The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1178

The national uncle of Southern Xinjiang followed a mile away, no longer in front, followed slowly behind the two.

Shen Zhao takes a look at Yun Qianyue. Seeing that she doesn't pay attention to her, he doesn't speak any more.

When the sun is in the west, we come to purple moon city. Shen and the moon in the night, not to stop at the foot of the river. Shen Zhao doesn't have a problem. They buy two steamed stuffed buns and keep on going.

His uncle in southern Xinjiang did not rest, and he was also on his way to night.

"Miss shallow moon, you pass on the letter!" Just out of the purple moon city, ink chrysanthemum voice came.

Cloud shallow month "um" a, a letter of paper thrown in front of her, she reached out to take it, also did not shy Shen Zhao open.

Shen Zhao looked at the writing paper in her hand and did not speak.

Rongjing's letter was very brief, the first sentence was, "yunqianyue, I cut a peach blossom to open this morning."

The second sentence is, "my husband asked you to travel alone as a weak woman, or to go to the place of poison art in southern Xinjiang. Shen Zhaomei was wrong, but his later words were wrong. I was not a gentleman at all. Why should my words match or not?"

The third sentence is, "Uncle Nanjiang is following you. If it is not related to the breath of Phoenix Sutra, it is related to something in you. However, he should be harmless, you don't need to pay attention to it, as long as you can. "

The fourth sentence is, "aunt Qing said that the king of Nanliang had planted a kind of hypnotic illusion, which she could not solve. It took 77-49 days to wake up. Now, the time is short, but the time is long, which is not conducive to the government of Nanliang. Although nanlingrui is the crown prince, but one day there is no call from the Nanliang king, he is the crown prince, not the emperor, and aunt Qing can not appear as a princess Therefore, Nanliang couldn't help Nanjiang this time. Night Tianyi wanted this effect. So, you know what to do? It is better to strike first than to be controlled by others. "

After reading it, yunqianyue put away the writing paper and said to Mo Ju, "I'll pass a letter to your childe and say that I know what to do!"

"Yes Mo Ju answered.

Yunqianyue looks at Shen Zhao and says, "can your donkey run fast? Why don't you leave it in one place! You and I will ride together, and we will get to Beijing as soon as possible. "

"If you can run fast, you can't worry about your horse, but you can travel 500 miles a day." Shen Zhaodao.

"Good! You follow me. " Cloud light moon no longer delay, legs a clip horse's belly, snow has already been unable to restrain, four hooves raised, galloped out.

Shen Zhao's donkey ran after him, and his uncle in southern Xinjiang speeded up his journey.

After nightfall, yunqianyue opened the night pearl. She could have walked the night road without beating the night pearl. But considering Shen Zhao, he had no martial arts skills, and the road was slippery in the dark, and the donkey's foot distance was not as good as that of a horse.

Late at night, they came to Fenshui city. When they were ten miles away from Fenshui City, the voice of Qingying came, "miss Qianyue, the three young masters of the Yi, Hua and Ling families have set an ambush three miles in front of you. You have to be careful. "

Cloud shallow month picked pick eyebrow, "know!"

Still walking with the night pearl, the road around a few miles is very clear, only three miles ahead is a low slope, there is an oblique gully, the other side of the gully is a forest. A wooden bridge has been built on the gully. After that, you can enter the city through the wooden bridge. This is indeed a good place for ambush.

Yun Qianyue walks forward quietly. When she comes to Sanli, she dismounts and leads her horse across the bridge. Shen Zhao follows her. After they cross the bridge, they get on their horses and walk forward. After a mile, they still have nothing to do.

Cloud shallow moon thinks, it seems that this ambush is not for her. Just thinking about it, she suddenly heard the sound of arrow rain and soft drink at the wooden bridge behind her. When she turned back, she saw that the uncle of South Xinjiang was passing through the wooden bridge. A group of people were wrapped up by arrow rain. However, it was obvious that they were prepared in advance. More than ten entourage took out shields and other things. People hiding in the woods saw that arrow rain was not used to it, and rushed out with swords. There were about 100 people.

The cry of mountain flowers is especially clear at night.

Yunqianyue took a look and looked back at Shen Zhao. Seeing that he only frowned and didn't express his concern about Shanhua, he asked, "it seems that they have some problems. Does Shanhua have no martial arts skills? After all, the sword has no eyes. Do you want to save her? "

Shen Zhao looked at her and shook her head. "People should be responsible for their own choices and behaviors. I have no ability to save her and no obligation to save her. What's more, let him know that I don't like her, so as not to waste her time on me in the future. If she doesn't have an accident today, she should think about it and go back the same way. Don't follow her."

Yunqianyue nodded and said with a smile, "let's go to the city."

Shen Zhao no longer looks behind her, keeps up with her, and shouts are left behind.

Yun Qianyue thinks that she did not deliberately hide her whereabouts all the way. The three young masters of the Yi family, Hua family and Ling family should recognize her, but did not attack her. Instead, they attacked the uncle of Southern Xinjiang behind her in order to prevent him from entering the capital city of Southern Xinjiang to help Ye Qian.

Yun Qianyue was thinking about it, and suddenly a pair of men and horses burst out of the gate in front of him. There were about 1000 people in this pair. The first one was a noble robe with a jade belt around his waist. The horse's hooves ran with the wind. His green silk was like ink and the brocade was flying. Even in the cold winter night, she is still beautiful, and this person has a face that she can't be more familiar with. It's the cold at night.Cloud shallow moon reined in the reins, some Leng to see the cloud evening cold to her, he slightly pursed his lips, looks not too good. She was just about to call "brother", and the cloud Twilight cold looked at her, some strange, with people roaring past her, her open mouth to spit out that "brother" was stuck in the throat.

More than a thousand people mistakenly fell behind her.

When a group of people passed by, yunqianyue didn't come back to her. She was Li Yun's face now. He didn't recognize her as normal. Turning back to look behind him, Yun Twilight cold took his men and horses to the wooden bridge and joined the battle circle. He thought that he had come to meet the uncle of Nanjiang. It seems that he has come back to help Ye Qian. He is, like Ye Qian, his niece and niece.

"Miss Chu?" Shen Zhao shouts at Yun Qianyue, who has been looking at her for a long time.

Yunqianyue takes back her sight, hesitates for a moment, and says to Shen Zhao, "let's go to the city to have a rest and go to Beijing tomorrow." , the fastest update of the webnovel!