The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1164

The king of Nanliang is her uncle. The emperor of Nanliang is her grandfather. Her brother has been in Nanliang all the time. In fact, there are half of her relatives, just like the palace of King Yun. Now the king of Nanliang is seriously ill for some reason. Of course, she wants to see it.

Jade Qingqing see cloud shallow moon promise, reach out to grab her hand, "go!"

"Wait a minute. Let me have a word." Cloud shallow moon to avoid jade blue clear.

Yu Qingqing looked at Rong Jing with a smile and glared at the cloud. She said, "it's not that you don't come back. Do you want to say goodbye?" Words down, see cloud shallow moon glare at her, she immediately waved her hand, "OK, then you quickly say goodbye, I'll wait for you outside." She flew out of the car.

"This woman!" The moon murmured.

Rongjing chuckles.

Cloud shallow month reaches out to embrace the waist of Rong Jing, say to him: "you want to be obedient, do not allow to provoke peach blossom, know not to know?"

"Cloud shallow moon, this should I charge you?" Rong Jing looks down at her, funny way.

"I won't mess with peach blossom." The moon shakes her head.

"That's not necessarily. In addition to the crown prince, there are a lot of princes in Nanliang." Rong Jing's voice was warm, a little dull, "compared with the man of heaven, only a lot more."

Cloud shallow month rolled a white eye, "all have how are you?"

Rong Jing seemed to think for a moment, shaking his head, "no!"

"That's enough. You're worried about a ghost." Yunqianyue pushed him away and laughed heartlessly, "don't worry. I can't look up to all the men in the world except for you and Zishu. Zishu is in the East China Sea. You don't have to worry. "

Rong Jing nodded with a smile, "I feel relieved, but I still can't rest assured."

Cloud shallow month looks at him, helplessly hands out, "then how can you rest assured? Did you come with me? You are the prime minister now. Ye Tianyi looks at you closely and can't leave? "

"Nature can't leave." Rong Jing shakes his head, and suddenly reaches out to drag Yun Qianyue's body into his arms. He lowers his head and kisses her lips. This kiss is very heavy, as if to engrave a mark on her lips.

Cloud shallow moon body a soft, with the hand light beat him, unable to resist, let him swallow her breath.

Until the sweet taste of her mouth clean, Rongjing just let her go, slightly gasping way: "so rest assured."

Cloud shallow moon already speechless, lie down in his arms panting.

"Well, aunt Qing should be in a hurry. Please remember to send me a letter every day." Rongjing reached out and pushed her away. She tidied up the scattered green silk and clothes for her. Then she bowed her head and kissed her cheek, gently raised her hand and sent her out of the carriage.

Cloud shallow moon has not responded, has been confused to the ground, she reluctantly stand firm, see this is a street corner, beside her standing Yu Qingqing.

"Aunt Qing, I will give her to you. You should be responsible for helping me to watch her. If she offends the peach blossom, you will pinch the peach blossom. If she hurts a hair, I will look for you." The gentle voice of Rongjing came from the car.

Yun Qianyue is speechless. She wants to tell Mr. Rong that the person who took her to Nanliang is her mother. Don't you have to warn her?

"Aunt Qing is too unreliable sometimes. I can't do it without warning." Rong Jing seems to be able to read the mind.

Cloud shallow moon looks to jade Qingqing, can't help laughing, "Niang, how unreliable are you? Let him do that? "

Yu Qingqing reached out and knocked on the cloud for a moment and said angrily, "I am your stepmother! That's what he did

Cloud shallow moon "Puff Chi" a smile.

Yu Qingqing reached out and grasped the hand of Yun Qianyue. The other hand waved to Rongjing's carriage, "don't you worry? It's good that she doesn't harm people. You don't have to worry. "

"Without your assurance, I'm not always practical." Yung King Road.

Yu Qingqing seems to be defeated by him, nodding: "I promise."

"So I can rest assured! I will always know the news of Nanliang. If your promise doesn't count, I'll find some young and beautiful maidens to serve him. You can't wait for him by his side. I'm sorry that uncle yuan can't sleep alone. I think you should be very grateful for this move. " The scenery is slow and leisurely.

Jade Qingqing face a cold, curse: "Stinky boy, for a stinky girl, threaten your future mother-in-law!"

"I can't help it, aunt Qing. The stinky girl in your mouth is really not a worry." Rong Jing seemed helpless to sigh.

Yu Qingqing couldn't help laughing. The adults had a large number of tunnels: "don't worry! She dares to provoke peach blossom. Don't say you don't do it. I'll break her leg. You're a mother-in-law and I can't cope with it. She won't try to provoke a few more. "

Cloud shallow moon's face immediately black, angry way: "I always clean oneself."

"It's no use for you to clean yourself up. The bees still pounce on you. You follow me to Nanliang and behave better. Your mother, I don't want to go to the door. When you come back, your father will give you more stepmothers." Yuqingqing pulls up the clouds and the moon goes.

Cloud shallow moon completely speechless.

Rong Jing held the curtain and watched them disappear. His eyes showed a trace of reluctance. After a moment, he put down the curtain and the carriage continued to move forward.

Yuqingqing and yunqianyue come to the gate of the city, when the strong wind is blowing. All the soldiers who guard the city close their eyes. They use their lightness skills to cross the gate. When the wind blows, they are standing outside the city.Yu Qingqing put her thumb and forefinger on her lips and whistled gently. Two horses stepped out of the purple maple forest.

This is two Tianshan mountain snow, only the same as Yuxue Feilong's BMW.

Yunqianyue looks at the two horses and remembers that she hasn't seen Rongjing's jade snow flying dragon that she wants to give her. Now she can only wait for her to come back from Nanliang. She pulled the reins of a horse and turned to the horse. Yu Qingqing also turned to the horse.

After they got on the horse, they didn't say much. They were both legs and a horse's belly. They rushed out like arrows.

After two days of heavy snow, the city is still covered with snow, except for the traces of rutting on the official road.

The two Tianshan Mountains are originally suitable for running in the snow, but now they are playing a role, just like flying up, jumping several feet at a time.

Yu Qingqing also put on a snow fox fur cape, together with a snow-white marten Cape, and two snow-white horses, such as two flying clouds in the sky, white is gorgeous and noble.

Now it has been ringing in the west of the afternoon. There is no one on the official road. There are only two people and two horses galloping. The wind of the steed is a bit chilly. The cloud is shallow and the moon is buried on the horse, and the whole body is wrapped with a cloak. You don't need to look at the road, and you can run forward on the snow. Yu Qingqing laughingly looked at the cloud light moon one eye, also imitates her appearance to wrap oneself.

These two snow treading horses are obviously spiritual. They don't need to be led by their masters. They also know how to walk. Their feet are neat and consistent, and they run side by side on the official road. Occasionally encounter one or two pedestrians, but also avoid pedestrians, flash past. Let passers-by almost can not see what character is on the horse, has been used for a long time. , the fastest update of the webnovel!