiles, "the national uncle wants to pay respects to forget the year with me, the future is long!"

"It's true!" The uncle of Nanjiang nodded with a smile.Ye Qian took a look at the national uncle of Southern Xinjiang, and then looked at Yun Qianyue. His eyes flashed a little strange and puzzled. He looked at the cold clouds, and yundushan shook her head slightly. She didn't ask, and said with a smile, "is Mr. Shen going to Nanliang with Mrs. Chu?"

The moon looks at Shen Zhao.

When Shen Zhaogang wanted to speak, Feng Jin stopped him and said, "I happen to be going to the heavenly capital. Since Mr. Shen worships jingshizi, let's go with me."

Shen Zhao looks at the wind.

Wind ember also said: "Chu Rong loves his wife, the world knows. Mr. Shen, are you sure you want to follow Mrs. Chu all the way? Now that you are famous in the world, you are no longer a nobody. If you follow her, what bad rumors will flow out, which is not good for you and her. Is it true that Mr. Shen can read hundreds of books and know ancient and modern characters? "

Shen Zhao's face turned white and said in a loud voice, "I don't care about Miss Chu. I'm just..."

"It's no use saying that to me. Can you stop the mouth of the world?" The wind stopped Shen Zhao.

Shen Zhao was robbed, a sentence stuck in the throat.

"Wind ashes!" "Shen Zhao is reading a gentleman's book. He is upright and upright. He is a good man. He is determined to be at the height of the temple, to shine on the court, to make peace with the emperor, and to put away your disorderly ideas." After that, she changed her voice into secret and said angrily to him: "I see you are poisoned by who, don't forget who you are!"

Wind ember smell speech glare, want to refute what, be cloud shallow moon calm eyes look at, after all is silent voice.

Shen Zhao looks at the moon and clouds. His face is moving.

Cloud shallow moon turns back, to Shen Zhao, the eyes light is gentle, "Shen Zhao, I should have followed aunt's request to take you to the capital, but now that the wind family mainly goes to the capital, you can join him! It's really inconvenient for me to take you to Nanliang. The master of the wind family is very good at martial arts and will protect you. I don't worry if you follow him. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!