The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1190

On the other side of Fenshui River, we can see clearly that there are soldiers stationed and there are many tents.

Yunqianyue stood at the exit of the dense road for a moment, then turned to enter the alpine jungle on the upstream of Fenshui River dike.

Fenshui city has to climb seven mountains from the capital of Southern Xinjiang, each of which is very large, with deep vegetation and no road. Naturally, you can't ride a horse on this mountain. However, Fenshui city is 200 li away from the capital of Southern Xinjiang, and she can walk more than 100 Li by super close mountain road. If you are fast, you can get there in half a day.

In the mountains, there are few people and shrubs. On such a dry winter day, it is very humid here.

Along the way, poisonous snakes and insects met many, but they all avoided the cloud and the moon.

Yun Qianyue remembers that she wears the cloth bag given by Shen Zhao. Since she can restrain centipede and her tracking skills, it is also something that can restrain these poisonous snakes and insects. So these poisons naturally avoid her.

The medicine that Rongjing prepared for her was excellent, and she felt light footed after a sleep. Besides, she had less spiritual strength, and her other martial arts were not affected at all.

About four mountains away, a cry came from the other side of the mountain. She stopped and listened carefully. There was a faint voice of speech. Two people, one is cangting, the other is Lanyi.

Yunqianyue thought that they were here. LAN Yi was shocked when he met poison, but there was no danger. Her eyes turned slightly, thinking that if they were trapped in this mountain, it would be beneficial for ye Qian. On this thought, she approached them.

Where she passed, the poisonous insects were still far away, so she approached them easily.

She stopped at a similar distance. She released the centipede from the package. The centipede was obviously withered. She condensed some aura into its head with her fingertips. It immediately aroused. She applied the hypnosis she had learned to the centipede, hypnotized it, "stop the two people And bite the man

Centipede "whoosh" from the box out of the direction of cangting and blue Yi.

Cloud shallow moon thought hypnotism actually works, she had a brainwave, fingertips and condensed spiritual power, to avoid her venomous snake poison close distance hypnosis, "you all go over, stop those two people, bite that man."

A moment later, all the poisonous insects and poisons gathered around the pavilion and blue ripples from all directions.

Yunqianyue didn't expect to be so effective. She was surprised. She wanted to listen to the sound of crawling everywhere. She was afraid that the poison of the whole mountain was guided to cangting Pavilion and Lanyi?

I didn't expect her hypnosis to be so effective

No, hypnosis won't have such a big effect. Yun Xiaoyue immediately rejected the idea. She looked down at her fingertips, and there was a slight blue light on it. This should be the function of the magic she just used. I didn't expect that the magic power taught by her father could still have such a function?

She remembered that her father had taught her how to practice spirituality with the help of natural aura. She is now in the mountains with luxuriant vegetation. The more poisonous the place is, the more prosperous the vegetation is. The natural aura is more prosperous than other places. She now felt that the aura consumed by her body yesterday not only made up for it, but also had a tendency to increase gradually. She stood there in an incredible way.

"Ah, cangting, how could this happen? Why are there so many poisons? " Blue Yi's startled voice rang out.

"Yes, how could there be so much poison?" The voice of Cang Pavilion also rings, but calmer than Lanyi.

"These poisons are coming to us. What should we do?" LAN Yi asked eagerly.

"Kill!" Cang Ting spits out a word.

Then, two people pull out the sound of sword.

Yunqianyue is still in shock. She wakes up when the sword is cut and the blood of poison diffuses. Looking at the direction of the sound, it was still a little far away. The vegetation was covered and the branches were luxuriant. She could not see the movement there, but she could also imagine what was happening at present.

She stood still, thinking that maybe she should do a good job in studying the magic that her father taught her. Rong Jing heard what her father said that day.

"Two thousand years ago, it is said that there was a spiritual family called the cloud clan. He is proficient in the art of Tongtian, and the whole family lives on spiritual power. Later, after the unification of the world, the emperor destroyed all the records of the cloud clan in his files. The cloud family was no longer followed by the world of mortals. Everyone said that the cloud clan was a lost land of the Xianzu... "

It seems that who has said such a sentence, "Southern Xinjiang witchcraft is just a wizard!"

What is a wizard? Did she learn spirituality?

Yunqianyue frowned and looked at her hands. She was still very weak when she left the city, but now she is full of energy after walking three mountains. Her whole body seems to be covered by warm clouds.

"Ah..." A dull hum came from the Cang Pavilion.

"Cangting, how are you?" LAN Yi was shocked, "have you been bitten?"

"Well!" Cang Ting repressed the voice of pain.

"Where did you bite?" Blue Yi asks urgently."Legs!"

"Why do these poisons seem to come to you? What do you have with you? " LAN Yi asked again.

"In addition to Dudu pills, they are commonly worn things."

"The problem of Dudu pill?" LAN Yi asked suspiciously.

"I don't know. I don't think so. We've been away for such a long time and nothing happened. The poison avoiding pill given by Prime Minister Qin didn't do him any good for us." Cang Ting seems to endure the pain.

"Yes, but why?" Blue Yi seems to be in a hurry, "you quickly eat Jiedu pill, work hard to force poison, I will give you cover."

"I don't know. Let's deal with these poisons first." Cangting said: "there are too many poisons. You can't protect them by yourself. This little poison can't help me."

LAN Yi doesn't speak any more, and the sound of sword cutting rings again. The smell of blood is stronger.

Yunqianyue is awakened by their voices, thinking that Cang Ting has been bitten and her leg has reached her goal. Although these poisons are poisons, they are also living creatures. If she does not stop them, she does not know how many poisons will die under their swords. It is not a good thing to kill people in such a large area. Her aura gathered on her fingertips again, and according to the method just adopted, she silently said, "enough, let's get rid of them all!"

The poisons that besieged cangting and Lanyi immediately retreated and left. , the fastest update of the webnovel!