The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1198

The man couldn't answer a word.

"Ye Qian, the real Ye Xiao is here, and has been killed by Shen Zhao as his teacher!" Cloud shallow moon cold voice called out. Her voice condenses the internal force and penetrates across the river, reaching not only Ye Qian's ears, but also everyone's ears.

Ye Qian seems to find that the cloud shallow moon on the other side of the river, she raised her voice and asked, "really?"

"Really!" Cloud shallow month reply.

Ye Qian's wrist trembled, and the fake Ye Xiao was immediately decapitated. She sat on her horse and raised her voice and cried, "Ye Xiao's anti thief is dead. Please surrender at this time. I will forgive you for your innocence! If they do not surrender, they will be punished! "

Ye Qian's voice is also the cohesion of internal force, the whole battlefield everyone can hear clearly.

Ye Xiao's 40000 men and horses had already gone to a small half. At this time, they saw that ye Xiao was dead and had no intention of fighting. They looked at each other, threw weapons together, and knelt down in a large area.

Then, people fighting all over the battlefield fell to their knees.

The situation suddenly reversed to Ye Qian.

At this time, the square array arranged at that place also disintegrated. Cang Ting came out of the square array with blue ripples in his arms. He took a look at the cloud on the other side of the river and flew away. In a moment, the uncle of Southern Xinjiang and Fengjun came out of the square array. Instead of chasing cangting Pavilion, they came to the other side of the river.

Both of them have excellent lightness skills. Stepping on the water grass and driftwood on the river surface, more than ten ups and downs came to the opposite bank.

The two men floated down one after another, and stood firm. The uncle of Southern Xinjiang went to Ye Xiao, who was lying on the ground and had already died. He took a look and said, "yes, this is the real Ye Xiao." After that, he looked up at Shen Zhao and praised: "boy, you killed Ye Xiao. From now on, you have a place in the world. You are famous all over the world

Ye Xiao pulled the corners of her mouth, but did not pull out a smile. She took a look at Yun Qianyue, shook her head, and said in a low voice, "it is Miss Chu who helps me, otherwise I can't kill Ye Xiao. Miss Chu is much better than me. "

"You killed people. I just sent you across the river to protect your Dharma." Yun Qianyue knew that she had controlled the water and built a dike with her spirit skills, which surprised Shen Zhao. However, this matter could only end in her and Shen Zhao's heart. The credit must be his. At that time, cangting was on the other side of the river, and the dam collapsed and recovered. But in a moment, he could not be sure that it was her hand.

Shen zhaoben was smart and immediately understood the meaning of Yun Qianyue, and said in a low voice, "fortunately, I did not live up to that strange man's trust."

The national uncle of Southern Xinjiang came over and patted Shen Zhao on the shoulder, "there is a bright future!"

Shen Zhao lowered his head slightly and stopped talking.

Wind ember looked at cloud shallow moon one eye, Mou Guang some heavy, but also did not speak.

"What about Qin Yuning? Dead? " Yun Qianyue inquires about the uncle of the south of Xinjiang.

The uncle's face sank and shook his head. "That Qin Yuning is also a fake. It's not true at all."

Cloud shallow moon squint eyes, "Qin Yu Ning is also false?"

"Well!" The uncle of Southern Xinjiang nodded, "I was confused by her, and I found it was fake after killing her. I can't track it with my technique. It's probably not in Fenshui city. " Words fall, he said to Shen Zhao: "you track try."

Shen Zhao nodded, palm traction surgery into a charm, a moment later, he put down his hand, shaking his head, "is not in Fenshui city."

"I didn't expect that both the father and the daughter had such skills that they found a substitute." Cloud light moon is unexpected.

"It should be a double that has been trained for a long time. Otherwise, he would not be so proficient in southern Xinjiang incantation, and take the fake and the real to this point." Looking at Ye Xiao who died on the ground, the uncle of the state of Southern Xinjiang said, "but ye Xiao's death is a great achievement. Ten thousand of these 40000 soldiers and horses have died, and the rest have been taken over by qian'er. Ye Lingge, a little girl, can't turn out the sky."

"Did she go to the southern capital? After all, Princess Ye is here. If she goes to the capital of Southern Xinjiang, I'm afraid it will not be good... " Shen Zhaodao.

Hearing the speech, the uncle of Southern Xinjiang took a look at the direction of the capital of Southern Xinjiang, nodded his head and said, "I can't tell. After a while, qian'er cleaned up the battlefield, counted the troops, and immediately returned to Beijing. Ye Xiao is dead, 40000 soldiers and horses are dead, and 130000 soldiers and horses are captured. There are 100000 soldiers and horses led by the prime minister and general in the capital city. She is a little girl, and she will not cause any trouble in a short time. "

Shen Zhao stopped talking.

"Let's go to the other side! Send the corpse of this old thing to qian'er and take it back to the ancestors of Southern Xinjiang to offer sacrifices to the dead. " The uncle of Southern Xinjiang chopped a tree with his hand, put Ye Xiao's corpse on the tree, held the wood with his internal force, and used his lightness skill to go back to the other side of the river.

Yun Qianyue reaches out to pull Shen Zhao's hand, but the wind ember pulls him to his side and says in a cold voice, "don't forget that you are a married woman. What kind of relationship do you have?" After saying this, he drags Shen Zhao's toes lightly, and follows his uncle behind him to exert his lightness skills, and he also goes to the opposite bank.

Yun Qianyue thought of the wind and got angry again, but she used the spirit art only when the situation was critical. She could not let the Fenshui River flood tens of thousands of soldiers and horses, causing such a large killing. In this case, what is the significance of her hard work in southern Xinjiang? She looked at the wind ember pulling the figure of stiff Shen Zhao, some headache, when she became a married woman? Others do not know, his wind ashes should be the most clear. Tap your toes and follow them.A moment later, all three of them cross the river. The uncle of South Xinjiang throws away Ye Xiao's body, and Feng Jin dismisses Shen Zhao in disgust.

Shen Zhao's body is unstable and falls to the ground. Yun Qianyue then comes and waves her hand to hold Shen Zhao. She stares at the wind ember and snorts coldly. Shen Zhao's face turns red and white. She turns her head and says in a low voice: "thank you, Miss Chu..."

"Don't pay attention to him!" Cloud shallow moon comforts Shen Zhao.

Shen Zhao looked at the wind and nodded in silence.

At this time, ye Qian has already stood together with cloud Twilight cold, and orders people to count the number of soldiers and horses and clean up the battlefield. Seeing several people coming back from the other side of the river, they quickly come over.

"Qian'er, this is Ye Xiao!" The national uncle of Southern Xinjiang pointed to the corpse of Ye Xiao on the ground and said, "it was killed by Shen Zhao! Although his daughter ran away, the death of this old man is a great achievement. "

Ye Qian looked at Ye Xiao's body and nodded, "it's really him. It's not worth dying!" The words fell, her eyes cold and sharp to the direction of the capital of Southern Xinjiang, a cold voice: "Qin Yuning sooner or later also have to die!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!