The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1185

Shen Zhao looks at the moon.

"I will go with you!" Yun Qianyue thinks that the uncle of Southern Xinjiang is right. The Prime Minister of Qin was in Fenshui Bay, and the image just now looked like a curse.

"Miss Chu, it's enough for us to join hands! You are here to help Yun's son-in-law! " The uncle of Nanjiang shook his head, looked at the city and said, "that young man is very powerful. He hasn't done anything yet. Now the chief soldier of pink water city is dead for no reason. The other three cities have sent his close bodyguards to supervise him. The most important thing here is that he didn't take care of him after I left. It happens that you are here. You can take care of him. "

"Shen Zhao doesn't know martial arts, and he has never practiced his mantra." Cloud shallow month looks at South Xinjiang country uncle, "since I bring him out, can't let him have an accident. Otherwise, there is no way to explain to the Shen family. "

"Don't worry, I will protect him. I'm hurt, and I won't let him The uncle of Southern Xinjiang immediately promised.

Cloud shallow moon is still not at ease, gently shout: "ink chrysanthemum!"

"My subordinates are here!" Ink chrysanthemum appeared in response to the voice, dressed in black. His figure was shrouded in fog. His face could not be seen clearly, but his figure was almost the same as that of the green shadow.

"If you take someone to protect Shen Zhao to Fenshui Bay, you must bring him back safely." Cloud light moon to Mo Ju command.

"But the young master told his subordinates not to leave you..." Mo Ju Dao.

"The man below can't help me. Shen Zhao should be like me. You go!" Yun Xiaoyue waved her hand and forced herself to say, "he must not have an accident. Do you hear me?"

"Yes Ink chrysanthemum also see cloud shallow moon tough, nod.

Shen Zhao looks at Yun Qianyue and listens to her words to protect him. The woman's eyes are clear and beautiful. At this moment, she is calm and calm, and her heroic spirit is pressing. However, a woman standing on the wall where thousands of people are shouting to kill is standing in black. Her face looks more calm and calm than her husband's husband, Ma Yun. He can't move his eyes.

"Let's go!" The uncle of Southern Xinjiang took a look at the ink chrysanthemum and pulled Shen Zhao to fly up and down the wall.

Mo Ju hid her figure and followed her.

Each city has a secret road leading to the outside of the city, and the royal family naturally knows it best. Naturally, the road from Fenshui city to the outside of the city was the secret road leading to the city. Fenshui Bay was ten miles away from Fenshui city.

With the ink chrysanthemum, cloud shallow moon to Shen Zhao some heart, look back, see cloud evening cold is staring at her, she picked a eyebrow, "cloud son-in-law have what to say?"

Cloud evening cold staring at cloud shallow moon's eyes, "Mrs. Chu is very much like my sister!"

Yunxiaoyue didn't expect yunmuhan to be so sensitive. She thought of Rongjing's account and her overheard of their conversation on the top of the post house yesterday. Yunmuhan likes her. Now, once she is involved in her feelings, she smiles quietly, "right? My wife is very popular. Many people feel that I am his old friend after seeing me. Last time I was in the peach blossom forest of the top ten aristocratic families, I was stopped and interrogated for a long time

Cloud dusk cold some mood concealed, change topic way: "Madam Chu think today this situation how to break?"

"I'm here to help Yun's son-in-law. Everything is headed by Yun's son-in-law." Cloud shallow moon roll call meaning.

Cloud evening cold clear, turned around, looked down at the city, eyes fell on the young soldier, "can Mrs. Chu know him?"

Yunqianyue also looked at the young man. She saw that young man, as Mo Ju said, was about 15-6 years old, with silver armor. She was thin and delicate, and her eyes were strange. Her eyes narrowed. "Didn't Yun't see who he was?"

Cloud evening cold a Zheng, carefully looked at the young man, a moment later shook his head.

"The art of Transfiguration is good, but it is also the art of transfiguration." Cloud light moon road.

Suddenly, he looked at the young man's eyes

"It's a little similar in size." Cloud light moon road.

"According to Mrs. Chu, I think it's a little bit like it." It's cold at dusk.

"Give me a bow and arrow!" Cloud shallow moon looked at that young man sitting on the horse, standing in the middle of the soldiers, quite a little general's bearing, she stretched out her hand to the cloud evening cold, "is she, a try will know."

Cloud evening cold brings a bow and arrow to her.

Yun Xiaoyue took the bow and arrow, which was as big as her arms. She put four feathers on the string, slowly pulled the bow and filled it up, aiming at Qin Yuning, "whoosh", the four arrows left the string and flew to the young man.

The arrow feather passes through the heavy soldiers, with the sound of breaking through the sky. It is as fast as the wind and the rain.

"Protect the general!" The soldiers under the city were in a mess.

When the young man saw the four feather arrows flying towards her, he was shocked and jumped up in an instant. He didn't want the four arrows to shoot at her in a circle. Her face changed. She waved and shook one arrow. She caught two arrows in both hands. The other arrow could not be avoided. She could only lower her head and "chide" the arrow pierced her helmet and passed her head The helmet was shot down by an arrow, and a head of green silk spread out.

"Mrs. Chu is a good four stringed bow!" Cloud evening cold praise.

Cloud shallow moon to close the bow, looking at the young man scattered a head of green silk, an instant show a flurry and daughter look, she light smile, "cloud son-in-law, you good to identify, she is Qin Yuning?""It's her!" Cloud evening cold nod.

"I'll leave the rest to you!" Cloud shallow moon hands the bow and arrow to cloud dusk cold.

Yun Dushan reaches out to take the bow and arrow. He looks at the soldiers under the city encircling Qin Yuning. He also puts up four arrow feathers, aiming at Qin Yuning, slowly pulls the bow and fills up. With a "whoosh", the four arrows leave the string and fly to Qin Yuning.

"Come on! Protect the general The soldiers in the city were panicked and yelled again.

Someone held up a shield to block Qin Yuning, but there was no time to fold the shield. The four arrows had arrived in an instant.

Qin Yuning was obviously frightened by the arrow just now. At this time, seeing the second arrow hit her, she quickly calmed herself and flew up again. However, in her panic, she still took a slow step and avoided three arrows. One of them hit her arm.

"Good arrow!" Yunqianyue also called out a good, you know that yundushan is never a waste. If he is a waste, ye Qian will not try his best to bring him to southern Xinjiang.

"General!" The soldiers screamed in panic, and the city was in disorder at this time.

Fenshui City soldiers seize the opportunity to have a room, the city's soldiers repeatedly injured and fell to the ground.

Qin Yuning covers her shoulder. It seems that she is angry by two arrows. She suddenly grabs the arrows of a soldier beside her. She builds three arrows in a row. Regardless of the injury of her arm, she pulls the bow and shoots three arrows at the cold cloud and shallow moon.

The three arrows also shot at the city with the sound of breaking through the sky.

Cloud light moon suddenly wave, a strong force swept out, three arrow rain has not reached the city wall, turned his head, flew to Qin Yuning. , the fastest update of the webnovel!