The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1195

Looking ahead, Yun Qianyue obviously didn't expect the troops to attack from the left and right rear. They came out in disorder with swords, spears and clothes.

Ye Qian's first step really took the lead.

Ye Qian did not join the battle circle, but commanded in the rear. 20000 soldiers and horses were obviously well-trained. They used one as two and three loaves to copy. The smell of blood spread.

"This princess is Ye Qian, the direct descendant of the royal family of Southern Xinjiang. The future queen of Southern Xinjiang, nianer, and others have been misled for a while. If you want to surrender, I will not be responsible for the past!" Ye Qian shouts to the soldiers who are fighting.

"Surrender as soon as possible, the princess will let go of the past and rao'er and other anti thieves will not die!"

"Surrender as soon as possible, the princess will let go of the past and rao'er and other anti thieves will not die!"

Ye Qian behind the protection of people with shouting.

One after another shouts are very penetrating and resounding throughout Fenshui Bay.

Cloud shallow moon thought of the second step to disturb the enemy's morale, ye Qian also did.

"Ye Qian, I'm your uncle! This king is Ye Xiao, the direct descendant of the royal family in southern Xinjiang. " A figure in a gray robe came out of it with a loud and powerful voice, and cried out: "you are not allowed to listen to her words. This king recognizes his ancestors and belongs to his family. The royal family of Southern Xinjiang obstructs him in every way. He wants to kill him secretly, so that I can't force myself to fight!"

Some of the soldiers who had let out their strength saw Ye Xiao come out, but their hesitation disappeared, and their morale doubled in an instant.

"Return to your ancestors? A hundred years ago, they rebelled in southern Xinjiang, and still have the face to come back to recognize their ancestors? " Ye Qian watched Ye Xiao come out. He was no longer the face of prime minister Qin. She changed her face. She looked at him with a sneer. "Thirty years ago, you had to recognize your ancestors. Your grandfather saw that you were a vagrant. Later, you turned a dog into a tiger, and you were ambitious. Your grandfather was hurt by you. Now you still have the face to step into the land of Southern Xinjiang?"

"This king is upright and upright. At that time, the great grandfather's branch was obedient to the heavenly saints and conformed to the laws of heaven, and the heavenly saints were unified. In the south of Xinjiang, were they still enslaved? Ye Qian's child, can you talk about a way if you don't have the same hair? " Ye Xiao drinks anger, "what happened 30 years ago is not what I did."

"We should not kill our ancestors, kill our fathers and destroy our humanity. A hundred years ago, since you got out of Southern Xinjiang, don't come back! " Ye Qian is also furious, "30 years ago, it was not what you did, who did it?"? My princess has already found out that you were the one who asked out the emperor's grandfather

Ye Xiao suddenly tugged at his face and revealed the appearance of the Prime Minister of Qin. He exclaimed, "my king has always been a saint in heaven. He just joined the imperial court 30 years ago. How can he come to the south to harm people? Ye qianxiao'er, this king is the real blood of Southern Xinjiang, and keeps the blood of the royal family in southern Xinjiang. What about you? You are the remnant of the previous dynasty

"Prime minister Qin, are you really showing your face? Isn't it ridiculous that you call yourself the king? The royal family in southern Xinjiang is not as noble as you Ye qianmei stood up and said angrily, "I was born to be a princess of the royal family in southern Xinjiang. How many pairs of eyes are watching me? Do you think this princess is the last evil of the previous dynasty? Be careful to be laughed off by the people all over the world

Ye Xiao snorted coldly, "now the queen of Southern Xinjiang is the remnant of the Murong family of the former dynasty. The daughter she gave birth to is not the residual evil of the former dynasty. What is it?"

Cloud shallow moon a Zheng, did not expect Qin prime minister to say these words.

"You're talking nonsense! My mother is a civilian woman. " Ye Qian was even more furious when she heard the speech.

"Are you wearing a jade pendant around your neck? The jade pendant is engraved with the word "Mu" Ye Xiao stares at Ye Qian's neck.

Ye Qian's face changed slightly and said angrily, "no!"

Ye Xiao angrily hummed, "Ye Qian, you can't deny that the jade pendant is the inheritance of Murong family, and it's the Royal Princess pendant. Your mother is not a common woman, but a remnant of Murong. "

"Don't talk nonsense here! Today, if I don't deal with you as a traitor instead of the ancestors of the royal family in southern Xinjiang, I feel sorry for this word Ye Qian doesn't talk nonsense with him any more. A cloud of black fog attacks Ye Xiao.

Ye Xiao laughed, "since you don't respect my uncle, I'm not polite to you. Let you see the real incantation of the royal family in southern Xinjiang." Words down, he raised his hand, the same group of black fog attacked Ye Qian.

Their black fog is not pure black fog, but black fog mixed with black particles.

Yun Qianyue, riding on a horse, sits beside Ye Qian and looks at them. She glances at Ye Qian's neck. There is a jade pendant. She used to sleep with Ye Qian and saw the jade pendant, but she didn't pay much attention at that time. If there is a word "Mu" carved on it, then ye Xiao's words are right.

Recalling the information about the southern Xinjiang national uncle that day, Mo Ju recorded that twenty years ago, the uncle of Southern Xinjiang and his two sisters met the king of Southern Xinjiang and the king of Nanliang in tiannu mountain. After a dispute, one of the two sisters married the king of Nanjiang and the other married the king of Nanliang. But I don't know their identity, which is still a mystery. If they were the orphans of the Murong family of the former dynasty, then

Two circles of black fog collided with each other and "bang" gave out several explosions.

Cloud shallow moon's thoughts are interrupted, see ye Xiao step backward, ye Qian backward two steps.After two steps backward, ye Qian again made a move. This time, it was more fierce than just now. It was also black fog. In the black fog, there were no black particles, but brown particles.

Ye Xiao also made a move again, the momentum is also more fierce than just, the black fog is no longer black particles, but red particles.

The two pictures of black fog meet in mid air, and they also make several "hishishi" explosions. However, this time, they did not burst out at the first touch. Generally speaking, they fought with each other in a tug of war. A moment later, a flame rose in the middle of the black fog. For a time, the fire was shining brightly.

Yun Qianyue watched the fight between the two men quietly, and at the same time watched the war situation. Qin Yuning did not come out for such a long time. The soldiers from both sides fought fiercely and the smell of blood kept turning thick.

At this time, a cry came from the direction of Fenshui City, "support the princess, defeat the anti thieves, and protect the territory of Southern Xinjiang!"

"Support the princess, defeat the anti thieves and protect the territory of Southern Xinjiang!"

"Support the princess, defeat the anti thieves and protect the territory of Southern Xinjiang!"

The sound was higher than one, like waves of waves. Suddenly, the drums roared and the shouts rocked the sky. It seemed that tens of thousands of soldiers and horses were killing Fenshui bend. The sound of horses' hooves shook the earth.

Cloud shallow moon follows the sound to see, faintly see Fenshui city gate big open, black pressure a crowd of men and horses to this side of encirclement and suppression. It is obvious that he has formed the potential of attack with 20000 soldiers brought by Ye Qian.

Ye Qian saw that the cold clouds had sent troops from Fenshui City, and her lips pressed tightly showed a trace of smile. Then, the smile turned into a sharp one. It seemed that the whole body suddenly doubled its energy and beat Ye Xiao back several steps. , the fastest update of the webnovel!