The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1161

Brunei also saw the cloud shallow moon, hurriedly came over, respectfully saluted, "Miss shallow moon!"

"Are these people going to get married?" Cloud shallow moon looks at that group of women to ask.

"The Regent decreed that the former Emperor had gone, and that these women would no longer be able to serve the former Emperor or stay in the palace. Those who would like to return home would go home by themselves, and those who did not want to go back would be sent to nunneries a hundred miles away." Brunei immediately replied, "the Prime Minister of Qin returned to his hometown today. The Regent said that Princess Qin had been living in the palace all her life, especially hard. She went back to her hometown with the Prime Minister of Qin for the rest of her life."

"Oh? What a benevolent Regent Cloud shallow moon picks eyebrow to smile.

Brunei took a look at Yun Qianyue and said cautiously: "the Regent has issued an imperial edict that these women should have been buried with the late emperor, but miss shallow moon is kind-hearted and suggests this to him. She says that these people have served the emperor in the past and can not be buried with their lives. He thought it was reasonable, so he adopted it. "

Cloud shallow month hears speech again pick eyebrow, in her name? She remembered that she had discussed the funeral with Ye Tianyi, but that was seven or eight years ago. She restrained her look, nodded and shifted the subject, "where is the Empress Dowager?"

"The Empress Dowager was cool in the great funeral of the former Emperor yesterday. Now she is cultivating herself in the palace." Brunei said immediately.

Cloud shallow moon no longer more words, lift step to the palace.

"Miss moon!" Imperial concubine Qin suddenly called for the moon.

Yunqianyue stops and looks at Princess Qin. She has already taken off her palace dress and put on an ordinary old woman's dress. She looks rather old-fashioned, but she is not haggard. On the contrary, she is in excellent spirits. She did not speak, waiting for her to speak.

"Miss shallow moon is really good at it! This is the only woman you have ever had! " The old voice of Princess Qin said, "it's unheard of to destroy the imperial edict of the late emperor without being infected by the plant, destroying the tomb God bell and being safe and sound. It's unheard of that the Regent advised the concubines not to be buried with them."

"Princess Qin should have been buried with her when the first emperor went. Why didn't you go to the funeral? That's because you have a good brother who is the prime minister, so you don't need to be buried with you, and you have enjoyed 20 or 30 years in this palace. They can't be sent to be buried with them just because they don't have a good brother who is a prime minister and an important official in the court. Do you think so? " Yunqianyue looks at her.

Princess Qin suddenly laughed, "Miss shallow moon is so sharp! I hope you've always been able to do that! "

"It's no trouble for you!" Cloud shallow moon light way: "I hope you can really enjoy your life."

Qin Taifei's old face is cold. Yunqianyue no longer looks at her and walks into the palace gate. After his death, Brunei began to shout for people to get on the bus. For a while, the palace gate was very busy.

The white silk and cloth hanging in the palace have long been removed. The pavilions, pavilions, rockeries and roads have been cleaned up, driving away some dullness, and restoring the image of the Imperial Palace in the past.

On the way, the eunuchs and eunuchs in twos and threes saw the cloud and the moon. As always, the palace guards were in good order, just like the old emperor was alive. It seemed that there was no change. If you really pick out a few changes, it is not seen in the pavilion or waterside pavilion view of the concubines.

The whole palace is quiet.

Yunqianyue came to ronghua palace all the way. The guards in front of the gate of ronghua palace were twice as many as before, and the guards who guarded the gate were changed. It's not a familiar face. She stopped and watched quietly.

"Miss moon!" A guard stepped forward and saluted the moon.

"I want to see my aunt!" Cloud light moon road.

"Does Miss moon have a Regent's token or instruction?" Asked the guard.

Cloud shallow moon squint eyes, "I come to the palace is always want to come, want to leave. Come to my aunt's bedroom. Why? Do you need the Regent's token or instruction today? "

"Back to miss shallow moon, the Regent ordered that the Empress Dowager's mother had a noble son, but she was too weak. The first emperor went away. The Empress Dowager worked very hard and needed to be well cared for. No one should disturb her. After all, the jade body of the Empress Dowager's wife is related to the future emperor and the land of the heavenly saint. " The guard returned respectfully.

"So I can't even see my aunt?" The cloud is shallow, the eye light is cold.

"Yes, the Regent said no one should disturb, including Miss moon." The guard nodded positively.

The cloud shallow moon asked coldly, "when did this will come down?"

"Yesterday the emperor came back from his great funeral!"

"What does the Empress Dowager say?" Cloud shallow moon asks again.

"The Empress Dowager thinks the Regent is right!" The guard road.

"What a queen mother thinks the Regent is right!" Cloud shallow moon suddenly sneer, "if I must go in!"

The guard suddenly knelt down on the ground and said in a deep voice, "two thousand guards of ronghua palace will be executed if they are released into the palace without the instruction of the Regent, or if they are forced to break into us without stopping us." After all, he added: "the Regent said that if Miss Qianyue wants to see the Empress Dowager and ask him for instructions, he will accompany her. After all, the Empress Dowager and her new emperor are too important to the land of Tiansheng River and mountains. There are still a few months to go before the birth of the Empress Dowager. If you go in without permission, we dare not stop you. We can only commit suicide together. "Cloud shallow month chest suddenly burst into a rage, looking at the person kneeling in front of her. From the prison of the Ministry of punishment to the present ronghua palace, ye Tianyi has issued such a decree, which is forcing her to find him. She had no doubt that as long as she went in, no one would stop her, but these people were absolutely like the man said. They all committed suicide or were executed by night Tianyi.

The guard knelt on the ground and stopped talking. The gate of ronghua palace was as quiet as nobody.

For a long time, cloud shallow moon suddenly kicked away the person in front of her and went to the inside.

The man "ah" was kicked out of the distance. In a moment, he got up and looked at Xiangyun Qianyue. Suddenly, he pulled out his sword from his waist and committed suicide to his neck. The rest of the bodyguards all pulled out their swords and committed suicide. Neat and consistent, sword out of the pin, brush sound.

Yunqianyue seems to have never heard of her. If she had been stopped earlier, she would have been stopped in the prison of the Ministry of punishment with benevolence of 5000 people. Now, if the ronghua palace continues to do so and 2000 people make her stop, she will be really captured by Ye Tianyi. She came to see what would happen to him if two thousand people were splashing blood on the palace today?

"The moon stops!" The voice of the Empress Dowager was heard from ronghua palace.

Cloud shallow moon steps to stop, look inside, only see the main hall door closed, can not see the situation inside.

"Yue'er, my aunt is very good. If you want to come in, please ask the Regent. If you don't want to ask, go back! Don't worry about auntie. " The Queen Mother's voice came out again.

"Auntie, why should you be afraid of him?" Yunqianyue didn't expect that the person who stopped her was her aunt.

"The Regent's way of doing it is very right. My aunt needs to keep her body." The Empress Dowager's voice was dignified, and she could not hear the slightest trapped anger. "What I have in my stomach is the son of heaven, not others. Naturally, be careful. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!