The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1184

After about a cup of tea, Shen Zhao suddenly called out, "the water is boiling!"

Yun Qianyue stares at the table top and sees that the water stains on the portrait of prime minister Qin are suddenly dyed, and a faint image is revealed inside. She has just looked at it, but Shen Zhao suddenly withdraws her hand, and the pattern disappears in a moment. She immediately looked up at Shen Zhao and saw him step back. His face turned white and she immediately asked, "what's up? What's wrong with you? "

Shen Zhao calmed down and looked at the moon. He said in a low voice, "I'm not uncomfortable. It seems that he has found out."

"Following the trail?" Yunqianyue confirmed that the image just reflected in the water was Prime Minister Qin.

"I don't know. I evacuated quickly. I don't know if he's coming." Shen Zhao shakes his head. "He is too alert. I was just near his position when he found out."

"It's good that you're OK. Even if he comes after him, he won't be afraid of him." Cloud shallow moon comforts him, "he does not follow, we also want to find him. He came just in time for us to find out. "

Shen Zhao nodded and asked, "have you just seen where he is? I don't know how to use this water skill, so I can understand the skin. The best water skill is actually to borrow the water spirit from the river. But the water soul also has soul. I don't want to use it, so I haven't made much progress. "

"There's nothing wrong with being kind-hearted. Just like you said, the water soul also has a soul. If you hurt it, it will bite you. You protect it, and it will protect you. " "Although it's an image, I know where he is," yunqianyue praised

Shen Zhao looks at the moon.

"He was in Fenshui bay outside the city, and changed his mind." Cloud light moon road.

Shen Zhao pursed his lips. "Are we going to find him now?"

Yun Xiaoyue shook his head, "no, we'll wait to see if he's following you. If he doesn't, then it means that your skill has some chance to win against him."

Shen Zhao nodded and looked at the water stains on the table.

Cloud moon also looks at the desktop.

After waiting for a long time, Shen Zhao raised his head and shook his head at Yun Xiaoyue. He said with a smile: "it seems that I evacuated quickly. He didn't follow him. As you said, I have a good chance of winning against him."

"Well!" Cloud shallow moon smiles and nods.

"Miss moon!" From outside came the voice of moju.

"Well!" The moon answered.

"Forty thousand troops have attacked the city. The leader is not ye Xiao, but a young man." Mo Ju said: "the general of Fenshui city died for unknown reasons. Now the city gate is in chaos. Yun's son-in-law and his southern brother-in-law have gone out of the post station to lead troops to resist."

"What kind of a young leader?" Asked the moon.

"About fifteen or sixteen." Mo Ju Dao.

"I see. I'll go to the gate of the city." The moon nods.

Mo Ju no longer talks.

Yun Xiaoyue turned to Shen Zhao and said, "now 40000 troops are attacking the city, and the general of Fenshui city is dead. The son-in-law and the national uncle of Southern Xinjiang have taken people to the gate of the city. I will also go to the gate to have a look. You are waiting in the Inn and someone is protecting you in secret."

Shen Zhao pursed her lips, "take me with you! Maybe I can help

"It's just a sharp weapon. It's not necessarily magic." Cloud shallow month words fall, see Shen Zhao hang down the head, she reached out to take his hand, "OK, I'll take you, the future of the world situation is basically like this, let you see some good."

Shen Zhao is surprised. Yun Qianyue has already taken him out of the window with him. It is about the first time that he has been carried away with his lightness skill. He is dizzy and closes his eyes unaccustomed.

Cloud shallow month slant a head to see him a way: "you don't worry, I won't fall you, relax, open your eyes."

Shen Zhao blushed and slowly opened his eyes.

Yunqianyue stepped on the ridge house with her toes. She heard the sound of attacking the city from the four cities, East, West, North and south. She looked at the location, distinguished and listened carefully, and went to the south city.

The people in the city were startled by the sound of the attack. They opened the door in panic and ran out to check.

Some people yelled, "the enemy is attacking the city!"

Then, the people on the street gathered together and ran to tell each other, "there is an enemy attacking the city!"

After a while, every family turned on their lights and opened their doors. The whole city of Fenshui was suddenly as bright as day, and the lights lit up the dark midnight. The four cities in the East, West, north, South, and North were blazing with fire, shouting and killing.

Shen Zhao adapts to the discomfort of being carried by the cloud and the moon. Looking at the panic stricken people below, Shen Zhao whispers, "I don't know how many people will die!"

Cloud shallow moon is silent, there is blood, there is sacrifice, there is a sword fight, there will be people die.

Not long after, they came to the south city. On the wall of the South City, we can see the figure of the commander of yunmuhan. The uncle of the state of Southern Xinjiang is standing beside yunmuhan. The soldiers on the wall pull bows and arrows, without any panic, which forms a sharp contrast with the people in the city.

Cloud shallow moon with Shen zhaopiao body fell in the cloud Twilight cold side.

"Who is it?" Cloud dusk cold suddenly turn back, to cloud shallow moon hand.

"Rongjing!" Cloud shallow moon spits out two words.Cloud evening cold immediately stopped, looked at the cloud shallow moon, looked at her up and down again, looked at Shen Zhao beside her, and asked, "are you the person whom Jing Shizi sent to help me?"

"Not bad!" Yunqianyue nodded, and saw that yundushan had firm eyebrows and resolute eyes, and after she started the Phoenix robbery to block the memory, he took the book every day to teach her to read in the shallow moon Pavilion. He was quite different, clearly gentle, but at this time, he was like a general, with a bold and sharp breath.

"Token!" Cloud evening cold looks at her.

The cloud shallow moon reaches into the bosom and takes out the jade pendant of Rongjing. Although Rongjing had given it to her for a long time, she kept it close to her body. She never took it out except when she was in Temple City two days ago. Even though Yun Dushan had been with her in the palace of cloud, she had never seen it.

Cloud Twilight cold looked at the jade pendant, on which a special method of printing the word "Jing" is very eye-catching. He nodded, "what's your name, girl?"

"My husband's surname is Chu! Yun's son-in-law can call me Madame Chu! " Cloud light moon road.

"Madame Chu!" "Shen Mu Han nodded

"He is Shen Zhao. He knows the magic of the royal family in southern Xinjiang. He once learned from the lost king of Southern Xinjiang. He has just found the whereabouts of Ye Xiao, Prime Minister of Qin Dynasty, in Fenshui Bay and changed his mind. " Cloud shallow moon simply explained Shen Zhao's identity and his ability.

Cloud dusk cold eyes show surprise at Shen Zhao.

The uncle of Southern Xinjiang, who had not spoken for a long time, immediately came to Shen Zhao and asked, "do you know the magic of the royal family in southern Xinjiang? Learning from the first king of Southern Xinjiang? Have you found Ye Xiao's whereabouts with magic

Shen Zhao nodded.

"Go, you and I go to Fenshui Bay. You can't let Ye Xiao cast a curse today. Since he is in Fenshui Bay, he will use Fenshui bay to cast a spell to make the powder water burst the dike. In that case, Fenshui City, let alone 20000 troops and horses, or 50000 troops and horses, can't withstand the siege of 40000 troops and his incantation skills." The national uncle of Southern Xinjiang grabbed Shen Zhao's hand. , the fastest update of the webnovel!