The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1165

The only place to go to Nanliang is Fenghuang pass. The road from Tiansheng capital to fenghuangguan is very familiar. Let alone how many times I have gone out before, I went to the library of tianshengya a few months ago. With her eyes closed, she could know how to go and where to go.

Two hundred Li out of the capital, to Cloud City, two people do not stop, to the next City Fengcheng. It was dark when we arrived in Fengcheng. Yunqianyue didn't eat at noon, and finally couldn't bear it. After entering the city with Yu Qingqing, he didn't rush on the way, so he settled down for dinner here.

Yunqianyue used to go out to her zuixiang building. Now yuqingqing follows her, and it's up to her to decide.

After entering the city, Yu Qingqing led the horse to the alley. The Fengcheng was small and not very prosperous. After she walked into the alley, she turned zigzag along the alley. Yun Xiaoyue walked behind her for a long time. She couldn't help asking, "mother, I said I was hungry and wanted to eat. Did you hear me wrong?"

"No mistake, this is to take you to dinner." Yu Qingqing does not return to the tunnel.

Yunqianyue was relieved, but still looked at the alleys and doors, the families couldn't help but ask, "where are the restaurants? When will you take me like this

"That's it. It's in the lane ahead." Yu Qingqing looks back at the cloud and the moon.

Cloud shallow moon nods, she wants to see what she takes her to eat.

When I came to the lane ahead, I saw a sign in front of the house, which said "Shiyin restaurant". The sign was very small and the words were very small. But in such a remote place, there were many horses and cars in front of its door.

"You want a drink?" Cloud shallow moon looks at jade Qingqing to ask.

"You can drink two cups. The plum blossom dew here is sweet, fragrant but not greasy. We are cold on the road to drive away the cold. In addition to plum blossom dew, there are also good dishes and spring noodles Instead of stopping, Yu Qingqing bypasses the front door of the restaurant and leads his horse to the back door.

Cloud shallow month smell speech nod, looking at her appearance, should be this restaurant's old acquaintance, led the horse to follow behind her.

When Xiaoyun comes to the courtyard, Xiaoyun opens the door and pushes the door.

Yunqianyue also tied the horse and followed her in.

This courtyard is very small, less than a third of her shallow moon Pavilion, but it is several times more delicate than her courtyard. Inside, there are plum blossoms planted in the courtyard. At this time, they are blooming under the severe cold, and they are fragrant.

There was no one in the courtyard. Yu Qingqing walked directly inside. Soon, she smelled a burst of food fragrance. In addition to the smell of food, there was also a mixture of plum blossom aroma and wine aroma. Cloud light moon belly with the fragrance called two, suddenly felt the appetite.

"Lao Yang, I heard someone come in. Go and see if the green girl is coming?" An old woman's voice came from a small room.

"You don't have to look. It must be a young girl. She first sent a message that she would come and let us prepare the meal. No one went through our back door except her." An old man answered.

"Yang Gong and Yang Po, they are old, and their ears are as sensitive as ever!" Yu Qingqing immediately laughed and went to the small room.

The closer we get to the small room, the stronger the flavor of the meal is. Yun Qianyue follows Yu Qingqing and thinks about her feelings. They go to the kitchen directly. She came forward curiously.

"You little girl, how long haven't you been here? It's hard to remember us?" Inside, the old woman laughed and scolded.

"He followed xiaohuazi to the South and North, where he had time to think about us, it would be good to think of us now." The old man answered.

Although they were talking, no one came out. Inside, the spoon and shovel clanked, apparently cooking.

Yu Qingqing came to the door, and yunqianyue also looked at the situation inside. She saw that the small kitchen area was very spacious. There was an old woman with white hair and an old man with white hair. One was cooking and the other was below. The kitchen was very clean and tidy. They looked about seventy-eight years old. They still looked energetic and flexible.

"This is my daughter!" Yu Qingqing pushed the moon forward.

In a word, all the sounds in the kitchen disappeared. The old man and the old woman all turned to look at the moon.

Cloud shallow month did not expect two people to have such a big reaction, she to two people and good smile, "grandfather, grandmother, I am cloud shallow moon."

The old man and the old woman threw a spade and a spoon and looked at the moon. In a moment, they took a look at Yu Qingqing and asked, "isn't it xiaohuazi's child?"

Cloud shallow moon one Leng, this is what question?

You and Hua Qing, you have not heard of Qingzi? This little girl looks like you, but why is her surname Yun not Hua? "

Cloud shallow moon speechless, originally because of this, she step back, give Yu Qingqing explanation.

Yu Qingqing jokingly said, "she is our daughter. For special reasons, her surname is just Yun."

The old man and the old woman suddenly, in a moment, Qi Qi came over, one left and one right. They took yunqianyue and left. Qi Qi said to Yu Qingqing, "we'll chat with the little girl. You are responsible for cooking." Words down, has dragged cloud shallow moon out of the small kitchen.Cloud shallow moon looked back at Yu Qingqing. She was rolling her arms and sleeves. She seemed to wave her hands to her, "go!"

Cloud shallow moon helpless, by two old frame left.

The two generals, Yun Qianyue, had been in a room, and then chatted with her from left to right, saying that they were chatting. In fact, they were all talking. You and I asked Yun Qianyue a lot of questions first, and then they all guessed out a lot of answers to their questions. Yun Qianyue couldn't get in a word at all. Can only listen in silence. Two old people said half a ring before Qi Qi stopped, waiting for cloud shallow moon to answer. Yunqianyue thinks that fortunately, she has the ability of not forgetting, and answers their questions one by one. Some important questions related to unanswerable questions are skillfully avoided.

The two old men were obviously too enthusiastic. After she answered their questions, they still did not stop. Instead, they were more enthusiastic. They held her hand all the time and told her their stories about how they fell in love, how they got married, what they did, how they got to know her parents and so on. It seems that they are going to give her the history of the two men.

Cloud shallow moon heart speechless, but can't show impatience, think of jade Qingqing, what place do you bring me? Don't you know I'm starving? Until her stomach called more than ten times, the excited two people stopped. At this time, the sky was completely dark. They looked at the cloud and the moon, and they all laughed.

Cloud shallow moon by two people smile inexplicably, do not know where happy two old people. , the fastest update of the webnovel!