The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1188

"Well, you go!" The uncle of South Xinjiang nodded.

Cloud evening cold comes to Shen Zhao, reaches out his hand to clasp Shen Zhao's wrist, and takes him to fly down the city wall to Dengyun tower.

"I didn't expect Miss Chu to be so powerful!" Shen Zhao lowered his head.

Cloud dusk cold slants a head to look at Shen Zhao, light way: "he is the person that King Shizi sends, Jing Shizi has no incompetent generation under him. Besides, she is also the leader of the Red Pavilion and the wife of the Chu family, the first of the ten aristocratic families. How many women can there be in this world? How can she not be powerful

Shen Zhao pursed her lips and remained silent.

Cloud evening cold no longer speak, tiptoe across the ridge of the house, the people running in panic on the street know to drive away the enemy soldiers, are down to earth, there is no earlier rush to report the sound of shouting.

Come to dengyunlou Inn, the cold cloud evening with Shen Zhao floating body and fall.

Shen Zhaogang took a firm stand and ran upstairs. Cloud evening cold looked at Shen Zhao's back in a hurry, slowly followed him up the stairs.

Two people came upstairs, cloud shallow moon's room door, Shen Zhao reached out and knocked on the door, "Miss Chu!"

"Shen Zhao? I'm fine. You don't have to worry. You're tired. Go back to your room and have a rest. " The voice of cloud and moon is still weak, but it is much better than before.

"Are you all right?" Shen Zhao asked anxiously.

"It's OK. Don't worry about it." The moon called back.

Shen Zhao is not good to push the door in again, looking back at the cold clouds coming up.

Cloud evening cold slowly opened his mouth, "Madam Chu, thank you for saving your uncle. Do you need me to get some good herbs for you?"

"No, I'll just have a rest. Cloud emperor in law go busy! Qin Yuning's troops didn't retreat far away. Now Fenshui city still can't relax. In addition, we should be careful of the three young masters of the Yi family, the Hua family and the Ling family, and their people. Cangting and Lanyi should also have arrived in the southern border of Xinjiang. " Cloud light moon road.

"Well, Mrs. Chu, have a good rest! Send someone to me if you have anything to do The cloud evening is cold and nodding.

"Well!" Cloud shallow moon nods.

Cloud dusk cold turn back to still not at ease Shen Zhao way: "you also rest! You can't use incantation any more in recent days, but prime minister Qin can't do it. You're almost the same. You'll need it later. "

Shen Zhao pursed her lips and nodded.

Cloud dusk cold turned downstairs, not a moment then out of the inn to leave.

"Miss Chu, do you really have nothing to do?" Shen Zhao looked at the closed door and asked anxiously.

"It's OK. Go and have a rest! Yun's son-in-law is right. You will be needed in a few days. " The moon shakes her head.

When Shen Zhao heard the speech, he could only reply and turned to the next room.

In the room, Yun Qianyue was lying on the bed, and had already recovered her original appearance. She used her spiritual skills. This time, she really lost too much. This time, she could obviously feel the loss of her body's origin. At that time, she insisted on biting her teeth, and her face was almost destroyed.

Mo Ju stands at the table and looks for medicine from Yun Qianyue's package. He takes out several bottles and pours out several pills. He is about to walk to yunqianyue's bed when he hears Shen Zhao's nervous voice outside. His face is not good. After a half sound, he hears Yun Dushan leave. Shen Zhao goes back to his room. He lowers his voice and says, "Miss shallow moon, this Shen Zhao can't stay with you any more I'm with you

Cloud shallow month glared at him one eye, "other people's heart is virtuous, the heart is mellow just. Put away the messy thoughts you have in your head like your father

Ink chrysanthemum has some beautiful facial features immediately dissatisfied, "he cares about you too much!"

"You care too much about me! Do you want me to write to tell you that you are also interested in me and ask him to take you back? " The cloud is shallow, and the moon says immediately.

Mo Ju was startled. She almost threw the pill in her hand, and then she said bitterly, "Miss shallow moon, my subordinates don't dare to have any idea about you. You can't frame me unjustly. Childe, he will split me."

Cloud shallow month hums a voice, "this does not get, you also can't unjustly frame other people's good intentions."

"But he really cares too much about you. He doesn't call you Mrs. Chu. He's a girl of Chu. Obviously, he doesn't pay attention to you." Mo Ju Dao.

Cloud shallow month rolled a white eye, "people call originally not wrong, I haven't married your childe!"

"That's what I said, but your reputation as the master's wife of the Chu family has long been out!" Mo Ju Dao.

"Come on, don't tell me about it. Shen Zhao adores your son very much. In his heart, I'm not as good as your son in ten toes." Yun Xiaoyue waved her hand, interrupted his words, reached out to him, "give me the medicine!"

Ink chrysanthemum can no longer say, bitter face to go forward, put the medicine into her hand.

Cloud shallow month looks at full half hand medicine frown, "ink chrysanthemum, so many medicine can take me?"

"No, these are tonics. The young master has already ordered me to give you these medicines once you use the spirit skill. These medicines are specially prepared by the young master because he knows that you must be able to use spirit skills. " Mo Ju Dao."But it's too much!"

"Not much. You can eat it in two mouthfuls." Moju stood in front of the bed looking at her, as if to supervise her taking medicine.

Cloud shallow month raised an eye to see Mo Ju, helpless a sigh, the medicine in hand is divided into two parts, two big mouthfuls to eat down, she immediately bitter tongue tip is numb, even way: "bring me water."

Mo Ju hands her.

Cloud shallow moon Gudong Gudong drink a breath, or feel bitter, she kept spitting out her tongue, complaining: "this medicine how so bitter?"

Mo Ju looked at her in a funny way and said, "the young master said that these medicines are extremely bitter. If you don't want to suffer, you will use less spiritual skills later." After that, he added: "today is the last resort. I can't help it. My subordinates didn't stop you. If it's possible, you can't use spirituality." Cloud shallow month feels the bitterness on the tongue how also does not retreat, she some indignation, "the person is thousands of miles away, also remote control me. This black heart. "

"Childe is good to you. Other women don't look at you." Mo Ju is dissatisfied with the tunnel.

Yunqianyue's eyelids rolled. She was right. She couldn't refute it. She felt that the people under Rongjing were not only black hearted but also good mouthed. She yawned and waved to Mo Ju, "you go down! Keep an eye on what's going on everywhere and let me know if there's anything wrong

Mo Ju nods and exits the room.

Yun Qianyue couldn't bear it. She didn't want to spend any more time thinking about the Prime Minister of Qin, Qin Yuning, the three young masters of the Yi, Hua and Ling families, cangting and Lanyi. She closed her eyes and fell asleep. , the fastest update of the webnovel!