The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1176

"Yes, let him go. He has this temperament since he was a child. As the old lady said, if he went to the capital of Southern Xinjiang to have a look, he might have given up the idea of going to Tiansheng capital." My uncle also said.

"But I really don't have to send it..." Cloud shallow moon some speechless.

The second old man took a look, and the aunt said, "Madam Chu, I know that it's not good for you to walk alone with a woman and a man, but you can rest assured that my son, I know, is absolutely a gentleman. He won't have any impoliteness to you. He said to send you off, of course, out of concern for fear of an accident on your way. "

"If my husband knew, he would not be happy." The cloud is shallow and the moon is low.

"It's wrong for your husband to let you travel alone as a weak woman, or to come to the land of poison art in southern Xinjiang. And if you are so narrow-minded, you don't deserve to be a gentleman. " Shen Zhao leads a donkey from the thatched shed and hears the way to the moon.

Cloud shallow moon corner of mouth smoked, aphasia again.

Shen Zhaosong opened the donkey and went into the hut. After a while, he came out with a small package on his shoulder. He took the donkey again and went out the door. He said to the second elder, "Dad, mother, I'll come back after I send Miss Chu. You don't have to worry."

"I know you want to go out for a long time. Go ahead. You don't have to worry about your family."

"Although you are sending Mrs. Chu away, don't give her any trouble because of you, you know?" he asked

"Yes!" Shen Zhao nodded and said, "Miss Chu, let's go!"

Cloud shallow moon see things has become a foregone conclusion, she can't stop, people are kind, she can't shake face to turn over a face, death does not let people send. Can only reach out to rub forehead, go back to the room to take her package, say goodbye to the two old.

The second old man chuckled and sent yunqianyue out of the house. When his son sent people to the capital like this, they seemed not only not worried, but also very happy.

Out of the door, Shen Zhao has mounted a donkey to wait for her.

Cloud shallow moon turns over to mount a horse, ride on the snow, think this time really want to explain with Rong Jing.

Two people left this farm, soon on the official road, to the purple moon city.

Yun Qianyue walked slowly as she did yesterday. She was also a little donkey who cooperated with Shen Zhao. On the way, Yun Qianyue did not speak, and Shen Zhao did not open his mouth. One horse and one donkey was very eye-catching on the official road.

"Miss moon!" The voice of Mo Ju came.

"Well!" The moon answered.

"How do you How to take a man on the road If this childe knows it... " The voice of Mo Ju is a little weak.

Yun Qianyue had some headache. Thinking of Shen Zhao's words, he immediately said, "it was said that your husband asked you to travel alone as a weak woman, or to come to the land of poison art in southern Xinjiang. Moreover, if you are so narrow-minded, you are not worthy of being a gentleman."

All of a sudden, Mo Ju was silent.

If you don't know what the light cloud is, it's funny.

After a long time, the voice of Mo Ju came again, "uncle of South Xinjiang is following you again."

"Well!" Cloud shallow moon put away smile, nodded.

"But there is one more person in the team of the national uncle of Southern Xinjiang." Mo Ju said again, "that's the mountain flower."

"Mountain flowers?" The moon didn't respond.

"The woman who likes Shen Zhao." Mo Ju Dao.

Yunqianyue suddenly saw Shen Zhao walking on a donkey. Although he was wearing cotton padded trousers and a padded jacket and coarse cloth, and his skin was a little dark, he also had a kind of handsome temperament. Even if he was riding on a donkey, he would not be damaged. She nodded and said, "I know."

Mo Ju said again: "the green shadow sent back the news that he had followed the three people to Fenshui city. The three men stopped in Fenshui city and had no plans to go on. "

"Well!" Cloud shallow moon nods.

"Miss shallow moon, do you want to tell me something about Shen Zhao Mo Ju asked after a moment.

"Tell him to pass on Shen Zhao's words to him." Cloud shallow moon smile way. With that remark, she had no reason not to walk with Shen Zhao and accept the favor.

“…… Yes Mo Ju hesitated for a moment, and answered weakly.

Cloud shallow moon no longer speak, Mo Ju voice has not been transmitted.

After walking a hundred miles, I came to a small county. This county is called Lanhe County, which is famous for its orchid growing near the water.

Yunqianyue enters a small county town and happens to see a steamed bun shop. She asks Shen Zhao, "how about taking a rest and eating steamed buns?"

Shen Zhao takes a look at the baozi shop. The shop is small and shabby. He nods.

Yunqianyue turns over and dismounts and enters the baozi shop. I ordered some steamed buns, several dishes and two bowls of rice porridge.

Shen Zhao sat down with her. Halfway through the meal, Shen Zhao opened his mouth. "I always thought that to young ladies like you, who are from noble families, despise the simple food and the food of this kind of small place."

Cloud light moon blinks, "I am a special case!"

Shen Zhao nodded and stopped talking.

Yunqianyue found that his words were very few, and he had nothing to say except yesterday when he asked her about Rongjing. She stopped talking."Miss shallow moon, the uncle of Southern Xinjiang is coming up." The voice of Mo Ju came.

"Can't help surpassing me at last?" Asked the moon.

"I'm not sure." Mo Ju said, "also into the city."

"I see!" Cloud light moon road.

The voice of Mo Ju faded away.

"Do you have a centipede with you?" Shen Zhao suddenly asked.

Yunqianyue remembered that she had a centipede on her body, and his mother said that he and a strange person had said some insect control skills. It was not strange to know that she had a centipede. She nodded, "yes, what's the matter?"

"The centipede on you has been tracked." Shen Zhaodao.

"How do you know? You've learned a lot about insect control? "

"I don't know whether it's powerful or not, because I've never compared with others, but I know that the centipede on you has been tracked. There is a smell on it. If it stays on you for a long time, it will infect you. In the future, wherever you go, you can be known by those who perform the surgery. Even if the centipede is no longer on you, you will find your place according to the smell of your infection. " Shen Zhaodao.

Cloud shallow month one Zheng, "so fierce? What kind of tracking is this? "

"This kind of tracking should be very good, isn't it? I was a little suspicious at first, but I'm not sure. Now the person who controlled the insect is about to be nearby. So when I sensed the movement of the insect, I was sure it was a centipede. " Shen Zhaodao.

Cloud shallow moon's eyes narrowed, "so now I have been infected with the smell of tracking?"

"Well!" In general, you can follow Shen Zhao's head , the fastest update of the webnovel!