The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1163

"It's not because of his two wishes, but because of his aunt." Yun Qianyue's tone was dark and she said in a low voice, "Rongjing, do you think that my aunt is really the son of heaven with her own baby?"

"What do you say?" Rongjing asked in a low voice.

"I feel like my aunt doesn't trust me." Yun Xiaoyue said softly: "although I am kind, two thousand people's lives are human lives, but my heart knows that this is not a peaceful and prosperous age, not an era of equality for all. This is an iron and cold-blooded Dynasty. I won't be threatened by night nature because of this little kindness and two thousand lives. But my aunt stopped me today. She has watched me grow up since I was a child. She should know what kind of temperament I am. I will not compromise with Ye Tianyi, but she knows clearly that I will not go to Ye Tianyi. She also stops me and says that she doesn't want the children in her house to see blood. In fact, she doesn't want to see me! "

Rong Jing patted the head of Yun Qianyue and said in a warm voice, "I don't want to be too much! My aunt still likes you

"But like is not as important as the child in her womb?" Cloud shallow moon low voice way: "does she feel that I threaten Yeshi Jiangshan? Do you think of the child's surname night in her house? Did she face up to the fact that her child is now the son of heaven? She wanted to keep the baby, compromise with nightlife and give up on me? "

Rong Jing hugged Yun Xiaoyue and refused to comment: "you haven't had lunch at noon today, have you?"? Don't think about it! "

Yunqianyue closes her eyes and doesn't speak any more. She feels as if she has entered a trapped net and can't get rid of it. She also cuts down this net. The situation was in a strange situation, and she followed.

Rong Jing looks at the cloud and moon, and doesn't speak any more. The jade Yan is stained with a touch of shadow, which is very rich.

After a long distance, the curtain of the carriage was opened. A bird flew in and landed on Rongjing's shoulder.

When the moon opened her eyes, she saw that it was a black bird, about the size of a crow. There was a piece of paper tied to his leg. It was black. She looks at Rongjing.

Rongjing reached out and untied the note, opened it slowly, and after a look at it, he said to the cloud and the moon: "the time limit for the king of Southern Xinjiang has arrived."

Cloud shallow month one Zheng, "is not have you give medicine, South Xinjiang king has half a year life span?"? From the time ye Qian left with cloud and dusk cold, there should be one or two months left? "

"This year's winter has come quickly and coldly. Due to the topography of Southern Xinjiang, Tiansheng capital is dry and cold, while Southern Xinjiang is cold and overcast. It's the limit of Wang's long illness that he has been supported by drugs for such a long time. If he can't bear it, he should. " Rong Jing Wen Sheng Dao.

Yunqianyue nodded, "if the king of Southern Xinjiang dies, should ye Qian inherit the throne?"

"Well!" Rongjing nodded.

"The Prime Minister of Qin left Beijing today with his family members, don't you know?" Cloud shallow moon asks again.

"Nature knows!" Rongjing nodded.

"What about Qin Qing?" Yunqianyue thought of Qin Qing, the young prince of the prime minister's residence, who she met that day. Rongjing invited him to have tea. Later, she heard that yuzishu was leaving, so she forgot to ask him about it. Now she remembered.

"Stay!" Yung King Road.

Cloud shallow moon picks eyebrow, "how to leave a law?"

"He and my five sisters are in love and are willing to enter the Rong palace. I left it. " Yung King Road.

"Did Prime Minister Qin agree?" Cloud light moon looks at the scene.

"Of course, I don't agree, but Qin Qing and the Prime Minister of Qin cut off the relationship between father and son." Rong Jing said: "after that, he was a member of the Rong palace."

Yun Xiaoyue suddenly laughed, "it's interesting. I didn't expect such a shy boy to be able to do such things. At present, the prime minister doesn't think that his son is a coward

Rong Jing smiles, "this is about the power of love. If five sisters don't go with him, he just doesn't want to go. I'll help them. "

Yunqianyue looked at Rongjing, staring at his eyes and said: "is it so simple? Is it true that the fifth miss is a legitimate one? The Prime Minister of Qin returns to his hometown. The splendor of Qin's house, like that of the prince's house, has become a thing of the past, but you have left Qin Qing. Are you sure you don't have another idea? "

Rong Jing raised eyebrows and asked with a smile, "what do I think?"

"Is the hometown of the Prime Minister of Qin in southern Xinjiang?"

"Well, it seems to be in southern Xinjiang." Rongjing nodded.

Cloud shallow moon sighed, "it seems that ye Qian and cloud dusk cold must be busy, while they want to be bereaved and guard Southern Xinjiang. I don't know if they are the opponents of the crafty Prime Minister of Qin. "

Rong Jing Wen Yan a smile, "can't look down on Ye Qian, also can't look down on cloud dusk cold, your brother."

Cloud shallow moon does not agree, no longer speak.

Rongjing took out a pen and paper, folded a piece of paper, wrote two words, tied it to the bird's leg, and the bird flew out of the car.

The carriage moved slowly.

Suddenly, the curtain moved, and a man came in from outside. Rong Jinggang was about to make a move. Yu Qingqing's voice rang out, "Xiaojing, it's me!"

"Aunt Qing?" Rongjing withdraws his hand.

"Mother?" Cloud shallow moon Leng for a moment, from the Rong Jing Huai to see jade Qingqing.

After getting on the bus, Yu Qingqing looked at them and said solemnly: "yue'er, my mother got the news from your brother that your uncle seems to be in bad health. She must go to Nanliang. Would you like to go with your mother"Why is my uncle in bad health?" Cloud shallow moon surprised to ask.

"When your uncle went to court this morning, he suddenly fainted in the golden hall. Your brother and the doctor could not see the cause. I feel that things will not be simple. I send a letter to my mother. My mother is just a brother. I have to go to Nanliang. Your uncle has always wanted to see you. Because you are the legitimate daughter of the cloud palace, he can't let you go. But now you have just been enraged by Ye Tianyi in the prison of the Ministry of punishment and the ronghua palace. You can leave the capital in a rage. So my mother came to ask you, would you like to go Yuqingqing road.

Cloud light moon face color also dyed dignified, partial head to see Rong Jing.

Rongjing nodded to her and said gently, "go! How can I not meet my mother and uncle? So as not to regret it later. "

Cloud shallow moon nods, to jade Qingqing way: "go!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!