The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1189

She was wearing out too much, sleeping a little heavy, waking up again, it was already getting better.

When she opened her eyes, she saw a man sitting at the table. The man was writing something similar to a letter. She blinked her eyes. She was surprised and said, "how are you here, Fengjun?"

The wind ember raised his head and looked at him, hum: "someone does not trust you, afraid you make peach blossom, let me watch you."

Cloud shallow month reaches out to rub forehead, "when did you come here?"

"An hour ago." Wind ember road.

Yunqianyue thought that she was sleeping too heavily, and the wind ember came, but she didn't feel it. Her body itself had a kind of subconscious reassurance to her close non dangerous people. She shook her head, "no, I asked when you came to Fenshui city."

"A day before you." Wind ember road.

Cloud shallow moon nodded, "besides you, who else has come? What about Mo Li? "

"He didn't come. I was alone." The wind ember does not delay writing while speaking, and the pen rustles on the writing paper.

"The three young masters of the Yi family, the Hua family and the Ling family, as well as the Cang Pavilion and LAN Yi, have all gone out. You are the only one to come to the five great families: the wind family, the Chu family, the flower family, the Feng family and the mo family?" Cloud shallow moon pick eyebrows. Rong Jing is too arrogant to use one family to fight against the five families, isn't it?

"Aren't you Mrs. Chu? You represent the Chu family Wind ember put down the pen, folded the letter paper, did not think of the tunnel.

Cloud shallow month is silent for a moment, looking at the letter in his hand is very special, asked: "to Rong Jing letter?"

"Well!" Wind ember nods.

Although Yun Qianyue was very curious, Feng Jin wrote two large pages to Rongjing, but also no longer asked. She sat up and asked, "how is the situation outside?"

"The Prime Minister of Qin and Qin Yuning retreated ten li and stationed in the south of Fenshui Bay, blocking all the way to Beijing." Feng Jin said: "Yun's son-in-law and the southern brother-in-law in the rectification of Fenshui city's military deployment."

Cloud shallow moon pick eyebrows, "Qin prime minister and Qin Yuning are not afraid of Ye Qian's troops from the capital and Fenshui city's two-phase attack?"

"He would like to lead Ye Qian out of the nest to kill her. It is conceivable that ye Qian would die. " Wind ember road.

"Ye Qian sent troops from the capital city and Fenshui city. Can he kill Ye Qian?" The cloud is shallow and the moon frowns.

"In his hand, he was holding a spell that the royal family of Southern Xinjiang couldn't even master, such as martial arts. If ye Qian meets her, if he has a spell that can restrain her, ye Qian will be invincible. As long as he does not, he will die. " Feng Jin waved his hand, and a bird flew in. He tied the folded letter paper to the bird's leg, and continued to add: "he doesn't go to the imperial palace to beat Ye Qian, but because the capital of Southern Xinjiang royal family is the most powerful place for the royal family in southern Xinjiang, it is not very beneficial for him, a legitimate branch who has been away for 100 years. He may not be able to kill Ye Qian in the Imperial Palace, but because he is proficient in water art and Fenshui bend If ye Qian's arm is cut off, ye Qian will be left alone, and it will not be a problem for her to take over southern Xinjiang. "

Cloud shallow moon nods, "he does have a good abacus."

"Yes, man's calculation is not as good as heaven's. He has been calculating and calculating, but he didn't expect a sudden appearance of Shen Zhao, who was also good at water skills. Otherwise, he would have been engulfed by his water soul if he had performed water art in Fenshui Bay yesterday Wind ember sneered.

"Shen Zhao was really an accident. No one thought about it." Cloud shallow moon smile, "this time Shen Zhao because of Fenshui River matter, all of a sudden become famous all over the world!"

The wind ember glanced at the cloud shallow moon and said coolly, "cloud light moon, you are really capable. You can find a treasure if you live in a mountain family. You should be worried about some vinegar jar

Cloud shallow month glared at the wind ember one eye, "you or I picked out from the dead heap, not just picked up the treasure?"

"How many years have you worked so hard to cultivate me? Where can you pick up the ready-made cheap to enjoy? " Wind ember hummed.

Cloud shallow month for a moment speechless, "although he is I pick up ready-made, but cheap is not mine, is tolerant scenery. He is highly praised. "

Wind ember don't have a deep look at her way: "that can't see, this cheap point may not be whose." Then he got up and stood up and said to her, "since you are awake, don't be lazy in bed. Let's go now."

"Where to go?" Cloud shallow moon one Zheng.

"You secretly go around the mountains to find Ye Qian in the capital city of Southern Xinjiang," the wind ember said, "I will sit here."

"What about Shen Zhao? Follow me, too Cloud shallow moon pick eyebrows.

"Shen Zhao naturally stayed here, because he restrained the old thing of prime minister Qin, so he didn't dare to make a comeback and invade Fenshui city immediately." Wind ember shook his head, "just got the news, cangting and Lanyi have bypassed the mountain to the palace of Southern Xinjiang, ye Qian is now alone in the palace, you go to help her."

Yunqianyue nodded, got up and got out of bed and said to him, "you should protect Shen Zhao, and you can't let him get hurt. Uncle Shen and aunt Shen are the only sons here. "

"I see, such talents should be protected naturally. You should worry about yourself!" Wind ember road.Yun Qianyue goes to the mirror and takes a look at her face. She thinks it is necessary to talk to Shen Zhao and try to use spiritual skills. Although not all of them are recovered, it is still very empty, but it is already illusory enough. She just gathered her spiritual power, and the wind ashes interrupted her, "Shen Zhao was taken to the post station by the uncle of Southern Xinjiang to study water art before you wake up."

Cloud light moon just hand, went to the basin before the clean face, and simply used the meal, pack up the package ready to leave.

Feng Jin threw a veil to her, "take this, you can use less of that spirit skill. I remind you, if you die carelessly, Rongjing may not follow you to commit suicide, and you may marry ten or eight women to go home! So, be careful of your life. Southern Xinjiang is a broken place, it's not worth your efforts to help Ye Qian. Now she has helped her so much. If she can't protect her, she has no ability. When you go to the capital of Southern Xinjiang, you mainly want to restrain cangting and Lanyi, not to help her go all out. "

"I see! If you care about me, you care about me. You have to make me listen to things that don't suit your ears. " Cloud shallow moon glared at the wind ember one eye, took the package, put on the gauze, flew out from the window.

The wind gave a slight hum and closed the window.

Out of the Dengyun tower, yunqianyue uses her lightness skills to walk to the north city. She floats down a family not far from the North City, picks off a huge stone protecting the backyard of the family and goes down the secret road.

This secret road leads to Fenshui bay outside the city. She once sneaked into southern Xinjiang once, so she was familiar with it.

Half an hour later, she got out of the secret road. Yun Qianyue took a look at Fenshui Bay. The Fenshui River is very wide and runs straight to the capital of Southern Xinjiang to Fenshui city. It is difficult to walk along the mountainous road from the capital city of Southern Xinjiang to Fenshui city. Therefore, the River has become a canal, carrying people or carrying things. However, because of this, there are many accidents, so there are many water spirits and Yin and Yang Qi Very vigorous. , the fastest update of the webnovel!