The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1196

Although Ye Xiao's complexion flashed a little flustered, it soon turned violent and suddenly threw two flaming things from his sleeve to Ye Qian.

Ye Qian is not willing to be outdone. She throws two flaming red things from her sleeve and throws them down to Ye Xiao.

The cloud moon clearly shows two huge red scorpions and two red centipedes.

The red scorpion and the red centipede face up and make two explosions, and die together.

Ye Xiao's mouth suddenly read a word, the broken body on the ground seems to live in general, Qi Qi flies to Ye Qian.

Ye Qian's face did not change. She also read a word in her mouth. The swords and weapons on the ground suddenly flew to Ye Xiao like a living creature.

The broken body and sword Sakura gun meet, for a time in the middle of the two crackling into a ball, sound constantly.

Cloud shallow moon is covered with veil, the smell of blood still rushes into the mouth and nose, she looks at calmly.

Just as the team of Fenshui city was about to rush into the camp, suddenly the people in the front row screamed a few times, and the horses and people fell down together. The second wave of people, also happened the same thing, not close, again scream fell.

It's not clear when I look at the fog.

"Mrs. Chu, go to meet the cold in the evening!" Ye Qian heard the scream of the soldiers and horses, and called to the cloud and the moon.

Cloud shallow moon sits on the horse not to move, light way: "you don't have to worry, but it's just a small array. Cloud's husband-in-law can cope with it."

Ye Qian seems to be right to think about it and stop talking.

The cloud shallow moon looks at that place, only hears the scream unceasingly, has not passed. This is what ye Qian said earlier when drinking in the palace of Southern Xinjiang, especially the sentence "I don't want to think about other people any more now, and I know clearly what I should want. My husband-in-law and I will have a long-term relationship. Otherwise, it would be too miserable for two people without love to live a lifetime. I try my best to fall in love with him For this sentence, she also wants to protect Ye Qian for the sake of cloud Twilight cold and protect her Dharma here, so that Prime Minister Qin can't succeed.

"All back up!" A loud cry came from the cold at night.

The soldiers retreated in unison, and a moment later, there was no more screams.

Yunqianyue waved to disperse the black fog in front of her eyes. Looking at it, she could see that the front was clear. She could see the cold and cold face of the cloud twilight. Looking at the place where the soldiers had just fallen and screamed, there was a dim blue shadow sitting there. She squinted her eyes.

"Master LAN, when I first came, I saw you sitting in the array, chanting Buddha?" The voice of wind ember evil spirit came, and in a moment, he came forward from behind and came to yundushan. He raised his eyebrows and said, "do you want to become a monk? But if you want to become a monk, you shouldn't sit here. Should you go to a nunnery? "

"It's OK for me to sit here and drink tea. Don't come in and have a drink?" Blue ripples sound.

"Since the blue master invited me, how can I reward you for your face? After all, you and I were once unmarried." Wind ember evil spirit to smile, suddenly abandoned the horse, flying into the array.

As soon as he was in the battle, the place suddenly filled with black fog.

"Oh, it turns out that not only the master of the blue family is drinking tea, but also miss Qin!" The wind ember laughs from the array and shouts to the outside, "Uncle Guo, are you coming in for a drink? Although Miss Qin is the daughter of the anti thief, she is from southern Xinjiang. Do you come in to recognize your relatives

"I don't need to marry! It's almost as good as chaos At the same time, he threw a man to the direction of the cloud and the moon, "Madame Chu, your people, catch it!"

Cloud shallow moon to see to throw to her person is Shen Zhao, she gently wave, drag him, sit steadily behind her horse.

Shen Zhao seemed to be thrown dizzy. It took a long time for Shen Zhao to get used to it. He grabbed Yun Qianyue's arm from behind and asked in a quick voice, "Miss Chu, how are you doing? Are you ok? "

Cloud shallow month to hear his tone of concern, turn head to him gentle smile, "I am very good, nothing."

"I wish you were OK. I was scared that day." Shen Zhao breathed a sigh of relief.

Yunqianyue smiles at him and looks at Ye Qian and ye Xiao, who are fighting fiercely. Originally, she thought Ye Xiao was so powerful that ye Qian's incantation was not as good as him. But now it seems that ye Qian, the princess of Southern Xinjiang, is not a dry eater. They are obviously half a dozen. Although Ye Qian did not stand on the upper hand, she did not lose. She said to Shen Zhao, "didn't you always read the last words of that strange man? Now try to help Ye Qian and kill him. You can also account for the strange man. "

Shen Zhao nodded and took out a bottle of water from his arms. He dropped the water on the palm of his hand. He pointed it out and pointed at Ye Xiao. Suddenly, he said to Yun Qianyue, "no, Miss Chu, this man is not ye Xiao."

Ye Qian a Zheng, look to Shen Zhao, "he is not ye Xiao?"

"No, he's not alone with the person you asked me to find the day before yesterday and the person I played with the day before yesterday." Shen Zhao shakes his head.

Cloud shallow moon smell speech facial expression dignified rise, looking at Shen Zhao, calmly asked, "are you sure?"Shen Zhao took a look at Ye Xiao, who fought fiercely with Ye Qian, and nodded affirmatively, "sure, it's not that person! My water skill to him did not have that day familiar feeling, is very strange. Absolutely not alone. "

Yun Qianyue narrowed her eyes. She just wondered that ye Xiao should not be such a waste. Even Rongjing said that he would be able to perform several banned techniques in southern Xinjiang, but ye Qian could not. But now it seems that the two fight, he did not show more powerful than ye Qian. She immediately said, "use your water skills to find out where he is."

Shen Zhao nodded, spread out one hand, and pointed at the palm of his hand. The strange symbol formed by the condensation of water drops suddenly transferred from ye Xiao who was fighting with Ye Qian and left for Fenshui River. A moment later, Shen Zhao said, "Miss Chu, it's not good. He's doing it on the Fenshui River."

"Go, I'll take you there!" Knowing that ye Qian could not help her, Yun Qianyue no longer protected her. She took Shen Zhao to fly to Fenshui River and began to use her lightness skills.

This battlefield was originally in Fenshui Bay, so it was only a few hundred meters away from Fenshui River. A moment later, they came to the Fenshui River.

As soon as the cloud and the moon just pulled Shen Zhao down, the dam of Fenshui River suddenly collapsed, and the river suddenly gushed out to the battlefield where tens of thousands of people were fighting.

Yun Qianyue's heart is cold and he thinks Ye Xiao is poisonous. He confuses Ye Qian with false and false, while he tries to drown the seven armies in Fenshui River. He doesn't want his own people. He wants to destroy Ye Qian and these soldiers in southern Xinjiang. Tens of thousands of lives. She suddenly became angry and waved her hand. A small group of aura gathered on her fingertips and silently recited to her fingertips, "if there is a soul in the water, listen to my words, stop!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!