The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1157

In the afternoon, Yu Qingqing came to the light moon Pavilion and saw the sachet in Yun's hands. She looked at both sides of the sachet carefully, and then looked at yunqianyue from head to foot. Then she sat down and sighed.

"What do you sigh for?" The moon took time to glance at her.

"Women can't be left behind." Yu Qingqing is a little sad.

Cloud shallow month scolded her a, "you also mean to say me, you at that time and I also female big not to stay?"

Yu Qingqing gave a dry smile when he heard the speech. He said to the cloud and the moon: "moon, can you teach your mother this double-sided embroidery method? My mother has learned how to make clothes these years, and she has never been able to embroider sachets. "

"No way!" The moon shakes her head.

"I've taught you how to make clothes." Yu Qingqing stares.

"I don't teach anyone about this. I'll let Jing wear it alone. There's only one family in the world. There's no semicolon." Cloud shallow moon proud tunnel.

"You heartless little girl, I am your mother, I want to embroider sachet for your father." Yu Qingqing points cloud on the forehead of the moon with her hand.

"Not so. In the ancestral precepts of the cloud family, the husband is the first, and the father is behind. " Cloud light moon road.

"Are you ashamed? You're not married yet! I'll call them husband? " Yu Qingqing was angry.

"Sooner or later, it's my husband who drives the right first." The cloud is shallow and the moon is not ashamed.

Yu Qingqing stares at her, stares at her for a long time. She is defeated, and compromises: "don't teach this double-sided embroidery method, just teach me the ordinary embroidery method."

"Linglian, do you know how to embroider Cloud shallow moon head also does not lift to ask Ling Lian.

"Miss Hui, the maidservant will!" Ling Lian replied.

"Well, she's up to you. You're responsible for teaching her." Cloud shallow month stretched out his hand to push jade Qingqing, "you go to study, don't hinder me here."

Yu Qingqing stood up, dug cloud shallow moon one eye, smile scold way: "Stinky girl!"

"Master, go to my room!" Ling Lian laughs and goes out the door first.

Yu Qingqing nodded and went out.

The room is quiet down, the cloud shallow moon pierces the needle and thread, ten fingers line the clouds and flowing water, not idle at all.

At ten o'clock in the evening, she finally finished the perfume bag of mandarin duck playing with water, which she had put aside for several months. After finishing, her ten fingers were in general. She threw the sachet, fell down on the soft couch, closed her eyes and muttered, "a good wife and a good mother are really not made by human beings."

The sound of footsteps outside the courtyard is gentle and elegant. It seems to be stepping on a little. It is the consistent style of Rongjing.

Yun Qianyue couldn't lift her strength all over her body. She even felt strenuous to take a look at it. She felt that this kind of work was not very good. It was done by people. Next time, she couldn't promise him casually. In the end, she killed herself.

"King Shizi!" Outside the hospital came Ling Lian and Yi Xue's voice.

Rongjing "um" and walked into the room. As soon as he got to the door, though it was going to be dark now, he saw the sachet on the soft couch. With a slight pause, he looked away and looked at the moon. See her like a Prawn Rice nest on the soft couch, no matter from where to look, it is like very tired. He frowned slightly and stepped in.

When he came to yunqianyue's side, Rongjing reached for the sachet and carefully looked at both sides of the sachet. He was satisfied and said, "well, it's good. It didn't waste my heart to think about it for months, but you didn't let me down."

Cloud shallow month rolled a white eye, "Rong childe, you only have sachet in your eye? Don't you see a big living man dying? "

Rongjing tied the sachet to his waist without raising his head and said, "this is a lesson. If you have something to do as soon as possible, you will naturally be tired. Next time you remember to do it earlier, or you will not be so tired."

Cloud shallow moon glared at him, "you see I am so tired, should not hold me in my arms, with a very guilty, very gentle, very sad tone said you worked hard, knew I was not in a hurry to wait for it?"

Rong Jing looked up and looked at the moon. "Is that still me?"

Yun Xiaoyue completely vented his anger, closed his eyes and refused to look at him, accusing him: "Rong childe, you should wear the peach blossom side outside. Now you wear the cross necked mandarin duck outside. Do you want to spread it all over the world tomorrow and say that you have special hobbies?"

"I'm not afraid. It's time for the whole world to know that I'm anxious to marry you." The scenery is slow and leisurely.

Cloud shallow moon completely speechless.

"Where are the clothes?" Rong Jing asked again.

Cloud shallow month does not have good spirit way: "be Linglian received into the cabinet, you go to get it yourself!"

As expected, Rongjing turned around and went to the front of the cupboard and opened the wardrobe. The crescent white robe was folded neatly on the top. He stretched out his hand and took it out. After that, he took off his robe and slowly changed into a new one.

Yunqianyue opened her eyes and looked at him, and saw that his movements were extremely gentle and casual. Her face looked the same as before. She curled her lips and looked at him. In my heart, I admire that people depend on clothes and Buddha depends on gold clothes. Rongjing was as elegant and elegant as jade, but now she changed the style of the robe with white crescent teeth. It seems that she has stepped up a layer of pure brightness, which is bright enough to shine on the sun and the moon. How can you go out like this? Can't the cross flowers of the whole capital rush on him? She immediately regretted making such clothes for him, and immediately exclaimed, "take off, take off!"Rong Jing fastens the last button, buckles the jade belt, picks the eyebrow, "why?"

"Attract bees and butterflies! It can't be worn. " Cloud light moon road.

"Can you let the jade Prince take off when he puts it on?" Rong Jing raised her eyebrows.

"How could it be? He doesn't belong to my family. It's better to attract bees and attract butterflies to harm women all over the world. But you are not the same. You belong to my family. You must crack down on peach blossom Cloud shallow moon says with a straight face.

Rong Jing suddenly laughed when he heard the speech. The jade face was blooming, and the clouds were competing for the sun.

"Take off Cloud shallow moon strained face urges a way.

Rongjing went to the mirror and took a look. In a moment, he turned back and walked to yunqianyue. He shook his head and said in a warm voice: "yunqianyue, attracting bees and butterflies is not terrible. Those bees and butterflies can see and eat. Only when you can see and eat alone, can you prove that you have the most ability, right?"

Cloud shallow moon nods, admit a way: "this is!"

"So, I will not only wear them, but also wear clothes you make." Rong Jing draws a conclusion.

"But it's still too much to attract bees and butterflies, too much peach blossom!" Cloud shallow moon staring at the scene, weighing the pros and cons.

"You will take good care of me and follow me every day. Where I go, where do you follow me, so that those bees and butterflies can be seamless? What's more, who dares to rob a man from the cloud palace? Don't you want to live? " Let's sit down and walk slowly.

Yunqianyue chuckled and glared at Rongjing. Some speechless way: "Rong childe, what are your three views?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!