The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1162

Cloud light moon frown.

"He saw the blood in the imperial mausoleum yesterday, and I don't want to let him see the blood today. You go back The queen said again.

Yunqianyue looked at the closed curtain in the hall. A variety of thoughts were spinning in her mind. For a moment, she nodded calmly, "well, my aunt will take care of her. I'll go back to my house first! "

"Well!" The queen answered.

Yunqianyue turns and walks out. She leaves ronghua palace. The 2000 people who guard the palace put down their swords.

The palace was still as quiet as when she came, and passers-by could see caution.

Out of the palace gate, Ling Lian immediately meets her. Seeing that Yun Qianyue looks bad, she lowers her voice and asks, "Miss, you..."

"Go back to the house!" Yunqianyue gets on the bus.

Ling Lian no longer asked, quickly on the car, a whip, the carriage left the palace.

The carriage just went not far, cloud shallow moon suddenly called out, "stop!"

Ling Lian stops the car suspiciously.

Yunqianyue picked the curtain off the car and turned back to the palace.

Ling Lian was stunned and quickly caught up with the cloud. "Miss, what's the matter with you? Did you see what happened to the Empress Dowager? "

"Like the prison of the Ministry of punishment, ye Tianyi sent people to block ronghua palace." Cloud light moon road.

Ling Lian was surprised and asked carefully, "are you going back to the palace to ask the seventh prince?"

Cloud shallow moon footstep does not stop, the voice is light and cold tunnel: "no, I am going to pick up Rong Jing Xia Chao."

Ling Lian no longer asked, this time did not wait at the gate of the palace, but followed the cloud shallow moon behind.

After entering the palace, yunqianyue called a small eunuch and asked, "where is jingshizi?"

"Back to miss shallow moon, King Shizi is in the Council hall." The little eunuch immediately said.

Cloud shallow moon nodded and went to the meeting hall.

The Council hall is an independent palace in the Imperial Palace, adjacent to the imperial study and the golden hall. It is used for the court officials to discuss affairs except for the upper court, mainly for a group of courtiers with Prime Minister as the main body.

Yunqianyue stops outside the meeting hall and looks at the palace quietly. Although it is no more brilliant than Jinluan hall, Shengyang hall, Ronghua palace and imperial study, it is also vigorous and strict.

When the two eunuchs outside the meeting hall saw Yun Qianyue, they were all in a daze. One of the eunuchs came up and saluted Yun Qianyue, "how do you do for miss Jianyue? Can I help you? "

"I'm waiting for you to come back to you!" Cloud light moon road.

The eunuch hesitated for a moment and asked, "Prince Jing is discussing business. The Regent is also in the Council hall today. You I'll give you a report

"No, I'll wait for him here." The moon shakes her head.

Small eunuch smell speech a sigh of relief, obviously do not want to go in to report, turned to walk back.

Ling Lian stood for a long time with Yun Qianyue. She took a look at the sky and said in a low voice: "Miss, it's still early. It must be a long time before King Shizi can come out. There's a warm pavilion over there. Please go in and wait! You can see Jing Shizi come out. "

"No! Just wait here. " Cloud shallow moon shakes head, looked at Ling Lian one eye, "you return to the mansion first!"

Ling Lian shook her head, "I'll wait with you."

Cloud shallow moon no longer speak, with the hand tight body's cape. The fur of the ferret was warm, which warmed her cold heart.

An hour later, several small eunuchs came into the meeting hall with food boxes.

Half an hour later, the small eunuchs came out with empty boxes.

Another hour, the sound of the afternoon to the west, clouds shrouded, the sun disappeared into the clouds, the moon, blowing a cold wind.

Ling Lian opened her mouth and looked at the calm look of the cloud light moon, but she didn't speak. She had been smart and had been with Yun Xiaoyue for a long time. She also understood the situation. The Regent was in charge of power, but she could not do anything. She started from other places and wanted her to compromise. However, she didn't come to the regent to ask for the fourth prince or the queen, but she came here to wait for king jingshizi to come to court. This was to make it clear to the Regent that she would not ask for compromise, even one She is concerned about the fourth prince, a person is her aunt.

Another hour, the strong wind, roll up the clouds, light moon clothes, long hair, almost blowing people.

Ling Lian quickly blocks in the cloud shallow moon side, protects her.

Cloud shallow month looked at Ling Lian one eye, reached out to pat her, "I'm ok!"

As she said, the door of the hall opened from inside and a group of people came out. At first, one was night Tianyi, walking slowly three feet behind him, and then a series of familiar faces. Prince De, Prince Xiao, ye qingran, Rongfeng, Leng Shao Zhuo, etc.

Night Tianyi saw the cloud and the moon and stopped slowly. It seemed that he was not surprised. It was obvious that someone had reported to him.

Rong Jing also has no unexpected color, the eye light falls on Ling Lian's hand that covers the wind to the cloud light moon, and the eye light is dyed with a trace of warmth.

Yunqianyue looks at Rongjing for a little night. Tianyi falls on Rongjing and sees him wearing the crescent white brocade robe she sewed for him, and the sachet she embroidered for her is on his waist. The side of the sachet is just a pair of mandarin ducks playing in the water. She suddenly opened the corner of her mouth with a smile and waved to him in a relaxed tone, "Rongjing, I'll take you back to the mansion!"Ye Tianyi's face suddenly sank when he saw the smile and relaxed look of yunqianyue.

The more elegant he is, the more gentle he is in the sky. After a while, Linglian immediately put down her hand and retreated to one side. He naturally held Yun's hand and said in a warm voice, "how did you think of coming to pick me up and go back to the house?"

"I'll come to pick you up every day after that." Cloud light moon raised a smile to him.

Rong Jing's eyes flashed and she said with a gentle smile, "OK, you will come to pick me up every day. But don't wait here. Go to the warm Pavilion opposite. Why suffer what you don't have to suffer? You're blowing in the cold wind like this. You're sincere enough to stop me from doing things. "

"Well, listen to you!" Cloud shallow month looked at the warm pavilion that Ling Lian said earlier and nodded with a smile.

"Let's go, let's go back to the house!" Rong Jing holds the cloud and the moon and walks outside the palace as if no one else is there.

All the people who came out of the Council hall did not speak out. They all took a peek at night Tianyi.

Night Tianyi did not say a word, but went out of the meeting hall without expression and went to the imperial study. After a look at them, some of them followed yetianyi, others walked out of the palace.

Turn behind, cloud shallow moon smile suddenly lost, Rong Jing looked at her, did not speak.

Two people all the way out of the Palace door, on the carriage, cloud shallow moon hands embrace Rong Jing's waist, nest into his arms.

Rong Jing looked down at her and said with a smile, "I feel uncomfortable again?"

"It's not uncomfortable. It's hard." The cloud is shallow and the moon is low.

"Because the Regent did two things? One about the prison of the Ministry of punishment, and the other about the palace of glory? " Rong Jing raises her eyebrows. , the fastest update of the webnovel!