The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1191

Yun Qianyue saw that the poisons that besieged cangting and Lanyi were evacuated to four places because of her command, and again sighed that the magic was incredible. It seemed that as long as she used her mind to activate the spirit, all the poisons on the mountain would be controlled by her.

"These poisons have been evacuated!" Blue Yi's voice rings again.

"Well!" Cang Ting repressed the pain and answered.

LAN Yi seemed to be angry, and the sword helped him, "Cang Ting, how are you? First look at where you've been bitten. "

Cang Pavilion should a, two people seem to sit on the ground, began to examine the wound.

"No, it's too poisonous. It's dark where it was bitten." LAN Yi exclaimed.

"I didn't expect a little centipede to be so powerful LAN Yi, you take out the antidote pill in my package... " Cang pavilion to blue Yi refers to the package.

LAN Yi quickly untied the package, took out the antidote pill, worried: "this poison seems to be very overbearing, is this detoxification pill effective?"

"Try it first." Cangting took the antidote pill and put it into his mouth.

LAN Yi no longer talks.

After half a ring, LAN Yi said, "no, I don't think this antidote pill works. The Centipede's toxicity is too strong. The antidote pill can't control it. What should I do?"

"It's so toxic that I can't control it with my exercise, and I can't lift it." Cangting knew how ugly his face was when he heard the voice.

"I'm using my skills to help you drive drugs!" LAN Yi seems to be sitting behind the Cang Pavilion.

After a while, Cang Ting said: "still can't, blue Yi stop!"

"What about that? You can't be poisoned? " Blue Yi seems to be anxious, "even if poison does not die, your leg will also be useless."

"We have passed three mountains, and it is not too far away. The Prime Minister of Qin must have a way to detoxify. We are going back now." Cang Ting seems to have blocked the acupoint where the leg was bitten.

"Well, let's go back now." LAN Yi immediately nodded and raised the Cang Pavilion.

Without further delay, they returned to their original way.

Yunqianyue stood in the same place and waited for half a sound. Listening to the two people walking far away and returning to the original road, she waved, and the centipede automatically jumped back into the box. She covered the box and continued to walk forward.

Where they passed, they still avoided poisonous snakes and poisons.

Cloud shallow moon looks at these small things, used to think that they are evil things, but now they are so pleasant to see. Now cangting and Lanyi have gone back. If they were detoxified by the Prime Minister of Qin and went back to the capital of Southern Xinjiang again, they would certainly delay time. She had enough time to get to the capital before they did and meet Ye Qian.

"Miss moon, you are using your spirit again!" The voice of Mo Ju came from behind.

"Yes, I can't help but use my magic. What can I do? You tell your son? Let your childe get angry with me and ignore me Cloud shallow moon looked back, she naturally knew that Mo Ju was following her.

Mo Ju seems to have hesitated for a while, still way: "I will not hide anything from you."

The moon rolled her eyes.

Mo Ju said again, "but your spirit is so powerful that it can activate all the poisons in the whole mountain. It's incredible. It seems that it is more powerful than the incantation in southern Xinjiang."

"It's incredible!" Cloud shallow moon nods.

"Since you can activate poisons, can you also motivate other things for your use?" Mo Ju asked suspiciously.

Cloud shallow moon eye light turns, uncertain tunnel: "about is it!"

"It would be terrible if it could also motivate other things for your use." Mo Ju Dao.

Yunqianyue also thought so, and said, "um.".

Mo Ju doesn't speak any more. They go on.

After crossing four mountains, they arrived at the boundary of the capital city in southern Xinjiang.

The capital city of Southern Xinjiang is surrounded by mountains on three sides and by water on one side. A moat is wide and long. On three sides of the mountain are buried with heavy soldiers' handles. There are soldiers patrolling both inside and outside the moat, which makes the whole southern Xinjiang capital seem to be firmly protected.

The capital of Southern Xinjiang is not too big, and it is only one third of Tiansheng capital.

Southern Xinjiang is not too prosperous, but the folk customs seem to be very simple.

Cloud shallow moon to avoid the heavy soldiers, came to the city, to find the secret road into the city, from the secret road into the city. After entering the city, she did not immediately go to the palace. She went around the city without feeling any abnormal atmosphere in the city. What should people do or what to do? There was no sense of tension. She went to the palace.

The palace in southern Xinjiang is different from the palace in Tiansheng capital. It is about the mystery of Southern Xinjiang incantation. In addition to majesty, there is a trace of mystery in the palace. There are no gold bricks and green tiles in the palace. The black jade makes the black massiness and mystery extremely vivid.

When yunqianyue came to the palace, it was already sunset. She was floating over the palace wall and came into the palace. As soon as she landed, she saw Ye Qian in red standing there looking at her. She was stunned.

"Mrs. Chu, you are too slow to come." Ye Qian looks at the veil on the moon's head, leisurely and leisurely.

Cloud shallow moon eye light tiny flash, smile way: "leaf princess is waiting for me?""The wind family master wrote that you can arrive at about noon. My princess has been waiting here since noon. I don't want to wait so long. Mrs. Chu was delayed on the way? " Ye Qian raised her eyebrows.

It turned out that the wind ember passed the book to her, and yunqianyue nodded, "sent back two people in the deep mountain who wanted to give Princess Ye trouble. It's a little late. "

Ye Qian looks at cloud shallow moon, "Cang Pavilion and blue Yi?"

"Princess Ye is smart!" Cloud light moon smile.

"It's not that I'm smart, but I've got a message from the Feng family that cangting and Lanyi have come to the capital. Since Mrs. Chu has sent people away, she has relieved me of a lot of trouble." Ye Qian shakes her head and stares at the eyes of cloud shallow moon, "why does Mrs. Chu wear a veil? I see that Mrs. Chu looks like an old friend. "

Cloud shallow moon pulled a veil, a faint smile, although smiling, but also eyes light cool and calm, "the mountain poison is too much, the trees are luxuriant, afraid to shave my face, and my wife is already a husband's person, go out outside, naturally should be cautious, lest husband worry." After a pause, she saw Ye Qian examining her face and said, "it's not only princess ye who thinks I'm like your old friend. I'm about as good-looking as the public."

Seeing that there was no sign of change of face on Yun Qianyue's face, ye Qian dispelled the doubts in her eyes and said with a smile: "Madam Chu, you are not good-looking. People like Mrs. Chu are very special. You can see it at a glance in the sea of thousands of people. In fact, you are very similar to that person. People who know that person will think you are her, because what she has done and what she has become will not be surprising. "

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