The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1177

Yunqianyue thinks that no wonder the uncle of Southern Xinjiang is not following her. Now she is catching up with her. Is the time of emotional calculation enough? Her face was a little cold.

"But I can get rid of tracking on you." Shen Zhao said again.

"Can you drive it out?" Yun Qianyue was really stunned. Originally, she thought that it was some trouble for him to follow her, but now she feels that Shen Zhao's ability is even greater than reading. Should we say that she accidentally picked up a treasure in the mountains?

"Well, I can get rid of it." Shen Zhao nodded and took out a cloth bag from his arms and handed it to Yun Qianyue. "If you wear it for two hours, you will be able to wash away the smell of tracking."

Cloud shallow month reached out to take the cloth bag, smelled, what flavor also did not have. She looks at Shen Zhao.

"You haven't learned the art of Southern Xinjiang, so you can't smell it." "But it's the killer of all tracking techniques," Shen said

Cloud shallow moon smile, also not polite, put the cloth bag into the arms.

Shen Zhao stopped talking.

"Brother Shen Zhaoge!" At this time, there was a clear cry outside.

Shen Zhao frowned and turned to look at the door. Yunqianyue also looked at the door. She saw a beautiful looking woman standing at the door, wearing a cotton padded jacket with broken flowers. Seeing Shen Zhao turn back, she was very happy. When she saw Yun Qianyue, her face was not good. Yunqianyue thinks that maybe this is the mountain flower that likes Shen Zhao. It is quite like a flower, and does not live up to her name.

"Why are you here?" Shen Zhao asked mountain flowers.

"I'm going to the capital." Mountain flower path.

"Yourself?" Shen Zhao asked.

"I'm with an old man." Mountain flower path.

Shen Zhao frowned, "what are you doing in Beijing? Uncle and aunt should worry about you. Go back

"They don't worry. Uncle is a good man and is willing to take me to see him. Besides, I heard from Uncle Shen that you want to escort people to the capital. You can go. Why can't I? " Shanhua shook his head and said, "uncle, let's eat steamed buns, OK? The steamed buns here smell good. "

"OK, listen to ah Hua." An old voice came.

Cloud shallow moon follows the voice to see, see an old man to come over, follow behind more than ten followers. The old man was more than 50 years old, with a felt hat and a smile on his face. He looked free and easy, like a casual person. His retinue was different in height, fat and thin, old and young, like rich merchants and domestic servants. She closed her eyes and thought that this was probably the uncle of the south.

Ah Hua came in first, and the old man and his entourage also came in. The narrow space of the buns suddenly seemed very crowded.

"Miss Chu, are you full? Are we on our way? " Shen Zhao asked.

"Good!" Yunqianyue picked up the package and stood up.

Seeing that Shen Zhao is here, ah Hua wants to leave. As soon as her face changes, she immediately shouts, "brother Shen Zhao, aren't you going to the capital of Southern Xinjiang? My uncle and I are going to the capital of Southern Xinjiang. Let's go together with each other. "

"No! Miss Chu doesn't like many people. " Shen Zhao left a word and left the shop.

Cloud light moon also followed out.

Ah Hua flattened her mouth a little aggrieved.

"This girl has a good face. Have we met somewhere?" The old man suddenly opened his mouth to the moon.

Cloud shallow month heart cold hum, suddenly turned back, to the old man a smile, "I know a centipede that I nearly burned to death, dare to ask this old man to know?"

The old man laughed and admitted: "yes, I put that centipede. It's a good girl."

Cloud shallow moon did not expect that he would admit, to this person is angry, what kind of person and what purpose is so open and aboveboard? She turned her mind, closed her smile, picked her eyebrows, and waited for him to explain.

But the old man changed the topic and said, "girl, go to visit relatives in the capital city of Southern Xinjiang?"

"I don't seem to have to tell a stranger about that." Cloud light moon road.

The old man chuckled, but was not broken by the coldness of the cloud and the moon. He said to himself, "I'm going to visit my relatives in southern Xinjiang. It's better for us to go together, just as the mountain flower girl said! It seems that the road ahead is not easy to walk. There are only two girls, and there are a dozen of us who can take care of each other. "

"No! I'm afraid of being bitten by a centipede Cloud shallow moon dropped a word, turned out of the shop.

The old man smiles and shakes his head, looks at the cloud shallow moon figure to leave, did not invite again.

"It's just that she looks a little better. She has such a bad temper and her tone is so fierce. I don't know how brother Shen Zhao would send her?" Shanhua is unwilling to look outside and mumbles.

"You can't look at the surface, little girl." The old man laughed.

Shanhua stopped.

Yunqianyue rode on the snow and Shen Zhao rode on the donkey. They left Lanhe county and went to ziyue city.

After walking out of the road, Shen Zhao saw that Yun Qianyue's brow was locked, as if he was thinking of some unsolved mystery. He said, "thinking about that old man? He doesn't look like a bad guy

"Well, not really." Cloud light moon road.

"Some things don't work out, maybe it's the wrong direction. Put them all blank and think about it from another angle or idea. Maybe you can figure it out. " Shen Zhaodao.Cloud shallow month picked pick eyebrow, "like why do you want to send me? I can't think of it. "

"One, you don't just know Jing Shizi and say a word to him. 2、 I'm really worried that you've been tracked. " Shen Zhao gives the answer.

Cloud shallow moon suddenly smile, "why do you think I don't know him so simple."

"People in the world call him king Shizi, and you call him by his name." Shen Zhaodao.

It's the problem here! Yunqianyue reaches out and rubs her forehead. She calls for Rongjing to become a habit. It seems that she should pay attention in front of outsiders in the future. A little funny, admitted: "yes, I don't just know him. I know him very well."

Shen Zhao nodded and stopped talking.

"You sent me to the capital of Southern Xinjiang. Do you want to go to Tiansheng with me when I return to the city? Do you want me to introduce you to Rongjing? " Cloud shallow moon asked with a smile.

"I want to go to Tiansheng with you when I return to the city. Because the road to Tiansheng is far away, my parents don't trust me alone. They can rest assured with you. I'm afraid it will be difficult for me to wait for you when I return to the city. Secondly, I think that the capital of Southern Xinjiang is in chaos, and you don't know the art of insect curse. But I didn't want you to introduce Jing Shizi for me. I want to take a scientific examination and get into it with my own ability. So that Jing Shizi will not look down on me, so that I can ask him for advice. " Shen Zhaodao.

Yun Xiaoyue nods with a smile. His heart is honest, his mind is decent, and he is also smart. This is the most rare.

They stopped talking.

After walking for a while, Shen Zhao said, "they are following."

Yunqianyue doesn't look back. Naturally, she knows that the uncle of Southern Xinjiang is following. She nods. , the fastest update of the webnovel!