The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1169

Cloud shallow moon eyes narrowed, night Tianyi by the southern Xinjiang chaos, and lead to her and Red Pavilion? It's possible.

"The jade pendant you wear represents me. You can allocate all my property. I've sent Qingying out of Beijing. If you go slowly, he will catch up with you in Yinyue city. With him around, I'll be able to rest assured. "

"Last but not least, you are big. Cloud light moon, do you understand? "

Cloud shallow moon fixed in the last sentence, can't help laughing, see the inscription "Rong Jing" two words, warm heart. He put down the letter, shook his head, and muttered, "how do you feel like a little old man when you tell me this and that?"

"I'm worried about you The old man said with a smile.

Yunqianyue took a pen and paper and wrote back.

"Young master Rong, peach blossom will bloom in your house, don't worry!"

"Southern Xinjiang is small, but I am big. I see! "

Write down the letter with "cloud light moon", fold up the writing paper and hand it to the old man.

The old man saw that Rongjing had written a page of writing paper, and Yun Xiaoyue replied two sentences. He could not help saying, "Miss shallow moon, please write some more! Don't worry about you

Cloud shallow moon waved, "these two words are more effective than what I say, he will rest assured."

The old man took the writing paper and went out.

Yunqianyue looks at the table, full of dishes, soup, chicken, duck, fish, everything. There was no wine. She shook her head and picked up chopsticks.

After dinner, he took off his purple Ruan Yan Luo and put on a black Luo skirt. With the same black silk Cape. When she went to the mirror and looked at herself, her favorite color in her life was this color, which was easy to walk at night, but now she doesn't adapt to this color.

After finishing, the old man said that the letter had been passed to the young master. She nodded and went out the back door.

Because it was too early to leave Fenghuang in the morning, so far she only traveled a short way to the temple city. It was still early, and the sky was high.

Cloud shallow moon turns over to mount a horse, left the jade Zhai.

The next city under the temple city is Huazhou City. The next city under Huazhou City is Yinyue city. The next city under Yinyue city is ziyue city. The next city under ziyue city is Fenshui city. After Fenshui City, we arrive at Kyoto City in southern Xinjiang.

Rong Jingxin said that Qingying had been sent to catch up with her in Yinyue City, so she would not be in a hurry to make her way. Just go to Yinyue city before dark.

Out of the Temple City, yunqianyue was not in a hurry to get on the way, so he walked slowly. The temple city was a hundred miles away from Huazhou City, and Huazhou City was two hundred miles away from Yinyue city. That is to say, she is 300 li away from Yinyue city. However, in the middle of Huazhou City and Yinyue City, there is a Heishan mountain. Heishan mountain is dense and difficult to walk. There are often bandits and wild animals. Therefore, pedestrians and merchants are very careful when they walk through Heishan mountain, and they usually walk together. She took a day to walk slowly, and arrived at silver moon city before dark, which was more than enough.

The more southward you go, the more humid the climate is.

In the afternoon, yunqianyue came to Huazhou City. She handed over the customs clearance documents she had been using for years and then entered the city.

Rongjing obviously has given orders to all his properties and hidden piles in southern Xinjiang. As soon as yunqianyue entered the city, she was welcomed by a boy dressed in coarse clothes and invited her to the green jade studio.

Cloud shallow month thinks such treatment is equal to her under his eyelid, want to make peach blossom all have no condition!

After a meal in the green jade studio, cloud shallow moon came out of Huazhou City and went to silver moon city.

Heishanling, as its name implies, is very dense with black camphor wood and evergreen pine trees. A winding path up the mountain, vaguely like a line, with a line in some places.

Because the mountain is steep, the trees are thick, and the road is covered with snow. Now the sun is warm, and the soft snow has melting traces. It is difficult to walk. She can only turn over and dismount and lead the horse to the mountain.

After meeting Yang Gong and Yang Po from Fengcheng, Yun Qianyue purified the true Qi of the eight meridians for her. Her mood was clear, and her ears were more clear about the movement and stillness around her.

Heishan mountain is quiet, only her voice is one person and one horse.

About half way, she felt a faint movement in the woods ahead. She breathed very little. She kept still and went on. And step on the snow to pass the spirit, began to kick the hoof uneasily.

Yunqianyue reached out and patted the snow to pacify it. She led her to walk quietly.

After a while, suddenly a centipede came out of the trees and hit the front door of the moon as fast as lightning. The palm of the cloud and the moon spread out, and a circle of fire gathered on the palm of her hand. This time, the flame was different from that of the past. It used to be a flame, which was extremely hot and red in the palm of her hand. Now, it seems that there is a crystal water circle outside the fire. The flame is not strong, and her hands are not Feel the burning. Of course, I'm proud of Yang Gong and Yang Po's contribution to purifying her internal power.

Centipede was instantly absorbed into her hands, she was about to burn, suddenly thought of Luo Yu. Once on the way to Valley County, Ling Lian and Yi Xue destroyed a big scorpion. Luo Yu cried out. It's a pity that this centipede is so big that it's no less than that scorpion. Isn't she more likely to like it if she sees it? So she immediately changed her mind and shook out a wooden box prepared for her by the old man in biyuzhai from the package, and put in the centipede which was half tempered by the fire and did not wither.This wooden box is similar to the jar that ye Qian once used to hold the king of ten thousand incantations. Both of them are made of wood that can make the poisons fit and stay in it.

After the centipede is put into a wooden box, yunqianyue feels that there are several places in the jungle that have moved and disappeared. Since no one came out, she did not pay attention to, continue to lead the snow forward.

After passing this black mountain range, there was no more trouble.

Cloud shallow moon turns over to mount a horse, walk toward silver moon city.

Just walked a part of the way, then feel behind someone seems to follow her. She did not look back, still walked slowly, and the people who followed her kept a certain distance from her.

In this way, no words all the way to silver moon city.

There is a Yinyue river outside Yinyue city. The climate in southern Xinjiang is warmer than that in Tiansheng, so the river is only covered with ice. A layer of clear frost fell on the river, some ice clear feeling.

Yun Qianyue thinks of a poem about the evaluation of Ye Qian, the princess of Southern Xinjiang, which is named for the Yinyue river. It is said that ye Qian saved a man here. At that time, someone fell into the water. Ye Qian flew down from the city wall to save him. Therefore, there is a popular saying that "silver moon is stained with rouge, and Qianjiang River is a little red." In the end.

One is the beauty of Yinyue River, the other is the high lightness skill of Ye Qian.

The same customs clearance documents into the city, and the city of Huazhou, there are people quietly meet up. , the fastest update of the webnovel!