The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1186

"Protect the general!" The soldiers had just breathed a sigh of relief when they saw that the arrow rain was coming to Qin Yuning again. They quickly folded the shield and covered Qin Yuning.

"Dang Dang Dang!" Three times, the arrow rain hit the shield, three shields through three holes, three soldiers in the arrow fell to the ground.

Qin Yuning covers her arm and looks at the wall angrily.

"Open the gate and kill her Cloud light moon road.

Cloud evening cold nodded, flying under the city wall, a wave of hand, command way: "open the city gate! Kill

A soldier immediately opened the gate of the city. The cloud dusk cold turned over and mounted his horse, and rushed out first. The soldiers in the back kept up with him with long tassels. For a moment, the sound of killing shook the sky.

Cloud shallow moon stands on the city wall, looks at the city below, the facial expression is indifferent.

The siege of 40000 troops depends on whether Qin Yuning has this ability.

"Withdraw!" Qin Yuning suddenly yelled.

Surrounded by soldiers immediately call gold, retreat gongs and drums ring together, Qin Yuning led soldiers retreat one after another. Qin Yuning stood still, looking at the cold clouds out of the city, and suddenly she waved her hand, a group of black gas toward the cold clouds.

Cloud light moon heart under a tight, just want to use spiritual power, saw cloud evening cold sleeve suddenly shake out a wisp of red silk, red silk spread, bright red as blood, instantly blocked the black gas that hit him, the black gas in touch with his red silk, instantly scattered, there are some four small such as particles of East and West fell on the ground.

Qin Yuning failed in one move and retreated backward.

Cloud evening cold takes back the red silk just to chase, after two steps, suddenly reinforces the horse's rein, looks at the foot, big drink way: "don't chase! Stop

All the soldiers behind him stopped in unison.

"Set fire now! Burn everything in this place Cold cloud evening command.

The soldiers were holding torches in their hands. They threw the torches on the ground in front of the cold clouds and dusk. For a while, they only heard the burning sound of insects, which made them stink.

Yunqianyue looks at Qin Yuning leading his troops to leave. In an instant, the besieged soldiers retreat like tides. She takes back her sight and looks under the wall. This kind of insect, she knows, is a carrion worm, which can immediately penetrate human skin and drill into the body, so that people can watch the muscle rot from the outside to the inside and die. Qin Yuning is very cruel.

There was a stench in the air.

Cloud dusk cold face looking at the direction of Qin Yuning left, a moment later, ordered: "light up the number of people, back to the city!" He went back to the city.

The soldiers immediately cleared the battlefield and counted the casualties.

Yun Qianyue stood on the city wall and watched. The attack took not a long time, and there was no half an hour from the beginning to the end. However, because the general of Fenshui city suddenly died, Qin Yuning was unprepared to attack Fenshui City, and began to panic in the city. Some of them were injured and killed. Later, Yun Muhan, the uncle of Southern Xinjiang and her arrival, turned the situation around. If we can see clearly the battle situation of the battlefield, there will be more wounded and not many dead, and there will be a hundred people. But behind the lives of a hundred people, there are hundreds of families.

Not long ago, an aide general to the cloud evening cold report, "back to the son-in-law, 131 people died, 204 injured."

Cloud evening cold with men and horses back to the city, a look at the dead soldiers, a deep voice ordered: "comfort the dead, thick burial!"

"Yes The deputy general was ordered.

Cloud dusk cold look at the wall, see cloud shallow moon looking at the front, there is no plan to come down, he turned off the horse, flying on the wall. "Thank you for your help!" he said

"No!" The cloud shallow moon takes back the sight, looks at the cloud evening cold one eye, slightly shakes the head. The person in front of her is her brother who has been calling. Now this situation, polite and unfamiliar, makes her a little uncomfortable.

Cloud evening cold looked forward, "where do you think Qin Yuning will retreat?"

"Ten miles away! If you fail today, you will not give up. " Cloud light moon looks at the road ahead.

"I don't know how my uncle is in Fenshui Bay. Ye Xiao is not easy to deal with." It's the direction of Fenshui Bay.

Yun Qianyue thought that the Prime Minister of Qin would be difficult to deal with, but her uncle in southern Xinjiang also knew some incantations. Since Shen Zhao was able to find the place where the Prime Minister of Qin had settled down, he had not been traced by him. Since Shen Zhao could not stop the Prime Minister of Qin, there was a lack of actual combat. Even if he could not stop the prime minister, he would not be in troubleā€œ I'll go to Fenshui bay to have a look! "

Cloud evening cold nods slowly.

Cloud shallow moon just to fly away, Mo Ju's voice sounded, "miss!" The word "shallow moon" was removed.

Yunqianyue stopped immediately. She saw that Mo Ju came back with Shen Zhao in one hand and the uncle of Nanjiang with one hand. Black blood flowed from the corner of his mouth. She was surprised and looked at Shen Zhao. She saw that she was intact, but her face was a little white. She breathed a sigh of relief and asked, "Uncle Guo is injured?"

"How are you, uncle?" Cloud dusk cold immediately came forward to take over the south of Xinjiang uncle.

His uncle shook his head and seemed unable to speak.

"Miss Chu, my uncle is poisoned." Shen Zhao was a little weak and said, "originally, this poison technique was aimed at me. My uncle helped me to stop it.""Have you taken the antidote?" Asked the moon.

"It's not a general poison technique. There's a corpse in it. There's no medicine for it. It can only be sucked out. My uncle gathered the poison technique around the periphery with the skill of gathering spirit, but I still couldn't stop the poison. Because I fought with Ye Xiao, I couldn't move the skill for a short time, so I couldn't help him. Now, only one person who knows the magic technique can practice the skill of gathering spirit and help him suck out the poison technique. Otherwise, if the poison invades the fifth Inner Mongolia, the uncle will surely die. " Shen Zhao said with a white face.

"Julingshu is a secret of the royal family in southern Xinjiang. Except for you, ye Qian is the only one. But now that he is in the capital, how can he make it Cloud evening cold smell speech facial expression immediately changed.

Yunqianyue thinks that although she can't gather the spirit skill of Southern Xinjiang, but her mother gave her the spirit skill also has to absorb a method, she immediately said: "I can save him!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!