The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1197

Cloud shallow moon words fall, the surging water suddenly stopped.

Shen Zhao opened his eyes wide and looked at the cloud moon in horror. "Chu Miss Chu, you... "

"Look for supper!" Cloud shallow moon condenses the aura of fingertips, deep voice command.

Shen Zhao didn't dare to delay any more when he heard the speech. According to the method just now, the ghost notes condensed by the water droplets floated to the other side of the river. He immediately said, "he is under the old locust tree on the other side of the river."

Cloud shallow moon nods, the spiritual power that the palm condenses toward the dike collapse place one finger, murmurs softly: "stack, build dike!"

The rubble of the collapsed dyke suddenly gathered together and piled up one by one. In a short time, it was stacked into a square dike. Although it was not as good as its original appearance, it had blocked the water from flowing out.

Shen Zhao's face was as white as paper. He could not say a word when he saw it with his own eyes.

Yunqianyue put down her hand and said nothing more. She took Shen Zhao, who was shocked into a sculpture, to fly to the opposite bank with her lightness skills on the grass and driftwood on the river. Although the river is wide, her lightness skill is very high. She reaches the other side of the river after several ups and downs.

Under the old locust tree, there are two people standing and sitting, one is a strange old man, the other is cangting.

Both of them looked at the river which was blocked in an instant. They couldn't believe it. They were shocked.

"Shen Zhao, kill as you can The cloud is shallow and the moon is sinking, and the voice says to Shen Zhao.

When Shen Zhao heard the speech, he suddenly woke up and recognized that this man was the real Ye Xiao. The water skill in his hand pointed to Ye Xiao in an instant, and read aloud: "the water carries the immortal soul, respects my forefather, shoots and kills the national thief, calms down the remaining hatred. Kill

After his words, a water line suddenly burst out of the Fen river behind him, crossing him like a sword, and straight into the leaf sky sitting under the old locust tree.

Ye Xiao wakes up at this time and draws a water circle on the table, and a water line rushes to Shen Zhao.

Cloud shallow moon suddenly silent to leaf Xiao point fingertip read a, "stop!"

Ye Xiao's water suddenly stopped. He was startled. The surprise on his face which had not subsided again turned into fright. In a moment, he seemed to say something. Shen Zhao's water had broken through his protection and wrapped him up. He only heard several "HISHI" sounds, which were similar to the sound of a sword piercing.

Cang Pavilion at this time also woke up, a change in complexion, to go to save Ye Xiao.

"Little Lord, don't be hurt!" Cloud shallow moon at this time out of sound, eyes cold and quiet looking at the Cang Pavilion.

Cang Pavilion stopped for a moment and looked at the moon. He didn't speak for a while.

"If you want to save people, you should think well. Don't lose your life to help an anti thief." Cloud light moon again.

Cang Ting's eyes suddenly narrowed, staring at the cloud shallow moon, with sharp eyes, "it's Madame Chu! Is it Mrs. Chu who urges those poisons to bite me in the deep mountains

"Little Lord Cang only thought that I urged the poison to bite you. Why didn't he think that I let you go?" Cloud shallow moon pick eyebrows, cold way: "if I don't stop, Cang Shao Lord can imagine the consequences at that time."

Cang Pavilion complexion a sink, "so to say this little Lord should thank Mrs. Chu for her kindness?"

"Thank you! If my wife didn't remember that my husband was a member of the Chu family, I would be a member of the Chu family. Because of the origin of the Red Pavilion and the seven aristocratic families, my wife would not be merciful to the Lord Cang Cloud light moon road.

"Mrs. Chu is so powerful that she has such ability!" The Cang pavilion looks calm.

The moon is not sure.

As they speak, the sound of "HISHI" has been hitting Ye Xiao constantly. Surrounded by the water column, he looks like a silkworm chrysalis. Shen Zhao's hand has been pointing to Ye Xiao, his face is pale, but his face is firm.

Yun Qianyue has no doubt. At this time, ye Xiao is being held back by numerous swords and swords. Now, Shen Zhao, who has no martial arts skills but only water skills, has no power to fight back.

Cangting no longer talks, thin lips pursed into a line, there is no plan to save Ye Xiao. Perhaps he knows that even his hand is useless at this time.

A moment later, cloud shallow moon clear voice way: "Shen Zhao, withdraw hand!"

On hearing this, Shen Zhao immediately withdrew his hand and immediately withdrew from the water wrapped in Yexiao. He took a piece of blood and returned to the river and dyed the river red.

Ye Xiao had been sitting on the body at this time has been soft and soft on the ground, covered with blood, body countless crossings, even his face is also, the whole person has become a blood man, has not seen the appearance.

Shen Zhao shook and was about to fall to the ground.

Yun Qianyue reached out and helped him on his back. The spiritual power of his hand was transmitted slightly along his acupoint. Shen Zhao stood firm. His eyes, which were supposed to be closed, turned to look at Yun Qianyue with a white face. He opened his mouth and did not make a sound.

"What's the matter? Not feeling well? " The cloud is light and the moon is gentle.

Shen Zhao shakes his head, sees cloud shallow moon to look at him, a moment later, some hoarse voice way: "just have some, but now much better."

Cloud shallow moon nodded, put down his hand, looked to Cang Pavilion, eyebrows and eyes cold, "Cang Shao Lord still stay here now, don't leave?"

Cang Ting did not answer, but said: "Madam Chu has something in common with a person I know. No matter where she is, there is no lack of men." Then he looked at Shen Zhao and said with a smile, "the master of Chu is so relieved. Madam Chu, I really admire the master's mind.""If you are a gentleman, you will not have the heart of a villain." Yunqianyue looked at the Cang Pavilion coldly and reminded him, "if Cang Shao Lord doesn't rescue the blue master, there will be a more fragrant soul buried in the land of Southern Xinjiang today."

"Should I thank Mrs. Chu for letting me go again today?" Cang Pavilion raises eyebrows.

"Do you want to bury your bones in southern Xinjiang today? Mrs. Ben can help you Cloud shallow moon also pick eyebrows.

Cang Ting suddenly laughed, stretched out his hand and flicked the wounded water stains on his clothes. He looked at Yun Qianyue deeply and said, "Madam Chu, I'll see you soon." The words fall, he tiptoes lightly, float to the square array on the opposite bank.

When the moon turns back, you can see the figure of Cang Pavilion walking on the water with flowing clothes and elegant lightness skills.

"Miss Chu, you You just let him go? Is it not to let the tiger return to the mountain? He was with the traitor. " Shen Zhao looks at the Cang Pavilion leaving, to the cloud shallow moon road.

"Ten years ago, it was because of my intervention that his grandfather died. I owe him a life. I'll pay him back this time. " After that, she added: "besides, the top ten families have not reached the point of killing each other. There are enough people who died today, even if they do."

Shen Zhao nodded his head and stopped talking.

Yunqianyue stood still and looked at the cangting Pavilion flying across the river into the array. On the other side, ye Qian is using his sword to resist the fake Yexiao. It seems that ye Xiao is not that ye Xiao. He angrily asks, "what about the real Ye Xiao? Where is it? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!