The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1168

Yunqianyue and yuqingqing's mother and daughter discussed well, and one went to the south of Xinjiang and the other to Nanliang.

Yun Qianyue has been to southern Xinjiang twice, and the journey is quite familiar. It is not as smooth as Tiansheng capital. The land in southern Xinjiang is mountainous and hilly, and there are some natural cliffs and steep peaks, which makes the journey difficult.

Although the walking distance of Tianshan Mountain is good, it is obviously much slower than the journey from tianshengjing to fenghuangguan.

When yunqianyue arrived, he was no longer in a hurry to make his way. The king of Southern Xinjiang had just arrived, and the Prime Minister of Qin and others had just left Beijing from Tiansheng. It was impossible for them to move to southern Xinjiang so soon.

After a hundred Li from Fenghuang pass, you can walk 50 Li to enter the boundary of Southern Xinjiang. It is a temple city on the border of Southern Xinjiang.

Just entered the Temple City, the climate changed significantly. The weather has been dry and the wind is dry. But now the climate is humid. Even if it is covered by heavy snow, the snow on the ground is not as cold as ice, but soft and soft.

Temple City has a tiannu temple, which is very famous for its fragrance and fire throughout the year. Not only people from hundreds of miles around will come to tiannu temple to pray for blessings, but also some people from remote countries will come from afar to pray for blessings. Therefore, although the temple city is a small city, it is very prosperous because of the continuous flow of people and passengers.

The streets are bustling and bustling, with constant passenger flow, and people of all kinds of dress up.

In order to hide her whereabouts, yunqianyue had become the appearance of her previous life before she entered the temple city. Instead of going to her own industrial zuixiang building, she went to Rongjing's industrial jade studio.

When you come to biyuzhai, you can see a lot of traffic in front of the gate of biyuzhai. There are old people who look like rich merchants, and there are also women of noble families. They are all silk and luxuriant. Different from other stores, there is a long line at the gate of Biyu studio.

The reason why biyuzhai is famous all over the world is not because of the elegant layout of the store, but for the jewelry in front of the counter, such as calligraphy, pearls and Jasper, which are all unique and incomparable elsewhere. That's why people from all over the world are attracted to the things of biyuzhai.

Yunqianyue looks inside along the crowded crevice, and sees that the Jasper room is full of people. In front of each counter, there are people choosing jewelry. The small shop is too crowded to leave, and it is impossible to enter. Some people have to wait at the door, so there is a long line.

Cloud shallow moon led the horse to wait for half a sound, inside someone came out, outside someone increased, the flow of people did not reduce. She secretly thought that it was no wonder that Rongjing could be so rich that the old emperor couldn't help him. This day, the little Jasper room would be enough for her future career, and the other innumerable industries of Rongwang's mansion.

She watched for a moment and led the horse to the backyard of the jade studio.

When she came to the backyard of biyuzhai, she tied the horse to the stake. Just before she went to knock on the door, the small door opened. The person who came out was an old man. The old man looked at her in surprise. In a moment, she was very happy. She climbed up her eyebrows and cautiously looked at Yun Qianyue and asked, "girl, are you..."

Yunqianyue thinks that she has only changed her appearance, but not her clothes. Just now the old man's joy is so obvious. Does Rongjing get the news of her coming to southern Xinjiang so soon? She did not speak. She reached into her arms and took out Rongjing's jade pendant and spread it out to the old man.

The old man one joy, hastily one knee kneels down, "subordinate sees shallow month miss!"

Yunqianyue put away her jade pendant and said with a smile, "I'll come to rest and return a letter to Rongjing by the way."

"Please The old man quickly stood up, seemed to be a little excited, and looked at the cloud shallow moon two eyes, let her into the back door.

Yun Qianyue went in, and the old man followed her and whispered, "little old man received a letter from the young master this morning saying that you will come and let me wait for you. The little old man has been waiting for you since the morning, and has sent people to the gate of the city. The person who just came to the gate said that a woman dressed like you entered the city. The little old man guessed that it was you who changed your appearance, but just met After you, you didn't look like a face change, but you didn't think it was. Your face changing skill is so exquisite that the little old man can't see it. "

Cloud shallow month hears speech pick eyebrow, "he passed a book this morning? Know I'll come? "

"Well, the young master sent a message this morning that you would come." The old man said immediately.

Cloud shallow moon is silent for a moment, thinking about the scene, can you be more clever? So she doesn't have to write to him at all? Obviously, he knew his whereabouts like the palm of his hand. He knew better than her own. Did she decide to come to southern Xinjiang temporarily? She was a little speechless.

"The young master said that he knew that the Lord cangshao was out of the capital, and the head of the blue family was also out of the capital. They went to Nanliang. You appointed to change to Nanjiang on the way." To the old moon.

Cloud shallow moon nods, in the heart abdomen lingers a sentence, did not speak again.

The backyard of biyuzhai is a small garden, which is very quiet. You can't hear how busy the front yard is.

Yunqianyue was respectfully invited into the warm Pavilion by the old man. There was a stove in the warm Pavilion. Some people had already prepared meals, tea, and ink sticks on the table. Beside the bed were two sets of clothes of different colors with her skirt. There are a set of black, a set of lake green, she glanced at, thinking that the people in Rongjing are efficient.

"The young master said that you were in a hurry when you left the city. You didn't prepare anything. I gave you all your clothes, and I prepared them for you as soon as possible. In addition, the young master also sent you a letter. " The old man explained one by one and handed a sealed letter to Yun Qianyue.Yun Qianyue sits at the table, reaches out to open the envelope, only to see a page of ink letterhead, which is the writing of Flowing Clouds and flowing water.

"If aunt Qing is with you, I'll worry less. Unfortunately, when I know that cangting and Lanyi have joined up and gone to Nanliang, I know that you will definitely go to Nanjiang with aunt Qing, and I know that I can't let go. Cloud shallow moon, where do you say you let me worry? "

Cloud shallow moon is silent, she also wants to know where she looks to let him worry?

"After thinking about it carefully, there are three points that you don't let me rest assured. I'll list them for you. First, peach blossoms can actually bloom in winter. Take the peach blossom planted in my yard as an example. Second, your magic appearance skill can hurt your body. Third, the art of poisonous insects and poisons in southern Xinjiang

Yunqianyue stares at these three points. The first point makes her speechless. She wants to tell him that he is not the only one who grows a peach tree nervously in winter.

"These three points worry me a lot. The rest can be ignored."

"When the king of Southern Xinjiang came back to seize the throne, the Prime Minister of Qin went back to seize the throne. After all, he was a direct descendant of Southern Xinjiang. When the royal family of Southern Xinjiang left, they took away some of the secret arts that were passed down from southern Xinjiang. Ye Qian may not have learned some of them, but prime minister Qin can't keep it. So, you can imagine how dangerous Southern Xinjiang is. I don't trust you, of course. "

"Since the last time you appeared in the peach blossom forest of the top ten aristocratic families, the Red Pavilion has been watched by Ye Tianyi, cangting, ye qingran and others. You must know that they are secretly checking the Red Pavilion. You gave it to Xi Yanyue in Fengge. Last time, he was seriously injured. All these years, he has been used to deal with royal hidden guards, which is not very strict. So you didn't go to zuixiang building in Fengge and Yanliu building in Hongge after you came to Nanjiang, but you came to biyuzhai. Don't contaminate any people, things or places related to your Red Pavilion and Fengge. There is no possibility that ye Tianyi can lead you and Hongge through the turmoil in southern Xinjiang. If my guess is right, cangting and Lanyi will go back to Nanjiang soon after they go to Nanliang. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!