The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1166

"The little girl is good, not happy is the daughter of the young girl and the little Hua Zi!" The old man let go of Yun Xiaoyue's hand and patted her on the shoulder, "listen to us two old guys are so annoying that they don't show half silk impatience. It's much better than your father was then."

"Yes, the little girl has spirit and good heart. She knows how to respect the old." The old lady also kindly laughed and said, "it's really rare! There is Huigen. "

Cloud shallow moon unknown, so look at two people.

"Young girl, come and have dinner. Let the little girl eat first. After dinner, we'll get through the Phoenix fate for her, so that she can have Fenghuang Zhenjing Dacheng earlier." The old man called out and paced out.

The old lady went out with a smile.

Cloud shallow month looks at two people a gust of wind like ground out of the room, is confused.

After a while, Yu Qingqing came in and carried a tray with two bowls of noodles, a few dishes and a pot of wine. After she came in, she looked at Yun Qianyue, looked at her and said with a smile: "Yang Gong and Yang Lao are marvelous people. Their martial arts are extremely high. They are comparable to master Pushan and my adoptive father. Your Phoenix has broken through the Phoenix robbery and integrated the internal power I passed on to you. Now it has arrived In the stage of Phoenix's almsgiving, you are trapped by too many things, which makes the true Qi not pure enough. I ask Yang Gong and Yang Po to take away the impurities in your heart, which is good for your cultivation. "

Cloud shallow moon doubts, "what is my heart by too many things, true Qi is not pure spirit?"

"Too much thinking, too deep worry, too heavy burden. To put it bluntly, it's too heavy on emotions and six desires." Yu Qingqing put the tray on the table and explained, "the most important thing about Phoenix Sutra is not the word Phoenix, but the two characters of Zhenjing. Mother said no matter how much, it is not as good as your own understanding, you slowly know. Eat first! After dinner, the two elders will help you out. We'll have a rest here tonight. We'll start tomorrow. "

"You're not in a hurry, uncle?" Asked the moon.

"Your uncle is in a coma. Rui'er says that he is in a coma, but he is breathing. He seems to be asleep, just like a normal person. For the time being, there will be no danger to our lives. We will stay overnight without any trouble. Besides, we will always have a rest. If you blow a cold wind outside the palace Council hall for half a day, and then rush on the road all night, I'm afraid you will not be able to bear it. " Yu Qingqing shook her head, "and your martial arts is just as heavy as the Phoenix edge. If you miss it, you will not be the real Scripture even if you are successful in the future. When you meet a real master, you still can't give full play to your potential. If you get through this barrier now, your future achievements will not necessarily be small. If you are not inferior to him, there will be few people in the world who can do anything about you. "

Cloud shallow moon nod, no longer speak, began to eat. The noodles were delicious, and the dishes were delicious. Of course, Yu Qingqing drank all the wine. She didn't give her a drop of wine because she wanted to use yunqianyue.

After dinner, Yu Qingqing goes out to help Yang Gong and Yang Lao to entertain the rest of the guests. After that, the restaurant closes.

Yu Qingqing protects the Dharma, and the two elders and one help yunqianyue break through the Phoenix fate.

Yun Qianyue's heart was filled with admiration. When she first came, although she knew that the two old men had such a strong body, she would certainly practice martial arts, but she didn't expect that they were so high. She thought that their martial arts were quite good. They were vulnerable to two powerful and genuine Qi. They easily broke through her defense and entered into the eight channels of her Qi flowing.

Yunqianyue felt that the two air currents were extremely warm, like water. They swam along her meridians inch by inch, as if to wash her true Qi. The Qi that was a little thick in her body turned into a thin one after they washed them. With her eyes closed, she could feel that the washed place was light and soft, like polished jade, crystal clear. And not washed the place, some thick, like jade Qingqing said impurities are very deep, very turbid, not clear.

Time passes by.

I don't know how long after, she was baptized by the eight meridians of her whole body, and they slowly stopped.

"Yes, little girl. How do you feel?" The old man asked yunqianyue.

Yunqianyue opens her eyes and feels the world is clear and clear. Her heart is empty, extremely soft and comfortable. It seems that the depression suppressed in her heart has disappeared, leaving only calm, like the lake, clear and calm. She nodded. "It feels good. I can't say it. The trouble is gone. "

The old man laughed, "that's nature! Little girl, we have spent 30 years to help you. How can you not feel good? "

"Thank you, grandma Yang." Thank you very much.

The old woman waved her hand with a smile, "young girl and little Hua Zi saved us in those years. We have lived so long. You are welcome. If you're not tired, get up and go on your way! We know you have something to do, so we won't keep you. "

Cloud shallow moon to see jade green clear, see her wake up, yawn to her wave, "go

Cloud shallow moon speechless, still have such Niang? Isn't she a protector of the law? It's a good sleep.

They bid farewell to the old man and went out of the restaurant. At this time, it was already light.

Outside the cold wind blowing, cloud light moon can not feel half a silk cold, on the contrary, the whole body is warm and warm, without jade Qingqing to say, she also knows that this time has benefited a lot.

The two men led the snow to the original road and went out of the alley. Yun Xiaoyue saw a familiar figure enter the city. She was stunned and stopped. She said to Yu Qingqing, "Niang, do you see the cangting pavilion? Why did he come? ""Well, see! The young master of the Cang family only came back to the capital two days ago. Now he is here. " Yu Qingqing nods.

Cloud shallow moon frown, "these two days he went to court? Dad went back to tell you he didn't? "

"Your father only said that he went to Beijing and was in the Regent's house, but did not go to the court. Now that he has left Beijing again, something must have happened." Yu Qingqing said: "although he took the post of a censor granted by the royal family a few months ago, he is still an aide to the seventh prince. His identity is free, and it is not surprising that he can enter and leave the capital at any time."

"Do you think he will also go to Nanliang?" Cloud shallow moon asks suspiciously.

"The castle peak city is stable, and he doesn't need to go back. Now, if he goes one way, he will either go back to the peach blossom forest of the top ten families, or go to Nanliang or Nanjiang." Yu Qingqing said, "where do you think he has a good chance to go?"

Cloud shallow moon smell speech squint eyes, "South Xinjiang king big limit, it seems that he is going to South Xinjiang."

"Are you going to stop him?" Asked Yu Qingqing.

Cloud shallow moon ponders, a moment later shakes his head, "since Rong Jing let him out of the capital, did not do obstruction, we do not care about him."

Yu Qingqing nods.

"Don't let him find us. We'll get out of town by another way, one step ahead of him." Cloud light moon road.

Yu Qingqing nodded and agreed. They went into the alley again, bypassed the main street of Fengcheng, came to the south gate, handed over the customs clearance document, and left the city to fight for a city named LAN Cheng. , the fastest update of the webnovel!