The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1175

In the early morning of the next day, the flying pigeon of Rongjing sent a letter to the ink chrysanthemum.

Yun Qianyue opened the letter and saw that it was about the uncle of Southern Xinjiang. Rong Jingyan was extraordinary. He had checked his origin, but he did not find out anything useful. Obviously, this time he came from southern Xinjiang. But to keep up with her, it must be something in her that makes him pay attention to and let her be more careful.

Yun Qianyue puts down the letter and thinks that there is no mention of Shen Zhao's words in Rongjing's letter. It should be that when she wrote this letter, she had not received the news about her staying in this mountain family. However, the two letters she wrote yesterday spread from front to back, and now there should be another letter from Rongjing. So she put down the letter and did not reply immediately. Instead, she looked out of the window.

The family of three has already got up. The aunt is cooking, and the uncle is feeding the chicken. Shen Zhao is feeding her to walk on the snow and eat grass. She is very fond of her expression. They do their own things to make the yard look warm in winter.

Sure enough, Mo Ju came to Rong Jing's second letter.

Cloud shallow moon opened, only saw on it, "since he has Lingyun Zhi, let's build a green cloud ladder for him! However, it needs to be carved. Otherwise, if you enter the dynasty like this, you may become the food and drink of the Regent. I asked Mo Ju to arrange for him to come to Beijing today. You don't have to pay attention to it. "

Another: "cloud shallow moon, you see, I can't rest assured that you are right! Whether it's peach blossom or plum blossom, whether it's for me or for yourself, you'll always get one home. "

Cloud shallow moon rolled her eyes, some speechless to write back a letter, a letter to write, let the ink chrysanthemum pass back, aunt also came to call her to eat. She got up and went out of the door to yesterday's main house.

The meal in the morning was as rich as yesterday. During this period, the aunt asked, "Miss, I haven't asked your name yet."

Cloud shallow month smiles way: "my husband surname Chu."

Aunt, uncle and Shen Zhaoqi were all shocked. The aunt couldn't believe it and said, "the girl has been married?"

"Well!" Cloud shallow moon nods.

"Is there a family surnamed Chu in Tiansheng capital?" The aunt asked Shen Zhao.

Shen Zhao also looked at Yun Qianyue and shook his head, "I have never heard of the surname of the Chu family."

"The girl doesn't look married." Aunt looks at cloud shallow moon eyebrow heart way.

Seeing her aunt staring at her eyebrows, Yun Qianyue thinks that the difference between unmarried women and married women lies in the fact that one eyebrow is tight and the other is loose. She smiles, somewhat embarrassed and says, "we've only been polite, but we haven't finished our house yet."

The old lady suddenly said, "it's so. No wonder the girl looks like a little girl."

"Although there is no surname of Chu in the capital city of heaven, the name of Chu is the first of the ten aristocratic families." Shen Zhao looks at the moon road.

The master interrupted them, "Miss Chu is a noble person after all. What are you two doing after all?"

Aunt smell speech to cloud shallow moon kind ground smile, "since this can't call girl, should call Chu madam."

Shen Zhao bowed his head to eat and stopped talking.

Yun Qianyue smiles. This time she uses Li Yun's appearance for consideration. One is her identity as a little master of the Red Pavilion, and the other is the identity of the wife of the Chu family. Although she doesn't use the Red Pavilion, she can use the Chu family of Rongjing. The skyscraper cliff was originally located in the boundary of Nanjiang, Nanliang and Tiansheng. Both of them are mysterious. Since the southern Xinjiang is complex enough, it is even more complicated. The more complicated and chaotic it is, the better it is to fish in troubled waters. Even if cangting and LAN Yi, who are members of the ten families, recognize her? They are the ones who should have scruples. The top ten aristocratic families always have to draw a dividing line. This time, it is good to draw lessons from southern Xinjiang and set up sects to make the chaotic situation of the ten aristocratic families clear.

"Do you know Miss Xiaoyue from the cloud palace?" Shen Zhao didn't call for a girl. He raised his head and asked.

Cloud shallow month a Zheng, suddenly a smile, "Why have this one ask?"

"Miss, you are a noble person. Since you can know jingshizi, you can also know Miss Xiaoyue? This is the question. " Shen Zhaodao.

Cloud shallow moon smile, "also calculate to know."

Shen Zhao stares at cloud shallow moon's eyes, "the light moon lady of cloud palace is really very good?"

Yun Qianyue thinks that although Shen Zhao studied, he didn't die. From the notes he annotated yesterday, we can see that Shen Zhao is clever. Although she was in the mountains, she was concerned about the world's affairs, and she had been speculating about her identity. However, when asked about her, it should be about Rongjing and her rumors. She said with a smile: "some people say she is good, others say she is bad. What do you ask about her? "

"It would be wonderful to have the heart of King Shizi." Shen Zhaodao.

Cloud shallow moon says with a smile: "radish green vegetable, each has his own love only. It's not necessarily because she's good or bad. There should be a lot of factors for her to like each other

Shen Zhao nodded and stopped asking.

Yun Qianyue looks at Shen Zhao. From a young man who came into the door yesterday, she seems to be a bit careful and intelligent. If it is carved, she will not speak any more.

Uncle and aunt greet cloud shallow moon to eat vegetables, obviously did not find these two words hidden in the thinking and bending.After dinner, yunqianyue left.

Shen Zhao suddenly said to the two old men: "father, mother, Miss Chu, it's not safe to go to the southern capital alone. I'll send her."

Two old one Leng, surprised way: "zhao'er, you want to send Chu girl to South Xinjiang capital?"

Cloud light moon is also a daze.

"Well, I'll send Miss Chu off!" Shen Zhao affirmed the tunnel.

"This..." Looking at Xiangyun Qianyue, the second old man was obviously asking her for her advice.

Yun Xiaoyue shakes her head, "don't send it, I'll..."

"Miss Chu, I'll see you off!" Shen Zhao interrupts yunqianyue's words and looks at the second old man, "father and mother, we have taken so much money from Miss Chu. We should give Miss Chu a ride. Otherwise, a girl's home is on her own. If something happens, it will be bad."

"That's right, Mrs. Chu. It's not safe for you to go alone. There are many poisonous insects and poisonous mantras in southern Xinjiang. Although zhao'er doesn't know martial arts, she once learned some skills of controlling insects with a strange person. It's much safer to have him send you. We can rest assured. " She asked the old man, "what do you say, old man?"

The old man nodded

"Let's go, then." Shen Zhao doesn't wait for cloud and shallow moon to speak again, and turns out of the room.

Cloud shallow moon some silly eye, hastily chase out, to Shen Zhaoyang head way: "I am very good alone, really do not need to send, won't have danger."

Shen Zhao looked back at her, did not speak, and went to the hut in the southwest corner.

Cloud shallow moon looks at him, some language loses.

"Mrs. Chu, let him follow you! The boy has decided on one thing. Ten cattle can't be pulled back. " The old lady said with a smile, "let him go out for a walk. Maybe he will give up the idea of going to Tiansheng capital." , the fastest update of the webnovel!