The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1167

After a night's rest, the two horses were in high spirits. They opened their hooves and ran with their feet. In the morning, only the sound of horses' hooves could be heard on the official road. The snow on the ground was shoveled up by horseshoes, blowing with the wind, raising a piece of snow fog.

At noon, they arrived in Lancheng, and they simply ate and set off again.

The next city of Lan City is Qi City, the next city of Qi city is castle peak city, the next city of Castle Peak city is Fenghuang pass. In one day, they arrived at Fenghuang pass. After eight hundred miles' journey, the best horse in the snow could not stop panting.

Even if Fenghuang pass is covered with heavy snow, it is still a bleak place. The majestic pass praised by yunqianyue a few months ago is like a rooster whose tail has been plucked, which has the feeling of being bald and decadent. But fortunately, Fenghuang pass is still preserved and has not been destroyed by the flood. It's just that the families in the pass are withered and only a few houses are scattered in the snow.

Looking at such a scene, yunqianyue can imagine how miserable it was when it was flooded by a flood a few months ago. She stopped and said to Yu Qingqing, "what happened to the general of Fenghuang pass?"

"Go back to Beijing and find your uncle to apologize. Before committing suicide, he was buried by your uncle." Yuqingqing road.

"Is it not his reason? Find out why? " Although the cloud moon knows one possibility, it has never been confirmed.

"No! We didn't find out. The people behind them were all well watered and there was no trace of half a trace. All the people related to it were drowned in the flood. " Yuqingqing road.

Although Nanliang is an independent small country, it is still a subsidiary of Tiansheng. The people of Nanliang are also regarded as the people of Tiansheng. Naturally, such things can not be made public to the world.

After entering Fenghuang pass, Yun Qianyue and Yu Qingqing are also tired. They can't go out of the way, and the two horses can't go any more. So they find a restaurant to live in.

After bathing, the mother and daughter rested early.

When she was sleeping in the middle of the night, she heard a familiar voice coming from outside the hospital. After waking up, she opened her eyes and listened carefully for a moment. Suddenly, she pushed aside the quilt and got out of bed. She came to the window and saw the cangting Pavilion enter the restaurant and tie the horse.

"The boy from Cang's family is here, too?" Yu Qingqing also wakes up and asks for the moon.

"Well, it's him." Cloud shallow moon nods.

Yu Qingqing was not surprised to say: "our horses are faster than his horses. It should have arrived at midnight early. It seems that he is not going back to the peach blossom forest for ten li. It depends on whether he is going to Nanliang or Nanjiang tomorrow."

Yunqianyue nodded and went back to bed to lie down.

After a while, the courtyard was quiet. After about an hour, a familiar voice came from outside.

Yunqianyue wakes up again, pushes the quilt out of bed and comes to the window to look out. I saw a woman in blue enter the yard and lead a horse. It was obvious that she had been on the road all night. She had not seen her for months. Although she was wearing a cloak and a felt hat, she still recognized who she was at a glance, LAN Yi, the owner of the blue family.

From the last time the blue family set up the Longtan tiger nest array, nanlingrui pleaded guilty, and later broke into the Longtan tiger den array and abandoned instead of marrying. After leaving the peach blossom forest with nanlingrui and yuqingqing, she never saw her again. I don't want to see blue ripples again after a few months.

"Is it the little girl of the blue family?" Yu Qingqing is awakened again.

"Well!" Cloud shallow moon nods, "it seems that she is and Cang Pavilion confluence."

Yu Qingqing nodded, "they come one after another, naturally there is something together."

Yun Qianyue looked out of the window and saw that Lan Yi had tied up his horse, and was welcomed in by the shop owner. It was the courtyard where cangting was staying. She put down the curtain, went back to bed, thought for a moment and said, "mother, we will wait for them to leave tomorrow morning, let's see where they are going? A hundred miles from here is the fork road between southern Xinjiang and southern Xinjiang. "

"Good!" Yu Qingqing nods.

Cloud light moon sleeps again.

At daybreak the next day, there was movement in the courtyard. Yunqianyue and yuqingqing wake up, sit up and come to the window. They see that cangting and Lanyi lead the horse out of the yard together. They looked at each other, went out of the house, left the house, and led the horses out of the yard.

After they left the yard, cangting and Lanyi had already disappeared. But few pedestrians get up so early to leave, and their horseshoe marks are particularly clear. They turned over and followed the horse's hooves.

Cangting and Lanyi seem to be in a hurry to get on the way, all the way to play horse.

Yunqianyue and yuqingqing follow behind.

After about a hundred Li, they came to the junction of Nanliang and Nanjiang, and they drove on the road to Nanliang.

This move is beyond Yun Qianyue's expectation. Originally, he thought that the Prime Minister of Qin with his family and his family back to southern Xinjiang had the possibility of seizing power. Since the Prime Minister of Qin is the person of the old emperor, Qin Yuning is the person of night Tianyi, and LAN Yi and cangting are also ye Tianyi's subordinates, ye Tianyi should send someone to help the Prime Minister of Qin, but they actually went to Nanliang.

Yu Qingqing was also surprised for a while, then her face was dignified and said in a low voice: "it seems that they are coming for the southern Liang."

"It's obvious, to say the least." Yun Qianyue looked at the front, and said darkly: "it seems that night Tianyi not only has the idea of Nanjiang, but also has the idea of Nanliang. The purpose can be said to be to help the Prime Minister of Qin seize Southern Xinjiang, and implement the art of war of encircling Wei and rescuing Zhao. Because Nanliang is close to Nanjiang, he doesn't want to let Nanliang rescue and help Southern Xinjiang, so he has to create the disaster of Nanliang first and take the Southern Xinjiang at one stroke. ""Well, most likely it is!" Yu Qingqing nods.

"If so, is it possible to say that ye Tianyi has invested a lot of troops in southern Xinjiang? If we don't take down Southern Xinjiang this time, we will not give up! " The cloud is shallow and the moon is deep.

"The Prime Minister of Qin is a direct descendant of Southern Xinjiang and has authentic Southern Xinjiang blood. Second, if there are enough troops, Princess ye and han'er will be disturbed by all kinds of things. If they are weak, it's hard to say who wins or loses. " Yuqingqing road.

Cloud shallow month suddenly reined in the reins, immediately made a decision, to jade Qingqing way: "Niang, you and I here separate! You go to Nanliang to save my uncle. With your medical skills, my uncle should have nothing to do. I can't help you when I go. I went to southern Xinjiang to help Ye Qian and Yun Muhan. No matter how bad Ye Qian is, Yun Muhan is always my cousin and uncle's son. I can't know that he doesn't care about something. "

Yu Qingqing nodded, "OK!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!