The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1170

Seeing the man coming to her, she whispered, "someone is following me. Don't come here. I don't want to stay in biyuzhai today. I'll stay in an ordinary inn. You look behind me. After me, write down what goes into town and report it to me. "

The man immediately stopped, nodded in silence and retreated.

Yunqianyue leads the horse to the city.

Silver moon city is bigger than Temple City and Huazhou City. It is the first prosperous city in southern Xinjiang except Kyoto City. The real boundary of Southern Xinjiang is less chaotic than Temple City and Huazhou City, and more pure local style of Southern Xinjiang. Although it is winter, it still looks boldly open than Tiansheng capital.

Cloud light moon around zuixiang Lou, Yanliu Lou, Biyu Zhai, in the most prosperous main street of a Dengyun Lou.

The shop assistant cheerfully welcomed him out, looked at Yun Xiaoyue and asked her, "how many people are you, girl? Two rooms are available in the shop, and the rest are full. It's a good thing you're here early. If you're late, you'll have no room. "

"What day is it today? So many people? " Cloud light moon dress seems to ask casually. When she came in, she could feel a lot of people pouring into Silvermoon city. She has been here twice before, and there is not so much passenger flow. Is it because of the king of Southern Xinjiang that many forces have come to southern Xinjiang?

"There are not many days, especially in these two days." The boy said.

Yunqianyue nodded. It seemed that she had a good guess. All the forces got news and came to southern Xinjiang. Although the southern Xinjiang has not yet announced the news of the king's funeral in southern Xinjiang.

"Girl, you haven't answered me yet. How many of you are there?" The shop assistant asked again.

"Oh, I have a friend. I want both rooms." Yunqianyue handed him the reins.

"Well, those are two rooms! There was no room left, but it seemed that two of them had left the room in an urgent matter. They had just left the room, so they were free, just for you The little guy was very enthusiastic. Seeing that Yun Xiaoyue didn't speak, he said, "girl, is this your first time to come to Nanjiang?"

"Why am I here for the first time?" Cloud shallow moon pick eyebrows.

"You have a tight face. I can remember all the small guests coming and going." The boy said.

"Yes, I'm here for the first time." Yunqianyue smiles, remembering that she used to change her appearance into men's clothes when she went out. Now, she has become the face of her previous life. Although this appearance was revealed once in the top ten families, it has never been used elsewhere. Naturally, it is the first time she has come to southern Xinjiang.

"You come with the little one, please come in." The boy tied the horse and led the way.

Yun Qianyue followed him in. The two guest rooms are on the third floor. The window position allows you to see the people coming and going on the opposite street. The rooms are exquisite, and they are indeed excellent rooms. She paid the money, arranged properly, and the boy went out.

Cloud shallow month used the meal, then sat in front of the window looking at the street view.

Not long after, an old man dressed as a merchant and several attendants came in. The old man was about 50 years old, and some of his attendants were in their teens or thirties. The young man went out to send people. The old man seemed to take a look at the direction of the stable and went out with his entourage.

Cloud shallow moon thought about stepping on the snow and tied in the stable. I don't know if these people are following her.

After a while, a voice came from the outside, "Miss moon!"

"Well!" The moon answered.

"My subordinates are moju, the messenger of young master in silver moon city, who just met you at the gate of the city." Come and tell me the origin.

"Well!" Cloud shallow moon nods, know is Rong Jing person. Outside the heavenly capital, everyone called Rongjing a childe.

"The subordinates of the people who followed you have found out that they are the uncle of the state of Southern Xinjiang, with a few entourage, who just came here and did not have a place to stay." Mo Ju Dao.

Cloud shallow moon frown ponder, "South Xinjiang national uncle?"

"It's the uncle of Southern Xinjiang. He didn't like the imperial court, but he had the reputation of a national uncle. He never entered the imperial court. He had been traveling abroad, ignoring the political affairs of Southern Xinjiang. He only went back to southern Xinjiang in three or five years, and his whereabouts were uncertain. Therefore, he was almost forgotten by the world that there was still a national uncle in southern Xinjiang." Mo Ju said: "now he seems to be returning to southern Xinjiang. He happens to meet you and follow you for some reason. This subordinate hasn't found out yet. "

Cloud shallow moon nodded, thought for a moment, and ordered: "give me the information about this national uncle."

"Yes Mo Ju answers.

"In addition, send someone to watch him. It's better not to let him find out." Cloud shallow moon again command.

"Yes Mo Ju nods.

Cloud shallow moon no longer speak, Mo Ju see her no longer command, also no voice to spread.

Sitting in front of the window, Yun Qianyue thinks that the queen of Southern Xinjiang died of illness when ye Qian was very young. After the king of Southern Xinjiang was not established, there were no more concubines. Therefore, the king of Southern Xinjiang had only Ye Qian, a princess, who was a treasure. After ye Qian takes Yun Twilight cold away, she learns from lin'er that the queen of Southern Xinjiang and queen of Nanliang are sisters. She also forgets that there is a national uncle, just like the rest of the world. Is this national uncle coming back at this time to help Southern Xinjiang? Or how?

What happened on Heishan mountain, she was sure that the national uncle or his entourage released centipedes, and the sound in the jungle was almost inaudible. If she had not been very skilled in martial arts, she would have gone up to a higher level two days ago, and it would have been difficult to find any movement. It can be seen that those people are highly skilled in martial arts. It seems that this national uncle in southern Xinjiang is not simple.The sky darkened, and the cloud rose and went to bed.

Soon after I fell asleep, there was a sound outside, and there was a sound of talking, about three people. Cloud shallow moon did not get up to see.

After a while, the boy knocked on the door, "girl, did you sleep?" "What's the matter?" Cloud shallow moon inquires.

"Is your friend still here? There are three guests downstairs. The hostels in silver moon city are full. Can you accommodate me? Two or three people can sleep in one room. Will your friend come with you and let that room out to the three guests downstairs? " The boy asked in a low voice.

Cloud shallow month one time did not speak.

"Now it's cold outside. All three of you are distinguished guests and don't want to submit to the firewood room. It's convenient for you to go out and be convenient for yourself. " The boy didn't hear the reply from Yun Qianyue. He continued to persuade him and added, "the room money you paid will be returned to you after you leave."

"Who are the three?" Yunxiaoyue got up and got out of bed and went to the window.

"I don't know. If you are rich or you are expensive. You know, people who can afford to live in this street are either rich or expensive. " The young man said: "this inn depends on the care of friends from all over the world, so try to satisfy the guests and ask if the girl can be flexible?"

Yunqianyue lifted the curtain and looked downstairs. There were three young men standing below. She narrowed her eyes. The three young men she knew were the three young masters of the Hua family, the Yi family and the Ling family, Ling Shaoqing, Yi Yu and Hua Qiu. Although she met only once in the top ten families, she still recognized it clearly. Seeing them, she thought that it seemed that the three aristocratic families had been merged into Ye Tianyi's hands. At first, Rongjing's idea of fighting Linglian, Yixue and Huasheng was rejected by her, saying that maybe those three families had already belonged to yetianyi, because Rongjing bought Fengjia, Huajia, Fengjia and Mojia. Yetianyi could not do anything to bribe other aristocratic families except LAN family and Cang family But these three became him. It seems that ye Tianyi let LAN Yi and Cang Ting go to Nanliang, which is really confusing. He surrounded Wei to save Zhao, but he sent someone else to southern Xinjiang.

"Girl? Do you agree? " The boy asked again.

"I see that you have just sent off several waves of people. Why do you just leave them and ask for accommodation for them?" Asked the moon.

"There were too many people just now, so I can't live in this room. Now your friend doesn't come here. Even if he comes, he can squeeze with you, and the three people can squeeze too. So the little one comes here." The boy said.

"Well, I agree. My friends may not be able to make it on the way. Let them live first. " Cloud light moon road.

"I'd like to thank you for your accommodation." The boy immediately ran down after hearing the speech.

Yunqianyue stood still in front of the window and watched the little boy run downstairs. When he came to the three men, he gabbled. The three men took a look in the direction of her upstairs. They all bowed their hands and followed them into the building.

Yunqianyue takes back her sight and is just about to leave the window when she hears the voice of Mo Ju, "miss Qianyue, my subordinates have found the information about the uncle of Nanjiang. From the window where you are? "

"Good!" Cloud shallow moon nods, opens the window.

A cloth bag was thrown in from the outside. Yunqianyue reached out and closed the window. The candle had not been turned off. She sat down at the table and opened the cloth bag with the light. Several pieces of paper fell out of it. She took it up and looked at it.

The name of his uncle in southern Xinjiang is Du Yu, whose name is Zizhan. It is only known that more than 20 years ago, the king of Southern Xinjiang and the king of Nanliang joined hands in tiannu mountain to worship tiannu. Later, they visited tiannu mountain together. They happened to encounter three brothers and sisters trapped by two tigers. The three brothers and sisters were entangled with tigers. One brother and two sisters were injured. The king of Southern Xinjiang and the king of Nanliang pulled out swords to kill fierce tigers, so they became friends with the three people. The two women are beautiful and vivid. The king of Nanjiang and the king of Nanliang are greatly moved. After some entanglement, with the consent of their brother, one of them married to become the queen of Southern Xinjiang, and the other married into Nanliang to become the queen of Nanliang.

Although the queen married into southern Xinjiang changed her name, she did not change her surname. She brought her brother into southern Xinjiang and became the first civilian queen in the history of Southern Xinjiang. The empress who married into Nanliang changed her name and surname, and married into the palace as the daughter of a general in southern Xinjiang. Therefore, it is not known that the queen of Southern Xinjiang and queen of Nanliang are twin sisters. This is about to include the consideration of the king of Southern Xinjiang and the king of Nanliang. After all, Nanjiang and Nanliang were affiliated countries of Tiansheng emperor. The news that the king of Nanjiang and the king of Nanliang were actually brothers would naturally get the emperor's attention and even guard against it. Therefore, it was deliberately concealed.

On the ground that his uncle didn't like government affairs, he left Southern Xinjiang for a trip after his sister married into the royal family for a year. Three years later, ye Qian returned to southern Xinjiang once when she was born, and then left again. Four years later, the queen died of illness. He came back, then left, and then came back five years later. Now it is five years before he returns to southern Xinjiang. During this period, all his records are blank, the information of moju is very simple, the rest are found.

In addition to the simple information, those who left South Xinjiang Travel are blank, what does it mean?

Cloud shallow moon frown, put down the paper to ponder, even the people of Rongjing can not find things, can only show that this uncle is not simple.

After sitting for half a sound, the cloud shallow moon burned the information in his hand and got up and lay back on the bed.In the middle of the night, she heard the noise coming from the next room. After a while, someone came out of the door. She sat up and went to the bed. Ling Shaoqing, Yi Yu and Hua Qiu went down the stairs and went to the stable to lead the horses. She stood in front of the window, hesitated for a moment, and inquired about the voice from outside, "Qingying, are you here?"

"Back to miss shallow moon! It belongs The voice of the green shadow came from outside.

"You follow the three of them!" Cloud light moon command.

"Yes The green shadow answered.

Yunqianyue looked out of the window and saw the three men leading the horse out of the stable. After the sound of the horse's hooves went away, she stood in front of the window and looked at it for a half time. There was no sound of horse's hooves in the street. She turned and lay back on the bed again.

It's very early in the morning, and the moon is ready, takes the package and goes out of the room.

The little guy saw cloud shallow moon came out to meet him, "girl, do you want to leave?"

"Well!" The moon answered.

"I'll give you silver!" The boy went to the counter in a hurry.

"No, I don't have to. Remember the silver first. I won't give it next time I live." Cloud shallow moon throws down a word, went out inn.

The boy's voice should be, sent out, ran to the stable to help cloud shallow moon lead the horse.

After the horse came, yunqianyue turned over and got on the horse and went out of the inn to the gate of the city. After paying the customs clearance document, she left the city. She was not far away when the voice of Mo Ju came, "Miss shallow moon, the uncle of Southern Xinjiang has followed you again."

Cloud shallow moon nods, "know!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!