The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1192

"Mrs. Chu knows her?" Ye Qian asked.

Cloud shallow moon does not answer, change topic way: "leaf Princess won't stand here to chat with my wife? I'm very tired after a long journey. "

"Madam Chu, please!" Ye Qian sees cloud shallow moon does not answer a word, also no longer entangle to ask, turn current leading way.

Cloud shallow moon follows behind her, a princess dress Ye Qian looks dignified and strict.

The Imperial Palace in southern Xinjiang is quiet, and occasionally there are palace ladies and eunuchs passing by on the road. They all respectfully salute Ye Qian.

"The master of the Chu family is mysterious, and so is the lady of Chu. All these years, she has not been seen by the world. It seems that the world is really a crouching tiger, a hidden dragon." Ye Qian looked back at Yun Qianyue. She saw that she was walking upright, her eyebrows were cold, and her whole body was filled with calm and calm breath. She looked back and said with a smile, "yesterday, her husband's son-in-law, flying pigeon, said that Shen Zhao was the descendant of his grandfather, and obstructed the persecution of prime minister Qin in Fenshui Bay. It was unexpected."

Cloud shallow moon does not answer, know she still has afterword.

"It is said that Shen Zhao belongs to Madame Chu?" Ye Qian asked again.

"That's true!" The moon nodded quietly.

"What is Mrs. Chu's answer? Is Shen Zhao your man or not? " Ye Qian stops and looks back at the cloud moon again. "Does Princess Ye care about Shen Zhao, or does she care about his status as a descendant of the late king of Southern Xinjiang?" The moon looks back at Ye Qian.

Ye Qian suddenly laughed, "Mrs. Chu is very alert, you can rest assured, you come to help me, I will not dig for you."

Cloud shallow moon no longer talks.

"Mrs. Chu doesn't seem to like talking? The words are very dull. " Ye Qian continued to move forward.

"Princess Ye is in a good mood. She doesn't look like the king of Southern Xinjiang has already reached the deadline." Cloud shallow moon also follows Ye Qian forward.

"My father's deadline has already been decided. I have done all the filial piety before he died. Does Mrs. Chu like to see that I hold you and cry as soon as you arrive?" Ye Qian smiles and shakes his head, "what's the use of crying? I want to stir up the beams of Southern Xinjiang, and the spirit of my father in heaven will be pleased. "

"The news of King Dalian in southern Xinjiang has not been released to the public so far." Cloud light moon road.

"If ye Xiao is not removed for a day, the news of his father's death cannot be made public." Ye Qian affirmed: "the people in southern Xinjiang can't panic, can't be confused!"

The moon is not sure.

The two men came to a large hall when they were talking. The plaque in front of the hall had three big characters: "Princess hall".

Ye Qian said a "please" word, first lead the way in, inside people have knelt on the ground, "see the princess!" Ye Qian waved her hand and gave an order. People got up and ordered the food according to Ye Qian's order.

Yunqian didn't eat on the first day of the month and really needed to eat. Even then, ye Qian was calm and not flustered.

After simple grooming, they sat at the table.

This meal is obviously in accordance with the treatment of the royal family in southern Xinjiang. They sit face to face with dozens of dishes in the middle.

Ye Qian took up his glass and said, "Madam Chu, please!"

Cloud shallow month looks in front of wine, pick eyebrow, "leaf princess is not going to set out all night? And drink? "

"Mrs. Chu is so smart! I expected to leave all night. Yes, since you have blocked cangting and Lanyi, Shen Zhao has restrained the Prime Minister of Qin, and Qin Yuning has been injured again. Naturally, I can't stay in the capital any longer. I must seize the opportunity. " Ye Qian said with a smile, holding her glass: "it's cold tonight. We can stay out of the cold by drinking more than two glasses of wine. Originally, I wanted to tell Mrs. Chu that you would be dragged back to Fenshui city by me without rest. I'm afraid it will be hard. But now that you have guessed it, I don't need to say it!"

"No need to talk about it! You can't help Princess ye for nothing. When you get there, you can give something valuable to the Chu family! " Cloud shallow moon hears speech to also hold up wine cup.

"Mrs. Chu is good at doing business."

The moon lifted her neck and drank the wine.

"The master of the Chu family can make the Chu family the first of the ten aristocratic families. How can Mrs. Chu not make money? It seems that it is true to answer that sentence, not a family, not into the door Ye Qian also drank the wine in the cup.

"Did Princess Ye expect you and Yun's husband-in-law to be a family before?" Clouds and moon raise eyebrows.

Ye Qian slowly put down the glass, the smile on her face disappeared, "Mrs. Chu is so sharp!"

Yunqianyue looked at her, picked up chopsticks and kept silent at the right time.

"After I was born, I knew that I would marry the prince of Nanliang. Nanjiang primary school must rely on Nanliang. Nanliang has always allowed Southern Xinjiang to exist, which is just the marriage relationship that has been maintained since ancient times. In his father's generation, he and the king of Nanliang had the same interests. They not only made friends with each other, but also married women in the same family. They became brothers in law and even more intimate. However, the relationship between Nanjiang and Nanliang was not accepted by foreigners. " Ye Qian said calmly: "when I saw Prince Nanliang when I was a child, I was too young to have any love between men and women. I just knew that I would marry him. Later, ten years ago, after a series of entanglements, I was moved. I thought it would be good to marry this man. But who knew that Prince Nanliang had already changed? Later, the heavenly sage old emperor secretly sent yeqingran to Nanjiang and took away the king of ten thousand incantations. For the sake of Southern Xinjiang, I didn't want to chase him for five years. Later, I found out that the prince of Nanliang was not the prince of Nanliang, but whether it was the prince of Nanliang or the prince of Nanliang, my love had faded in front of the rivers and mountains of Southern Xinjiang. "Cloud shallow moon does not speak, while eating quietly listening.

Ye Qian filled the wine for himself and yunxiaoyue, shaking his glass and calmly said, "everyone thinks that I gave up nanlingrui, but he didn't know that he gave up me. He chose yundushan for me."

Cloud shallow moon picked eyebrows.

Ye Qian smiles again, looks at the cloud shallow moon way: "Chu madam does not believe?"

Yunqianyue took up her wine glass and said, "I don't believe it. It's said that Princess Ye is in love with ranxiaowang. Later, she falls in love with the son of Prince Yun's family. Later, she takes her son back to southern Xinjiang."

"Madame Chu is also a follower of rumors?" Ye Qian raised her eyebrows.

"I'm just an outsider. It doesn't matter whether I listen or not." Yunqianyue doesn't care much about tunnels.

"Yes, Mrs. Chu is different from that man. If I talk about his two brothers, she will listen carefully." Ye Qian said with a smile, "yunqianyue must hate me very much. She is too good to treat his two brothers. She thinks I am a disaster and sacrifice her love for the south of Xinjiang."

Cloud shallow moon does not speak, there is no special mood on the surface.

"In fact, it was not me who sacrificed love, but nanlingrui, now the prince of Nanliang." Ye Qian drank the wine again. "Ten years ago, the real nanlingrui went to the yunwangfu voluntarily to cater to the choice of his father and the national teacher. In fact, he knew that it was automatic to give up the throne of Nanjiang king. Ten years later, nanlingrui's trip to Tiansheng wanted to replace him, but he found it impossible. Because of the affair of Princess Qingwan, yunmuhan didn't love Princess Qingwan, But she died like that, let him always feel guilty, and because he likes cloud shallow moon, can not get, once frustrated. Nanling ruinian expresses his brother's affection. In addition, he is the real prince of Nanliang and pushes him to me. Nanling Rui has given up our feelings. What reason do I have to insist on? I accept him as the son-in-law this matter, no matter from which angle, is the most advantageous. Yunmuhan doesn't want to be the sad man, and he is willing to stay away from the cloud palace with me. Nanlingrui wants yunmuhan to cheer up and show his talent in southern Xinjiang. In order to keep the mountains and rivers in southern Xinjiang, I need yunmuhan. shooting two birds with one stone. Why not , the fastest update of the webnovel!