The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1194

Cloud shallow moon walked a part of the way to think of her, so it seems to have been under the command of Rong Jing to protect her not to leave the body of the ink chrysanthemum. Looking back, she was in the air, and there was a small spot left in the mountain that had just left. Secretly thinking about Mo Ju, I think she will jump in a hurry.

As expected, as the moon thought, at this time Mo Ju stood on the top of the mountain to jump off the cliff. He never thought that ye Qian would leave with Miss Xiaoyue like this, and there were only two kites. Even if he did it now, he might not be able to fly a kite that could carry people. If it was not done well, he would not be able to fly without saying that he would fall to pieces. He grinds his teeth secretly, so he can only quickly pass a letter to Fengjin and Qingying flying pigeon. After passing a letter to them, he also sends a letter to Rongjing. After that, he can only climb the mountain overnight and forget Fenshui City alone.

As expected, as ye Qian said, in less than an hour, they arrived at the sky above Fenshui city.

"Let go of the rope, take back the force!" Ye Qian called softly.

The cloud is shallow and the moon is doing it.

After two sticks of incense, they fell on a hill completely. Ye Qian put away her kite and asked with a smile, "Mrs. Chu, how are you?"? Isn't it fun? "

Cloud shallow moon smiles, "this thing is very easy to use."

"Because from the southern capital to Fenshui city is a favorable wind, if it is against the wind, we will not use this thing." Ye Qian flies two kites well, hides under a big stone and goes down the mountain.

Cloud shallow moon side to follow him, while trying to use thousands of miles to carry the message to the wind Ember.

"Are you with Ye Qian? It's so fast to Fenshui city? " There was a trace of surprise in the wind's voice.

"Well, with the help of special tools." Yun Qianyue's long story is short, "you inform Yun Muhan and the national uncle of Southern Xinjiang to prepare. Ye Qian and I will take her ambush 20000 troops to encircle Prime Minister Qin from the rear."

"Good!" The wind ember nodded and asked, "what about cangting and Lanyi? Is Ye Qian at ease in Beijing

"Cangting and Lanyi were bitten by a centipede in the mountain. If it's right now, they should have just returned to Fenshui bay to find the Prime Minister of Qin for detoxification. Soon after, they got the first chance and hit them by surprise. The more they think ye Qian is guarding the capital and dare not come out, the greater our chances of winning. " Cloud light moon road.

"You're good at it. One man stopped the two of them? And hurt the cangting pavilion? " Wind ember voice suddenly cool, "and used the spirit skill?"

"This is not the time for you and me to settle accounts. Go to inform the cloud evening cold to prepare." Cloud light moon road.

Wind ember hummed, "I don't settle accounts with you. When you return to Beijing, someone will settle accounts with you."

Cloud shallow moon no longer talks.

Ye Qian suddenly turned around and said to the cloud, "Madam Chu, can you read the art of war?"

"I'm just here to help. Princess Ye's country and Princess Ye's soldiers can be deployed by Princess Ye. With the cooperation of the Chu family and the Feng family, I can catch several aristocratic families sent by Ye Tianyi to make trouble. Prime Minister Qin and Qin Yuning will give it to you." Cloud light moon road.

"Good!" Ye Qian nods.

No longer talking, they came to a mountain stream. Ye Qian imitated a bird call, and immediately a bird call came from it. After three times like this, ye Qian said, "General Chen, General Li!"

"Princess!" Two men, both in their forties, came out of a cave, picking up the weeds and kneeling together.

"Point troops, Fenshui River!" Ye Qian helped them up.

"Yes They all answered and called out.

A soldier picked up the big stone piled at the hole and filed out. Yunqianyue saw the soldiers pouring out from the cave and thought that it seemed that the mountain was obviously hollowed out and there were troops stationed inside. The Prime Minister of Qin ambushed 40000 troops and horses in Fenshui City, and ye Qian laid an ambush of 20000 troops and horses in Fenshui City, which was also 40000. Inside and outside, attack on both sides. If 40000 vs. 40000, it depends on who is more decisive, more resourceful and has more opportunities. Obviously, ye Qian's twenty thousand soldiers and horses have fallen from the sky to the Prime Minister of Qin.

Half an hour later, twenty thousand soldiers and horses were ordered together, and one was quite a few.

Ye Qian said two words forcefully. Although the soldiers did not dare to shout out for fear of exposure, they were resolute on their faces and looked at death as if they were going home.

Ye Qian throws a rein to Yun Qianyue, who reaches out to take it and turns over to mount her horse. Qingsheng says, "General Chen takes 5000 troops from the left and General Li takes 5000 from the right. Mrs. Chu and I are from the front. "

"Yes They all took orders.

"Go Ye Qian's words fall, first hit the horse to leave.

Cloud shallow moon beat a horse to walk beside Ye Qian.

Ten thousand troops and horses ran to Fenshui Bay from the front, while general Chen and General Li respectively took 5000 troops and horses to encircle them.

This mountain is less than five miles away from Fenshui bend, so it didn't take long for the three teams to reach Fenshui Bay.

At this time, it was dark, but the torch lit outside the camp where 40000 soldiers and horses were stationed illuminated Fenshui Bay. You can clearly see the tents standing in the forest and patrol soldiers shuttling back and forth.

"Fight!" At the command of Ye Qian, 20000 soldiers and horses rushed to the barracks in three ways. , the fastest update of the webnovel!