The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1193

Cloud shallow month sipped a mouthful of wine, light way: "leaf Princess these words don't seem to say with me listen."

"I don't want to say anything irrelevant to Mrs. Chu. But after seeing Mrs. Chu, he couldn't help it. These words are suitable for Mrs. Chu! " Ye Qian smiles.

"And now? In such a situation of killing three birds with one stone, the feelings of Princess ye and Yun's son-in-law are joyful? " Cloud light moon put down the glass.

Ye Qian thought for a moment, and her eyebrows and eyes were tinged with a trace of warmth! People in this life, will encounter a lot of forks, each fork in the road, are their own choice. Some people walk together and get lost at the fork in the road, so it's hard to get together again. It's like five years ago, I chased the king of ten thousand incantations and separated from nanlingrui. Nanlingrui seems to be the prince of flowers, and he is a loose hearted man. He is a very pure broken man. What he cares about is not that I have separated from him, but that my heart is lost. I bear the consequences of losing the king of ten thousand mantras and drive him away with the most wrong method instead of pulling him to help me 。 He then cold heart, even if later know, but the road has gone far, can not return to the original affection, he resolutely gave up me. Therefore, we can only be this result now, cloud dusk cold has become the most suitable person for me

Yun Qianyue thinks about ye Qian, saying that he should be driven away by the most wrong way. Ye Qian and ye qingran lie in a bed, naked. Although nothing happened, nanlingrui sees him. Later, rumors spread that they have parted ways.

"It's really good to see the cold at night! Some of them are love at first sight, some are long-lasting love. " Ye Qian said with a smile, "I don't want to think about other people any more now. I know what I should want. My husband-in-law and I will have a long-term relationship. Otherwise, it would be too miserable for two people without love to live a lifetime. I try my best to fall in love with him

Cloud shallow moon smile, "leaf princess is a smart person, from beginning to end know what they want

Ye Qian raised her eyebrows. "Mrs. Chu has listened to my story for a long time. Don't you want to talk about you and the master of Chu? I think not only I am curious, but people all over the world are curious about you and the master of Chu family. The head of the Chu family, one of the top ten aristocratic families, has always been mysterious. Outsiders have not even seen a face. Moreover, he has already married a long time ago. Moreover, his wife is the small master of the Red Pavilion, a mysterious organization in the world. It's amazing. "

Yunqianyue put down her chopsticks and didn't answer her words. Instead, she reminded her, "if Princess Ye doesn't order soldiers, the sun will set in the West!"

"Mrs. Chu is so hard to handle that she can't get a word out of it." Ye Qian laughs, refills the wine, holds up the glass, and raises a glass to Yun Xiaoyue, "Madam Chu, after we have finished this cup of wine, we will set out, and we will call this cup of wine a name, which is called" all in one net. ". The lives of Ye Xiao and ye Lingge, and the 20000 soldiers and horses. "

"It's a good thing that Princess Ye has this confidence!" Cloud shallow moon smile raise a glass.

Ye Qian pushed her hand forward and collided with yunqianyue's wine cup, making a "Ding" sound. Her eyebrows firmly said: "I will not let them step into the southern capital, nor let their dirty blood dye the ground of the capital, nor let them defile the capital, nor let them come to this palace. A hundred years ago, they rebelled, which is a disgrace to the royal family in southern Xinjiang They still have the face to come back and take the throne. Naturally, I will eradicate them for my ancestors. "

Ye Qian's words fall, raise a glass and drink.

Cloud shallow moon does not speak, holding up the wine cup, is also a drink.

The agreement between the two men was finalized in this glass of wine.

Ye Qian called the prime minister and general of Southern Xinjiang and several important officials to explain. They all knelt down and worshipped, "respect the order of the princess and swear to defend the capital. Please rest assured that she will eradicate foreign armies and protect Southern Xinjiang. "

Ye Qian nodded, one by one bent over to support several important officials kneeling on the ground, and then entered the ancestral heirs, on incense, and then came out, and said "go!" He went out of the Palace first.

Cloud shallow moon follows Ye Qian.

When they left the palace, ye Qian did not ride a horse. Instead, she led the way, avoided the soldiers guarding the city, used her lightness skills to climb over the city wall, and then headed for the north mountain.

Yunqianyue's steps are easy to follow behind her.

After walking for a while, he came to the mountain. Ye Qian suddenly turned back, "Madam Chu, have you ever ridden a kite?"

Cloud shallow month picked pick pick eyebrow tip, shake head, "never!"

"Let me show you! This is what Prince Rui of Nanliang said her sister developed it. Oh, it was yunqianyue. At that time, I didn't know that his sister was yunqianyue. I thought it was the princess of Nanliang royal family. " Ye Qian came to a mountain mouth, pushed open a big stone, took out two cloth bags, and handed a cloth bag to Yun Qianyue.

Cloud shallow month reaches out to take over, looks at Ye Qian.

Ye Qian untied the cloth bag and said, "I have 20000 ambush soldiers in the deep mountain, which is very close to Fenshui city. We can get to Fenshui city in less than an hour with this kite."

Cloud shallow moon nods, also unties the cloth bag.

Ye Qian had already taken out a big kite from her bag. She unfolded the kite and demonstrated it to the moon. She said, "we need to use the wind to go to the highest mountain. The wind is strong at night, so we can fly by the wind."Yunqianyue also took out the kite and nodded, "this is a good thing."

"Let's go!" Ye Qian goes up the mountain with a kite.

Yunqianyue is playing with the kite and following her. Thinking that nanlingrui must have loved Ye Qian so much that he taught her to play with her, ye Qian now takes the kite that nanlingrui taught her, can be calm, and seems to really put it down. She's right. Maybe yunmuhan is the right person for her. Nanlingrui is as pure as her parents and her. What they want can't contain any impurities. Therefore, in Ye Qian's heart, the south of Xinjiang is more important than everything, which is not suitable for nanlingrui.

They went up the mountain without a word.

This is the highest mountain. Standing here, you can have a panoramic view of the whole southern capital.

The wind on the top of the mountain is very strong at night, whistling and almost overturning people.

"Madam Chu, dare you? In case it falls down, it may fall into a powder body Ye Qian is in a good posture, both hands and legs step on the support of the kite, and looks at the cloud and the moon.

"Princess Ye is not afraid. What is my wife afraid of?" Clouds and moon raise eyebrows.

"Well, let's go!" Ye Qian's words fall, shake off the rope.

Yunqianyue is good at flying this kite, and she also shakes off the ropes.

The two kites got rid of the restriction and flew up as soon as the wind blew. One before another, fly to Fenshui city.

The wind in the sky is stronger, blowing the silk of the kite rustling, two people's clothes float, a dark, can only control the direction by feeling. , the fastest update of the webnovel!